blob: 12c7637246aabc7f5f4e6c25279b814c1dabe483 [file] [log] [blame]
import QtQuick.tooling 1.2
// This file describes the plugin-supplied types contained in the library.
// It is used for QML tooling purposes only.
// This file was auto-generated by:
// 'qmlplugindump -nonrelocatable QtWebEngine.testsupport 1.0'
Module {
dependencies: ["QtQuick 2.0"]
Component { name: "QPlatformInputContext"; prototype: "QObject" }
Component {
name: "QQuickWebEngineErrorPage"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: ["QtWebEngine.testsupport/WebEngineErrorPage 1.0"]
isCreatable: false
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
Signal {
name: "loadingChanged"
Parameter { name: "loadRequest"; type: "QQuickWebEngineLoadRequest"; isPointer: true }
Component {
name: "QQuickWebEngineTestEvent"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: ["QtWebEngine.testsupport/WebEngineTestEvent 1.0"]
isCreatable: false
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
Method {
name: "mouseMultiClick"
type: "bool"
Parameter { name: "item"; type: "QObject"; isPointer: true }
Parameter { name: "x"; type: "double" }
Parameter { name: "y"; type: "double" }
Parameter { name: "clickCount"; type: "int" }
Component {
name: "QQuickWebEngineTestInputContext"
prototype: "QPlatformInputContext"
exports: ["QtWebEngine.testsupport/TestInputContext 1.0"]
isCreatable: false
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
Method { name: "create" }
Method { name: "release" }
Component {
name: "QQuickWebEngineTestSupport"
prototype: "QObject"
exports: ["QtWebEngine.testsupport/WebEngineTestSupport 1.0"]
exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
Property {
name: "errorPage"
type: "QQuickWebEngineErrorPage"
isReadonly: true
isPointer: true
Property {
name: "testInputContext"
type: "QQuickWebEngineTestInputContext"
isReadonly: true
isPointer: true
Property {
name: "testEvent"
type: "QQuickWebEngineTestEvent"
isReadonly: true
isPointer: true
Signal { name: "windowCloseRejected" }
Signal { name: "loadVisuallyCommitted" }