| // Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
| // https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ |
| |
| // null input. |
| null null |
| // Mixed case. |
| COM null |
| example.COM example.com |
| WwW.example.COM example.com |
| // Leading dot. |
| .com null |
| .example null |
| .example.com null |
| .example.example null |
| // Unlisted TLD. |
| example null |
| example.example example.example |
| b.example.example example.example |
| a.b.example.example example.example |
| // Listed, but non-Internet, TLD. |
| //local null |
| //example.local null |
| //b.example.local null |
| //a.b.example.local null |
| // TLD with only 1 rule. |
| biz null |
| domain.biz domain.biz |
| b.domain.biz domain.biz |
| a.b.domain.biz domain.biz |
| // TLD with some 2-level rules. |
| com null |
| example.com example.com |
| b.example.com example.com |
| a.b.example.com example.com |
| uk.com null |
| example.uk.com example.uk.com |
| b.example.uk.com example.uk.com |
| a.b.example.uk.com example.uk.com |
| test.ac test.ac |
| // TLD with only 1 (wildcard) rule. |
| mm null |
| c.mm null |
| b.c.mm b.c.mm |
| a.b.c.mm b.c.mm |
| // More complex TLD. |
| jp null |
| test.jp test.jp |
| www.test.jp test.jp |
| ac.jp null |
| test.ac.jp test.ac.jp |
| www.test.ac.jp test.ac.jp |
| kyoto.jp null |
| test.kyoto.jp test.kyoto.jp |
| ide.kyoto.jp null |
| b.ide.kyoto.jp b.ide.kyoto.jp |
| a.b.ide.kyoto.jp b.ide.kyoto.jp |
| c.kobe.jp null |
| b.c.kobe.jp b.c.kobe.jp |
| a.b.c.kobe.jp b.c.kobe.jp |
| city.kobe.jp city.kobe.jp |
| www.city.kobe.jp city.kobe.jp |
| // TLD with a wildcard rule and exceptions. |
| ck null |
| test.ck null |
| b.test.ck b.test.ck |
| a.b.test.ck b.test.ck |
| www.ck www.ck |
| www.www.ck www.ck |
| // US K12. |
| us null |
| test.us test.us |
| www.test.us test.us |
| ak.us null |
| test.ak.us test.ak.us |
| www.test.ak.us test.ak.us |
| k12.ak.us null |
| test.k12.ak.us test.k12.ak.us |
| www.test.k12.ak.us test.k12.ak.us |
| // IDN labels. |
| 食狮.com.cn 食狮.com.cn |
| 食狮.公司.cn 食狮.公司.cn |
| www.食狮.公司.cn 食狮.公司.cn |
| shishi.公司.cn shishi.公司.cn |
| 公司.cn null |
| 食狮.中国 食狮.中国 |
| www.食狮.中国 食狮.中国 |
| shishi.中国 shishi.中国 |
| 中国 null |
| // Same as above, but punycoded. |
| xn--85x722f.com.cn xn--85x722f.com.cn |
| xn--85x722f.xn--55qx5d.cn xn--85x722f.xn--55qx5d.cn |
| www.xn--85x722f.xn--55qx5d.cn xn--85x722f.xn--55qx5d.cn |
| shishi.xn--55qx5d.cn shishi.xn--55qx5d.cn |
| xn--55qx5d.cn null |
| xn--85x722f.xn--fiqs8s xn--85x722f.xn--fiqs8s |
| www.xn--85x722f.xn--fiqs8s xn--85x722f.xn--fiqs8s |
| shishi.xn--fiqs8s shishi.xn--fiqs8s |
| xn--fiqs8s null |