blob: bcfdf4cd3a332d6980e0b946d6953127317f7ba5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# coding: utf-8
This module provides a central location for defining default behavior.
Throughout the package, these defaults take effect only when the user
does not otherwise specify a value.
# Python 3.2 adds html.escape() and deprecates cgi.escape().
from html import escape
except ImportError:
from cgi import escape
import os
import sys
from pystache.common import MissingTags
# How to handle encoding errors when decoding strings from str to unicode.
# This value is passed as the "errors" argument to Python's built-in
# unicode() function:
DECODE_ERRORS = 'strict'
# The name of the encoding to use when converting to unicode any strings of
# type str encountered during the rendering process.
STRING_ENCODING = sys.getdefaultencoding()
# The name of the encoding to use when converting file contents to unicode.
# This default takes precedence over the STRING_ENCODING default for
# strings that arise from files.
FILE_ENCODING = sys.getdefaultencoding()
# The delimiters to start with when parsing.
DELIMITERS = (u'{{', u'}}')
# How to handle missing tags when rendering a template.
MISSING_TAGS = MissingTags.ignore
# The starting list of directories in which to search for templates when
# loading a template by file name.
SEARCH_DIRS = [os.curdir] # i.e. ['.']
# The escape function to apply to strings that require escaping when
# rendering templates (e.g. for tags enclosed in double braces).
# Only unicode strings will be passed to this function.
# The quote=True argument causes double but not single quotes to be escaped
# in Python 3.1 and earlier, and both double and single quotes to be
# escaped in Python 3.2 and later:
TAG_ESCAPE = lambda u: escape(u, quote=True)
# The default template extension, without the leading dot.