blob: e72bb13501b51f7f19747574e88ba8d1253f88e9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
select nspname from pg_namespace where nspname = 'pgperf';
(1 row)
set search_path to pgperf;
Output format is unaligned.
Field separator is " | ".
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
pgperf | snapshot | table | pgperf
pgperf | snapshot_pg_current_xlog | table | pgperf
pgperf | snapshot_pg_database_size | table | pgperf
pgperf | snapshot_pg_locks | table | pgperf
pgperf | snapshot_pg_relation_size | table | pgperf
pgperf | snapshot_pg_stat_activity | table | pgperf
pgperf | snapshot_pg_stat_bgwriter | table | pgperf
pgperf | snapshot_pg_stat_database | table | pgperf
pgperf | snapshot_pg_stat_database_conflicts | table | pgperf
pgperf | snapshot_pg_stat_replication | table | pgperf
pgperf | snapshot_pg_stat_statements | table | pgperf
pgperf | snapshot_pg_stat_user_functions | table | pgperf
pgperf | snapshot_pg_stat_user_indexes | table | pgperf
pgperf | snapshot_pg_stat_user_tables | table | pgperf
pgperf | snapshot_pg_statio_user_indexes | table | pgperf
pgperf | snapshot_pg_statio_user_sequences | table | pgperf
pgperf | snapshot_pg_statio_user_tables | table | pgperf
pgperf | snapshot_pg_stats | table | pgperf
pgperf | snapshot_pgstatindex | table | pgperf
pgperf | snapshot_pgstattuple | table | pgperf
(20 rows)
Output format is aligned.
Field separator is " | ".
Table "pgperf.snapshot"
Column | Type | Modifiers
sid | integer | not null
ts | timestamp without time zone | not null
level | integer | not null
"snapshot_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (sid)
"snapshot_ts_idx" btree (ts)