blob: d405288195c7802a24f31c6723a0ffb50e6c1002 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font.h"
namespace gfx {
// FontListImpl is designed to provide the implementation of FontList and
// intended to be used only from FontList. You must not use this class
// directly.
// FontListImpl represents a list of fonts either in the form of Font vector or
// in the form of a string representing font names, styles, and size.
// FontListImpl could be initialized either way without conversion to the other
// form. The conversion to the other form is done only when asked to get the
// other form.
// For the format of font description string, see font_list.h for details.
class FontListImpl : public base::RefCounted<FontListImpl> {
// Creates a font list from a string representing font names, styles, and
// size.
explicit FontListImpl(const std::string& font_description_string);
// Creates a font list from font names, styles, size and weight.
FontListImpl(const std::vector<std::string>& font_names,
int font_style,
int font_size,
Font::Weight font_weight);
// Creates a font list from a Font vector.
// All fonts in this vector should have the same style and size.
explicit FontListImpl(const std::vector<Font>& fonts);
// Creates a font list from a Font.
explicit FontListImpl(const Font& font);
// Returns a new FontListImpl with the same font names but resized and the
// given style and weight. |size_delta| is the size in pixels to add to the
// current font size. |font_style| specifies the new style, which is a
// bitmask of the values: Font::ITALIC and Font::UNDERLINE.
FontListImpl* Derive(int size_delta,
int font_style,
Font::Weight weight) const;
// Returns the height of this font list, which is max(ascent) + max(descent)
// for all the fonts in the font list.
int GetHeight() const;
// Returns the baseline of this font list, which is max(baseline) for all the
// fonts in the font list.
int GetBaseline() const;
// Returns the cap height of this font list.
// Currently returns the cap height of the primary font.
int GetCapHeight() const;
// Returns the expected number of horizontal pixels needed to display the
// specified length of characters. Call GetStringWidth() to retrieve the
// actual number.
int GetExpectedTextWidth(int length) const;
// Returns the |Font::FontStyle| style flags for this font list.
int GetFontStyle() const;
// Returns the font size in pixels.
int GetFontSize() const;
// Returns the font weight.
Font::Weight GetFontWeight() const;
// Returns the Font vector.
const std::vector<Font>& GetFonts() const;
// Returns the first font in the list.
const Font& GetPrimaryFont() const;
friend class base::RefCounted<FontListImpl>;
// Extracts common font height and baseline into |common_height_| and
// |common_baseline_|.
void CacheCommonFontHeightAndBaseline() const;
// Extracts font style and size into |font_style_| and |font_size_|.
void CacheFontStyleAndSize() const;
// A vector of Font. If FontListImpl is constructed with font description
// string, |fonts_| is not initialized during construction. Instead, it is
// computed lazily when user asked to get the font vector.
mutable std::vector<Font> fonts_;
// A string representing font names, styles, and sizes.
// Please refer to the comments before class declaration for details on string
// format.
// If FontListImpl is constructed with a vector of font,
// |font_description_string_| is not initialized during construction. Instead,
// it is computed lazily when user asked to get the font description string.
// TODO(derat): Remove laziness so that this can be removed.
mutable std::string font_description_string_;
// The cached common height and baseline of the fonts in the font list.
mutable int common_height_;
mutable int common_baseline_;
// Cached font style and size.
mutable int font_style_;
mutable int font_size_;
mutable Font::Weight font_weight_;
} // namespace gfx