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Snapshot Functions
This chapter is intended to give detailed information about several snapshot functions, provided in the PgPerf package, to deal with performance snaphsots.
Snapshot Function List
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Function Name Description
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pgperf.create_snapshot(level) Takes a new snapshot.
pgperf.delete_snapshot(snapid) Drops a snapshot specified by the snapshot id.
pgperf.purge_snapshots(interval) Drops snapshots older than the specified period.
pgperf.get_interval(snapid1, snapid2) Gets an interval (in second) between two snapshots.
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pgperf.create_snapshot() Function
``pgperf.create_snapshot()`` function takes a snapshot of the performance statistics, which can be obtained in the PostgreSQL database, and stores them in the snapshot tables.
integer pgperf.create_snapshot(integer level)
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Name Type Description
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level integer Snapshot level to be taken.
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Unfortunately, heavy performance impact could sometimes be generated while taking a snapshot for all the performance statistics available in the database.
To avoid that, ``pgperf.create_snapshot()`` function allows DBA to obtain a snapshot with less performance impact by specifying the snapshot level. Then, DBA can avoid taking a snapshot which generates heavy performance impact so frequently.
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Snapshot Level Snapshot Contents
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1 Obtains a snapshot of the basic access statistics and the session statistics.
pg_stat_database, pg_database_size()
pg_stat_user_tables, pg_statio_user_tables
pg_stat_user_indexes, pg_statio_user_indexes
pg_relation_size(), pg_total_relation_size()
pg_current_xlog_location(), pg_current_xlog_insert_location()
pg_stat_activity, pg_locks, pg_stat_statements
2 In addition to the level 1, obtains a snapshot of the optimizer statistics.
3 Not used.
4 In addition to the level 2, obtains a snapshot of the table/index fragmentation statistics.
pgstattuple(), pgstatindex()
5 Not used.
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pgperf.delete_snapshot() Function
``pgperf.delete_snapshot()`` function deletes a snapshot of the performance statistics specified by the snapshot id.
integer pgperf.delete_snapshot(integer snapid);
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Name Type Description
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snapid integer A snapshot id accociated with the snapshot to be deleted.
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pgperf.purge_snapshots() Function
``pgperf.purge_snapshots()`` function purges older performance snapshots at once.
integer pgperf.purge_snapshots(interval period);
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Name Type Description
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period interval A period of the snapshots to be kept in the snapshot tables.
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This function drops snapshots older than the period (interval) specified by the parameter ``period`` .
See the PostgreSQL manual for more details about how to express an ``interval`` value.
* `PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.0: Date/Time Types <>`_
pgperf.get_interval() Function
``pgperf.get_interval()`` function obtains an interval between two snapshots.
This function is intended to give some convenience to convert an obtained value into a 'per-second' value, particularly in SQL scripts.
integer pgperf.get_interval(integer snapid1, integer snapid2)
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Name Type Description
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snapid1 integer A snapshot id at the start point.
snapid2 integer A snapshot id at the end point.
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