blob: 3bf3ba3edbc82c1fdc6a6eb349c93faf0f922c07 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: UTF-8
# pt-index-usage
# Copyright(c) 2015 Uptime Technologies, LLC.
import sys, os
libpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + "/../lib")
import getopt
import PsqlWrapper
class IndexUsage:
def build_where_clause(self, where_clause, cond):
if where_clause is None:
where_clause = " where "
where_clause = where_clause + " and "
where_clause = where_clause + " " + cond
return where_clause
def __init__(self, psql, owner, schema, table, index, unused, debug=False):
self.debug = debug
self.psql = psql
where_clause = None
if schema is not None:
where_clause = self.build_where_clause(where_clause, "s.schemaname = '" + schema + "'")
if owner is not None:
where_clause = self.build_where_clause(where_clause, "u.usename = '" + owner + "'")
if table is not None:
where_clause = self.build_where_clause(where_clause, "s.relname = '" + table + "'")
if index is not None:
where_clause = self.build_where_clause(where_clause, "s.indexrelname = '" + index + "'")
if unused is True:
where_clause = self.build_where_clause(where_clause, "idx_scan = 0")
if where_clause is None:
where_clause = ''
# indislive: 9.3 or later
indislive = ''
if self.psql.get_version() >= 9.3:
indislive = ' || case when indislive then \',\' else \'NOTLIVE\' end '
self.query = ' \
select \
s.indexrelid as "OID", \
u.usename as "OWNER", \
s.schemaname as "SCHEMA", \
s.relname as "TABLE", \
s.indexrelname as "INDEX", \
pg_relation_size(s.indexrelid)/8192 as "BLKS", \
idx_scan as "SCAN", \
idx_tup_read as "T_READ", \
idx_tup_fetch as "T_FTCH", \
idx_blks_read as "B_READ", \
idx_blks_hit as "B_HIT", \
regexp_replace( \
case when indisvalid then \',\' else \'INVALID,\' end || \
case when indisready then \',\' else \'NOTREADY,\' end \
%s , \
\',+$\', \'\') as "STATUS", \
coalesce(spcname, (select spcname from pg_database d left outer join pg_tablespace t on dattablespace = t.oid where datname = current_database())) as "TABLESPACE" \
from \
pg_stat_user_indexes s left outer join pg_statio_user_indexes s2 \
on s.indexrelid = s2.indexrelid \
left outer join pg_index i \
on s.indexrelid = i.indexrelid \
left outer join pg_class c \
on s.indexrelid = c.oid \
left outer join pg_user u \
on c.relowner = u.usesysid \
left outer join pg_tablespace t \
on c.reltablespace = t.oid \
%s \
order by \
2,3,4 \
;' % (indislive, where_clause)
if self.debug is True:
print self.query
def get(self):
rs = self.psql.execute_query(self.query)
return True
def usage():
print ""
print "Usage: " + os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) + " [option...]"
print ""
print "Options:"
print " -h, --host=HOSTNAME Host name of the postgres server"
print " -p, --port=PORT Port number of the postgres server"
print " -U, --username=USERNAME User name to connect"
print " -d, --dbname=DBNAME Database name to connect"
print ""
print " -o, --owner=STRING Owner name"
print " -n, --schema=STRING Schema name"
print " -t, --table=STRING Table name"
print " -i, --index=STRING Index name"
print ""
print " --help Print this help."
print ""
if __name__ == "__main__":
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h:p:U:d:o:n:t:i:u",
["help", "debug", "host=", "port=", "username=", "dbname=",
"owner=", "schema=", "table=", "index=", "unused"])
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
print str(err)
host = None
port = None
username = None
dbname = None
owner = None
schema = None
table = None
index = None
unused = False
debug = None
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-h", "--host"):
host = a
elif o in ("-p", "--port"):
port = int(a)
elif o in ("-U", "--username"):
username = a
elif o in ("-d", "--dbname"):
dbname = a
elif o in ("-o", "--owner"):
owner = a
elif o in ("-n", "--schema"):
schema = a
elif o in ("-t", "--table"):
table = a
elif o in ("-i", "--index"):
index = a
elif o in ("-u", "--unused"):
unused = True
elif o in ("--debug"):
debug = True
elif o in ("--help"):
print "unknown option: " + o + "," + a
p = PsqlWrapper.PsqlWrapper(host=host, port=port, username=username, dbname=dbname, debug=debug)
iu = IndexUsage(p, owner, schema, table, index, unused, debug=debug)
if iu.get() is False: