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\example recipes
\title Recipes Example
\ingroup xmlpattern_examples
\brief Using Qt XML Patterns to query XML data loaded from a file.
The Recipes example shows how to use Qt XML Patterns to query XML data
loaded from a file.
\section1 Introduction
In this case, the XML data represents a cookbook, \c{cookbook.xml},
which contains \c{<cookbook>} as its document element, which in turn
contains a sequence of \c{<recipe>} elements. This XML data is
searched using queries stored in XQuery files (\c{*.xq}).
\section2 The User Interface
The UI for this example was created using \l{Qt Designer Manual} {Qt
\image recipes-example.png
The UI consists of three \l{QGroupBox} {group boxes} arranged
vertically. The top one contains a \l{QTextEdit} {text viewer} that
displays the XML text from the cookbook file. The middle group box
contains a \l{QComboBox} {combo box} for choosing the \l{A Short
Path to XQuery} {XQuery} to run and a \l{QTextEdit} {text viewer}
for displaying the text of the selected XQuery. The \c{.xq} files in
the file list above are shown in the combo box menu. Choosing an
XQuery loads, parses, and runs the selected XQuery. The query result
is shown in the bottom group box's \l{QTextEdit} {text viewer}.
\section2 Running your own XQueries
You can write your own XQuery files and run them in the example
program. The file \c{xmlpatterns/recipes/recipes.qrc} is the \l{The
Qt Resource System} {resource file} for this example. It is used in
\c{main.cpp} (\c{Q_INIT_RESOURCE(recipes);}). It lists the XQuery
files (\c{.xq}) that can be selected in the combobox.
\quotefromfile recipes/recipes.qrc
To add your own queries to the example's combobox, store your
\c{.xq} files in the \c{examples/xmlpatterns/recipes/files}
directory and add them to \c{recipes.qrc} as shown above.
\section1 Code Walk-Through
The example's main() function creates the standard instance of
QApplication. Then it creates an instance of the UI class, shows it,
and starts the Qt event loop:
\snippet recipes/main.cpp 0
\section2 The UI Class: QueryMainWindow
The example's UI is a conventional Qt GUI application inheriting
QMainWindow and the class generated by \l{Qt Designer Manual} {Qt
\snippet recipes/querymainwindow.h 0
The constructor finds the window's \l{QComboBox} {combo box} child
widget and connects its \l{QComboBox::currentIndexChanged()}
{currentIndexChanged()} signal to the window's \c{displayQuery()}
slot. It then calls \c{loadInputFile()} to load \c{cookbook.xml} and
display its contents in the top group box's \l{QTextEdit} {text
viewer} . Finally, it finds the XQuery files (\c{.xq}) and adds each
one to the \l{QComboBox} {combo box} menu.
\snippet recipes/querymainwindow.cpp 0
The work is done in the \l{displayQuery() slot} {displayQuery()}
slot and the \l{evaluate() function} {evaluate()} function it
calls. \l{displayQuery() slot} {displayQuery()} loads and displays
the selected query file and passes the XQuery text to \l{evaluate()
function} {evaluate()}.
\target displayQuery() slot
\snippet recipes/querymainwindow.cpp 1
\l{evaluate() function} {evaluate()} demonstrates the standard
Qt XML Patterns usage pattern. First, an instance of QXmlQuery is
created (\c{query}). The \c{query's} \l{QXmlQuery::bindVariable()}
{bindVariable()} function is then called to bind the \c cookbook.xml
file to the XQuery variable \c inputDocument. \e{After} the variable
is bound, \l{QXmlQuery::setQuery()} {setQuery()} is called to pass
the XQuery text to the \c query.
\note \l{QXmlQuery::setQuery()} {setQuery()} must be called
\e{after} \l{QXmlQuery::bindVariable()} {bindVariable()}.
Passing the XQuery to \l{QXmlQuery::setQuery()} {setQuery()} causes
Qt XML Patterns to parse the XQuery. \l{QXmlQuery::isValid()} is
called to ensure that the XQuery was correctly parsed.
\target evaluate() function
\snippet recipes/querymainwindow.cpp 2
If the XQuery is valid, an instance of QXmlFormatter is created to
format the query result as XML into a QBuffer. To evaluate the
XQuery, an overload of \l{QXmlQuery::evaluateTo()} {evaluateTo()} is
called that takes a QAbstractXmlReceiver for its output
(QXmlFormatter inherits QAbstractXmlReceiver). Finally, the
formatted XML result is displayed in the UI's bottom text view.
\note Each XQuery \c{.xq} file must declare the \c{$inputDocument}
variable to represent the \c cookbook.xml document:
(: All ingredients for Mushroom Soup. :)
declare variable $inputDocument external;
doc($inputDocument)/cookbook/recipe[@xml:id = "MushroomSoup"]/ingredient/
<p>{@name, @quantity}</p>
\note If you add add your own query.xq files, you must declare the
\c{$inputDocument} and use it as shown above.