blob: f14b7b7be4dc5b270f02fb505be0353643340835 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/platform_font_mac.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "base/mac/foundation_util.h"
#include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h"
#import "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_render_params.h"
namespace gfx {
namespace {
// How to get from NORMAL weight to a fine-grained font weight using calls to
// -[NSFontManager convertWeight:(BOOL)upFlag ofFont:(NSFont)].
struct WeightSolver {
int steps_up; // Times to call with upFlag:YES.
int steps_down; // Times to call with upFlag:NO.
// Either NORMAL or BOLD: whether to set the NSBoldFontMask symbolic trait.
Font::Weight nearest;
// Solve changes to the font weight according to the following table, from
// 1. ultralight | none
// 2. thin | W1. ultralight
// 3. light, extralight | W2. extralight
// 4. book | W3. light
// 5. regular, plain, display, roman | W4. semilight
// 6. medium | W5. medium
// 7. demi, demibold | none
// 8. semi, semibold | W6. semibold
// 9. bold | W7. bold
// 10. extra, extrabold | W8. extrabold
// 11. heavy, heavyface | none
// 12. black, super | W9. ultrabold
// 13. ultra, ultrablack, fat | none
// 14. extrablack, obese, nord | none
WeightSolver WeightChangeFromNormal(Font::Weight desired) {
using Weight = Font::Weight;
switch (desired) {
case Weight::THIN:
// It's weird, but to get LIGHT and THIN fonts, first go up a step.
// Without this, the font stays stuck at NORMAL. See
// PlatformFontMacTest, FontWeightAPIConsistency.
return {1, 3, Weight::NORMAL};
case Weight::EXTRA_LIGHT:
return {1, 2, Weight::NORMAL};
case Weight::LIGHT:
return {1, 1, Weight::NORMAL};
case Weight::NORMAL:
return {0, 0, Weight::NORMAL};
case Weight::MEDIUM:
return {1, 0, Weight::NORMAL};
case Weight::SEMIBOLD:
return {0, 1, Weight::BOLD};
case Weight::BOLD:
return {0, 0, Weight::BOLD};
case Weight::EXTRA_BOLD:
return {1, 0, Weight::BOLD};
case Weight::BLACK:
return {3, 0, Weight::BOLD}; // Skip row 12.
case Weight::INVALID:
return {0, 0, Weight::NORMAL};
// Returns the font style for |font|. Disregards Font::UNDERLINE, since NSFont
// does not support it as a trait.
int GetFontStyleFromNSFont(NSFont* font) {
int font_style = Font::NORMAL;
NSFontSymbolicTraits traits = [[font fontDescriptor] symbolicTraits];
if (traits & NSFontItalicTrait)
font_style |= Font::ITALIC;
return font_style;
// Returns the Font weight for |font|.
Font::Weight GetFontWeightFromNSFont(NSFont* font) {
// Map CoreText weights in a manner similar to ct_weight_to_fontstyle() from
// SkFontHost_mac.cpp, but adjust for MEDIUM so that the San Francisco's
// custom MEDIUM weight can be picked out. San Francisco has weights:
// [0.23, 0.23, 0.3, 0.4, 0.56, 0.62, 0.62, ...] (no thin weights).
// See PlatformFontMacTest.FontWeightAPIConsistency for details.
// Note that the table Skia uses is also determined by experiment.
constexpr struct {
CGFloat ct_weight;
Font::Weight gfx_weight;
} weight_map[] = {
// Missing: Apple "ultralight".
{-0.70, Font::Weight::THIN},
{-0.50, Font::Weight::EXTRA_LIGHT},
{-0.23, Font::Weight::LIGHT},
{0.00, Font::Weight::NORMAL},
{0.23, Font::Weight::MEDIUM}, // Note: adjusted from 0.20 vs Skia.
// Missing: Apple "demibold".
{0.30, Font::Weight::SEMIBOLD},
{0.40, Font::Weight::BOLD},
{0.60, Font::Weight::EXTRA_BOLD},
// Missing: Apple "heavyface".
// Values will be capped to BLACK (this entry is here for consistency).
{0.80, Font::Weight::BLACK},
// Missing: Apple "ultrablack".
// Missing: Apple "extrablack".
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFDictionaryRef> traits(
CFNumberRef cf_weight = base::mac::GetValueFromDictionary<CFNumberRef>(
traits, kCTFontWeightTrait);
// A missing weight attribute just means 0 -> NORMAL.
if (!cf_weight)
return Font::Weight::NORMAL;
// Documentation is vague about what sized floating point type should be used.
// However, numeric_limits::epsilon() for 64-bit types is too small to match
// the above table, so use 32-bit float. Do not check for the success of
// CFNumberGetValue(). CFNumberGetValue() returns false for *any* loss of
// value, and a float is used here deliberately to coarsen the accuracy.
// There's no guarantee that any particular value for the kCTFontWeightTrait
// will be able to be accurately represented with a float.
float weight_value;
CFNumberGetValue(cf_weight, kCFNumberFloatType, &weight_value);
for (const auto& item : weight_map) {
if (weight_value - item.ct_weight <= std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
return item.gfx_weight;
return Font::Weight::BLACK;
// Returns an autoreleased NSFont created with the passed-in specifications.
NSFont* NSFontWithSpec(const std::string& font_name,
int font_size,
int font_style,
Font::Weight font_weight) {
NSFontSymbolicTraits trait_bits = 0;
// TODO(mboc): Add support for other weights as well.
if (font_weight >= Font::Weight::BOLD)
trait_bits |= NSFontBoldTrait;
if (font_style & Font::ITALIC)
trait_bits |= NSFontItalicTrait;
// The Mac doesn't support underline as a font trait, so just drop it.
// (Underlines must be added as an attribute on an NSAttributedString.)
NSDictionary* traits = @{ NSFontSymbolicTrait : @(trait_bits) };
NSDictionary* attrs = @{
NSFontFamilyAttribute : base::SysUTF8ToNSString(font_name),
NSFontTraitsAttribute : traits
NSFontDescriptor* descriptor =
[NSFontDescriptor fontDescriptorWithFontAttributes:attrs];
NSFont* font = [NSFont fontWithDescriptor:descriptor size:font_size];
if (font)
return font;
// Make one fallback attempt by looking up via font name rather than font
// family name.
attrs = @{
NSFontNameAttribute : base::SysUTF8ToNSString(font_name),
NSFontTraitsAttribute : traits
descriptor = [NSFontDescriptor fontDescriptorWithFontAttributes:attrs];
return [NSFont fontWithDescriptor:descriptor size:font_size];
// Returns |font| or a default font if |font| is nil.
NSFont* ValidateFont(NSFont* font) {
return font ? font : [NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSize]];
} // namespace
// PlatformFontMac, public:
: PlatformFontMac([NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSize]]) {
PlatformFontMac::PlatformFontMac(NativeFont native_font)
: PlatformFontMac(native_font,
base::SysNSStringToUTF8([native_font familyName]),
[native_font pointSize],
GetFontWeightFromNSFont(native_font)) {
DCHECK(native_font); // Null should not be passed to this constructor.
PlatformFontMac::PlatformFontMac(const std::string& font_name, int font_size)
: PlatformFontMac(font_name,
Font::Weight::NORMAL) {}
// PlatformFontMac, PlatformFont implementation:
Font PlatformFontMac::DeriveFont(int size_delta,
int style,
Font::Weight weight) const {
// For some reason, creating fonts using the NSFontDescriptor API's seem to be
// unreliable. Hence use the NSFontManager.
NSFont* derived = native_font_;
NSFontManager* font_manager = [NSFontManager sharedFontManager];
if (weight != font_weight_) {
// Find a font without any bold traits. Ideally, all bold traits are
// removed here, but non-symbolic traits are read-only properties of a
// particular set of glyphs. And attempting to "reset" the attribute with a
// new font descriptor will lose internal properties that Mac decorates its
// UI fonts with. E.g., solving the plans below from NORMAL result in a
// CTFontDescriptor attribute entry of NSCTFontUIUsageAttribute in
// CTFont{Regular,Medium,Demi,Emphasized,Heavy,Black}Usage. Attempting to
// "solve" weights starting at other than NORMAL has unpredictable results.
if (font_weight_ != Font::Weight::NORMAL)
derived = [font_manager convertFont:derived toHaveTrait:NSUnboldFontMask];
DLOG_IF(WARNING, GetFontWeightFromNSFont(derived) != Font::Weight::NORMAL)
<< "Deriving from a font with an internal unmodifiable weight.";
WeightSolver plan = WeightChangeFromNormal(weight);
if (plan.nearest == Font::Weight::BOLD)
derived = [font_manager convertFont:derived toHaveTrait:NSBoldFontMask];
for (int i = 0; i < plan.steps_up; ++i)
derived = [font_manager convertWeight:YES ofFont:derived];
for (int i = 0; i < plan.steps_down; ++i)
derived = [font_manager convertWeight:NO ofFont:derived];
// Always apply the italic trait, even if the italic trait is not changing.
// it's possible for a change in the weight to trigger the font to go italic.
// This is due to an AppKit bug. See
if (style != font_style_ || weight != font_weight_) {
NSFontTraitMask italic_trait_mask =
(style & Font::ITALIC) ? NSItalicFontMask : NSUnitalicFontMask;
derived = [font_manager convertFont:derived toHaveTrait:italic_trait_mask];
if (size_delta != 0)
derived = [font_manager convertFont:derived toSize:font_size_ + size_delta];
return Font(new PlatformFontMac(derived, font_name_, font_size_ + size_delta,
style, weight));
int PlatformFontMac::GetHeight() {
return height_;
int PlatformFontMac::GetBaseline() {
return ascent_;
int PlatformFontMac::GetCapHeight() {
return cap_height_;
int PlatformFontMac::GetExpectedTextWidth(int length) {
if (!average_width_) {
// -[NSFont boundingRectForGlyph:] seems to always return the largest
// bounding rect that could be needed, which produces very wide expected
// widths for strings. Instead, compute the actual width of a string
// containing all the lowercase characters to find a reasonable guess at the
// average.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSAttributedString> attr_string(
[[NSAttributedString alloc]
attributes:@{NSFontAttributeName : native_font_.get()}]);
average_width_ = [attr_string size].width / [attr_string length];
DCHECK_NE(0, average_width_);
return ceil(length * average_width_);
int PlatformFontMac::GetStyle() const {
return font_style_;
Font::Weight PlatformFontMac::GetWeight() const {
return font_weight_;
const std::string& PlatformFontMac::GetFontName() const {
return font_name_;
std::string PlatformFontMac::GetActualFontName() const {
return base::SysNSStringToUTF8([native_font_ familyName]);
int PlatformFontMac::GetFontSize() const {
return font_size_;
const FontRenderParams& PlatformFontMac::GetFontRenderParams() {
return render_params_;
NativeFont PlatformFontMac::GetNativeFont() const {
return [[native_font_.get() retain] autorelease];
sk_sp<SkTypeface> PlatformFontMac::GetNativeSkTypefaceIfAvailable() const {
return nullptr;
// PlatformFontMac, private:
PlatformFontMac::PlatformFontMac(const std::string& font_name,
int font_size,
int font_style,
Font::Weight font_weight)
: PlatformFontMac(
NSFontWithSpec(font_name, font_size, font_style, font_weight),
font_weight) {}
PlatformFontMac::PlatformFontMac(NativeFont font,
const std::string& font_name,
int font_size,
int font_style,
Font::Weight font_weight)
: native_font_([ValidateFont(font) retain]),
font_weight_(font_weight) {
PlatformFontMac::~PlatformFontMac() {
void PlatformFontMac::CalculateMetricsAndInitRenderParams() {
NSFont* font = native_font_.get();
ascent_ = ceil([font ascender]);
cap_height_ = ceil([font capHeight]);
// PlatformFontMac once used -[NSLayoutManager defaultLineHeightForFont:] to
// initialize |height_|. However, it has a silly rounding bug. Essentially, it
// gives round(ascent) + round(descent). E.g. Helvetica Neue at size 16 gives
// ascent=15.4634, descent=3.38208 -> 15 + 3 = 18. When the height should be
// at least 19. According to the OpenType specification, these values should
// simply be added, so do that. Note this uses the already-rounded |ascent_|
// to ensure GetBaseline() + descender fits within GetHeight() during layout.
height_ = ceil(ascent_ + std::abs([font descender]) + [font leading]);
FontRenderParamsQuery query;
query.pixel_size = font_size_; = font_style_;
query.weight = font_weight_;
render_params_ = gfx::GetFontRenderParams(query, NULL);
// PlatformFont, public:
// static
PlatformFont* PlatformFont::CreateDefault() {
return new PlatformFontMac;
// static
PlatformFont* PlatformFont::CreateFromNativeFont(NativeFont native_font) {
return new PlatformFontMac(ValidateFont(native_font));
// static
PlatformFont* PlatformFont::CreateFromNameAndSize(const std::string& font_name,
int font_size) {
return new PlatformFontMac(font_name, font_size);
} // namespace gfx