blob: 440f17d0178b317c1c33030b12f082260a5690d8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
#include <errno.h>
#include <mntent.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "sd-device.h"
#include "alloc-util.h"
#include "ask-password-api.h"
#include "cryptsetup-fido2.h"
#include "cryptsetup-keyfile.h"
#include "cryptsetup-pkcs11.h"
#include "cryptsetup-tpm2.h"
#include "cryptsetup-util.h"
#include "device-util.h"
#include "efi-loader.h"
#include "escape.h"
#include "fileio.h"
#include "fs-util.h"
#include "fstab-util.h"
#include "hexdecoct.h"
#include "libfido2-util.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "main-func.h"
#include "memory-util.h"
#include "mount-util.h"
#include "nulstr-util.h"
#include "parse-util.h"
#include "path-util.h"
#include "pkcs11-util.h"
#include "pretty-print.h"
#include "random-util.h"
#include "string-util.h"
#include "strv.h"
#include "tpm2-util.h"
/* internal helper */
#define ANY_LUKS "LUKS"
/* as in src/cryptsetup.h */
static char *arg_cipher = NULL;
static unsigned arg_key_size = 0;
static unsigned arg_sector_size = CRYPT_SECTOR_SIZE;
static int arg_key_slot = CRYPT_ANY_SLOT;
static unsigned arg_keyfile_size = 0;
static uint64_t arg_keyfile_offset = 0;
static bool arg_keyfile_erase = false;
static bool arg_try_empty_password = false;
static char *arg_hash = NULL;
static char *arg_header = NULL;
static unsigned arg_tries = 3;
static bool arg_readonly = false;
static bool arg_verify = false;
static AskPasswordFlags arg_ask_password_flags = 0;
static bool arg_discards = false;
static bool arg_same_cpu_crypt = false;
static bool arg_submit_from_crypt_cpus = false;
static bool arg_no_read_workqueue = false;
static bool arg_no_write_workqueue = false;
static bool arg_tcrypt_hidden = false;
static bool arg_tcrypt_system = false;
static bool arg_tcrypt_veracrypt = false;
static char **arg_tcrypt_keyfiles = NULL;
static uint64_t arg_offset = 0;
static uint64_t arg_skip = 0;
static usec_t arg_timeout = USEC_INFINITY;
static char *arg_pkcs11_uri = NULL;
static bool arg_pkcs11_uri_auto = false;
static char *arg_fido2_device = NULL;
static bool arg_fido2_device_auto = false;
static void *arg_fido2_cid = NULL;
static size_t arg_fido2_cid_size = 0;
static char *arg_fido2_rp_id = NULL;
static char *arg_tpm2_device = NULL;
static bool arg_tpm2_device_auto = false;
static uint32_t arg_tpm2_pcr_mask = UINT32_MAX;
static bool arg_headless = false;
STATIC_DESTRUCTOR_REGISTER(arg_tcrypt_keyfiles, strv_freep);
STATIC_DESTRUCTOR_REGISTER(arg_pkcs11_uri, freep);
STATIC_DESTRUCTOR_REGISTER(arg_fido2_device, freep);
STATIC_DESTRUCTOR_REGISTER(arg_fido2_cid, freep);
STATIC_DESTRUCTOR_REGISTER(arg_fido2_rp_id, freep);
STATIC_DESTRUCTOR_REGISTER(arg_tpm2_device, freep);
/* Options Debian's crypttab knows we don't:
static int parse_one_option(const char *option) {
const char *val;
int r;
/* Handled outside of this tool */
if (STR_IN_SET(option, "noauto", "auto", "nofail", "fail", "_netdev", "keyfile-timeout"))
return 0;
if (startswith(option, "keyfile-timeout="))
return 0;
if ((val = startswith(option, "cipher="))) {
r = free_and_strdup(&arg_cipher, val);
if (r < 0)
return log_oom();
} else if ((val = startswith(option, "size="))) {
r = safe_atou(val, &arg_key_size);
if (r < 0) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to parse %s, ignoring: %m", option);
return 0;
if (arg_key_size % 8) {
log_error("size= not a multiple of 8, ignoring.");
return 0;
arg_key_size /= 8;
} else if ((val = startswith(option, "sector-size="))) {
r = safe_atou(val, &arg_sector_size);
if (r < 0) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to parse %s, ignoring: %m", option);
return 0;
if (arg_sector_size % 2) {
log_error("sector-size= not a multiple of 2, ignoring.");
return 0;
if (arg_sector_size < CRYPT_SECTOR_SIZE || arg_sector_size > CRYPT_MAX_SECTOR_SIZE) {
log_error("sector-size= is outside of %u and %u, ignoring.", CRYPT_SECTOR_SIZE, CRYPT_MAX_SECTOR_SIZE);
return 0;
} else if ((val = startswith(option, "key-slot=")) ||
(val = startswith(option, "keyslot="))) {
arg_type = ANY_LUKS;
r = safe_atoi(val, &arg_key_slot);
if (r < 0) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to parse %s, ignoring: %m", option);
return 0;
} else if ((val = startswith(option, "tcrypt-keyfile="))) {
arg_type = CRYPT_TCRYPT;
if (path_is_absolute(val)) {
if (strv_extend(&arg_tcrypt_keyfiles, val) < 0)
return log_oom();
} else
log_error("Key file path \"%s\" is not absolute. Ignoring.", val);
} else if ((val = startswith(option, "keyfile-size="))) {
r = safe_atou(val, &arg_keyfile_size);
if (r < 0) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to parse %s, ignoring: %m", option);
return 0;
} else if ((val = startswith(option, "keyfile-offset="))) {
r = safe_atou64(val, &arg_keyfile_offset);
if (r < 0) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to parse %s, ignoring: %m", option);
return 0;
} else if ((val = startswith(option, "keyfile-erase="))) {
r = parse_boolean(val);
if (r < 0) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to parse %s, ignoring: %m", option);
return 0;
arg_keyfile_erase = r;
} else if (streq(option, "keyfile-erase"))
arg_keyfile_erase = true;
else if ((val = startswith(option, "hash="))) {
r = free_and_strdup(&arg_hash, val);
if (r < 0)
return log_oom();
} else if ((val = startswith(option, "header="))) {
arg_type = ANY_LUKS;
if (!path_is_absolute(val))
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EINVAL),
"Header path \"%s\" is not absolute, refusing.", val);
if (arg_header)
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EINVAL),
"Duplicate header= option, refusing.");
arg_header = strdup(val);
if (!arg_header)
return log_oom();
} else if ((val = startswith(option, "tries="))) {
r = safe_atou(val, &arg_tries);
if (r < 0) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to parse %s, ignoring: %m", option);
return 0;
} else if (STR_IN_SET(option, "readonly", "read-only"))
arg_readonly = true;
else if (streq(option, "verify"))
arg_verify = true;
else if ((val = startswith(option, "password-echo="))) {
if (streq(val, "masked"))
arg_ask_password_flags &= ~(ASK_PASSWORD_ECHO|ASK_PASSWORD_SILENT);
else {
r = parse_boolean(val);
if (r < 0) {
log_warning_errno(r, "Invalid password-echo= option \"%s\", ignoring.", val);
return 0;
SET_FLAG(arg_ask_password_flags, ASK_PASSWORD_ECHO, r);
SET_FLAG(arg_ask_password_flags, ASK_PASSWORD_SILENT, !r);
} else if (STR_IN_SET(option, "allow-discards", "discard"))
arg_discards = true;
else if (streq(option, "same-cpu-crypt"))
arg_same_cpu_crypt = true;
else if (streq(option, "submit-from-crypt-cpus"))
arg_submit_from_crypt_cpus = true;
else if (streq(option, "no-read-workqueue"))
arg_no_read_workqueue = true;
else if (streq(option, "no-write-workqueue"))
arg_no_write_workqueue = true;
else if (streq(option, "luks"))
arg_type = ANY_LUKS;
/* since cryptsetup 2.3.0 (Feb 2020) */
else if (streq(option, "bitlk"))
arg_type = CRYPT_BITLK;
else if (streq(option, "tcrypt"))
arg_type = CRYPT_TCRYPT;
else if (STR_IN_SET(option, "tcrypt-hidden", "tcrypthidden")) {
arg_type = CRYPT_TCRYPT;
arg_tcrypt_hidden = true;
} else if (streq(option, "tcrypt-system")) {
arg_type = CRYPT_TCRYPT;
arg_tcrypt_system = true;
} else if (STR_IN_SET(option, "tcrypt-veracrypt", "veracrypt")) {
arg_type = CRYPT_TCRYPT;
arg_tcrypt_veracrypt = true;
} else if (STR_IN_SET(option, "plain", "swap", "tmp") ||
startswith(option, "tmp="))
arg_type = CRYPT_PLAIN;
else if ((val = startswith(option, "timeout="))) {
r = parse_sec_fix_0(val, &arg_timeout);
if (r < 0) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to parse %s, ignoring: %m", option);
return 0;
} else if ((val = startswith(option, "offset="))) {
r = safe_atou64(val, &arg_offset);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to parse %s: %m", option);
} else if ((val = startswith(option, "skip="))) {
r = safe_atou64(val, &arg_skip);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to parse %s: %m", option);
} else if ((val = startswith(option, "pkcs11-uri="))) {
if (streq(val, "auto")) {
arg_pkcs11_uri = mfree(arg_pkcs11_uri);
arg_pkcs11_uri_auto = true;
} else {
if (!pkcs11_uri_valid(val))
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EINVAL), "pkcs11-uri= parameter expects a PKCS#11 URI, refusing");
r = free_and_strdup(&arg_pkcs11_uri, val);
if (r < 0)
return log_oom();
arg_pkcs11_uri_auto = false;
} else if ((val = startswith(option, "fido2-device="))) {
if (streq(val, "auto")) {
arg_fido2_device = mfree(arg_fido2_device);
arg_fido2_device_auto = true;
} else {
r = free_and_strdup(&arg_fido2_device, val);
if (r < 0)
return log_oom();
arg_fido2_device_auto = false;
} else if ((val = startswith(option, "fido2-cid="))) {
if (streq(val, "auto"))
arg_fido2_cid = mfree(arg_fido2_cid);
else {
_cleanup_free_ void *cid = NULL;
size_t cid_size;
r = unbase64mem(val, SIZE_MAX, &cid, &cid_size);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to decode FIDO2 CID data: %m");
arg_fido2_cid = TAKE_PTR(cid);
arg_fido2_cid_size = cid_size;
/* Turn on FIDO2 as side-effect, if not turned on yet. */
if (!arg_fido2_device && !arg_fido2_device_auto)
arg_fido2_device_auto = true;
} else if ((val = startswith(option, "fido2-rp="))) {
r = free_and_strdup(&arg_fido2_rp_id, val);
if (r < 0)
return log_oom();
} else if ((val = startswith(option, "tpm2-device="))) {
if (streq(val, "auto")) {
arg_tpm2_device = mfree(arg_tpm2_device);
arg_tpm2_device_auto = true;
} else {
r = free_and_strdup(&arg_tpm2_device, val);
if (r < 0)
return log_oom();
arg_tpm2_device_auto = false;
} else if ((val = startswith(option, "tpm2-pcrs="))) {
if (isempty(val))
arg_tpm2_pcr_mask = 0;
else {
uint32_t mask;
r = tpm2_parse_pcrs(val, &mask);
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (arg_tpm2_pcr_mask == UINT32_MAX)
arg_tpm2_pcr_mask = mask;
arg_tpm2_pcr_mask |= mask;
} else if ((val = startswith(option, "try-empty-password="))) {
r = parse_boolean(val);
if (r < 0) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to parse %s, ignoring: %m", option);
return 0;
arg_try_empty_password = r;
} else if (streq(option, "try-empty-password"))
arg_try_empty_password = true;
else if ((val = startswith(option, "headless="))) {
r = parse_boolean(val);
if (r < 0) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to parse %s, ignoring: %m", option);
return 0;
arg_headless = r;
} else if (streq(option, "headless"))
arg_headless = true;
else if (!streq(option, "x-initrd.attach"))
log_warning("Encountered unknown /etc/crypttab option '%s', ignoring.", option);
return 0;
static int parse_options(const char *options) {
for (;;) {
_cleanup_free_ char *word = NULL;
int r;
r = extract_first_word(&options, &word, ",", EXTRACT_DONT_COALESCE_SEPARATORS | EXTRACT_UNESCAPE_SEPARATORS);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to parse options: %m");
if (r == 0)
r = parse_one_option(word);
if (r < 0)
return r;
/* sanity-check options */
if (arg_type && !streq(arg_type, CRYPT_PLAIN)) {
if (arg_offset != 0)
log_warning("offset= ignored with type %s", arg_type);
if (arg_skip != 0)
log_warning("skip= ignored with type %s", arg_type);
return 0;
static char* disk_description(const char *path) {
static const char name_fields[] =
_cleanup_(sd_device_unrefp) sd_device *device = NULL;
const char *i, *name;
struct stat st;
int r;
if (stat(path, &st) < 0)
return NULL;
if (!S_ISBLK(st.st_mode))
return NULL;
if (sd_device_new_from_stat_rdev(&device, &st) < 0)
return NULL;
if (sd_device_get_property_value(device, "ID_PART_ENTRY_NAME", &name) >= 0) {
_cleanup_free_ char *unescaped = NULL;
/* ID_PART_ENTRY_NAME uses \x style escaping, using libblkid's blkid_encode_string(). Let's
* reverse this here to make the string more human friendly in case people embed spaces or
* other weird stuff. */
r = cunescape(name, UNESCAPE_RELAX, &unescaped);
if (r < 0) {
log_debug_errno(r, "Failed to unescape ID_PART_ENTRY_NAME, skipping device: %m");
return NULL;
if (!isempty(unescaped) && !string_has_cc(unescaped, NULL))
return TAKE_PTR(unescaped);
/* These need no unescaping. */
NULSTR_FOREACH(i, name_fields)
if (sd_device_get_property_value(device, i, &name) >= 0 &&
return strdup(name);
return NULL;
static char *disk_mount_point(const char *label) {
_cleanup_free_ char *device = NULL;
_cleanup_endmntent_ FILE *f = NULL;
struct mntent *m;
/* Yeah, we don't support native systemd unit files here for now */
device = strjoin("/dev/mapper/", label);
if (!device)
return NULL;
f = setmntent(fstab_path(), "re");
if (!f)
return NULL;
while ((m = getmntent(f)))
if (path_equal(m->mnt_fsname, device))
return strdup(m->mnt_dir);
return NULL;
static char *friendly_disk_name(const char *src, const char *vol) {
_cleanup_free_ char *description = NULL, *mount_point = NULL;
char *name_buffer = NULL;
int r;
description = disk_description(src);
mount_point = disk_mount_point(vol);
/* If the description string is simply the volume name, then let's not show this twice */
if (description && streq(vol, description))
description = mfree(description);
if (mount_point && description)
r = asprintf(&name_buffer, "%s (%s) on %s", description, vol, mount_point);
else if (mount_point)
r = asprintf(&name_buffer, "%s on %s", vol, mount_point);
else if (description)
r = asprintf(&name_buffer, "%s (%s)", description, vol);
return strdup(vol);
if (r < 0)
return NULL;
return name_buffer;
static int get_password(
const char *vol,
const char *src,
usec_t until,
bool accept_cached,
char ***ret) {
_cleanup_free_ char *friendly = NULL, *text = NULL, *disk_path = NULL;
_cleanup_strv_free_erase_ char **passwords = NULL;
char **p, *id;
int r = 0;
AskPasswordFlags flags = arg_ask_password_flags | ASK_PASSWORD_PUSH_CACHE;
if (arg_headless)
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(ENOPKG), "Password querying disabled via 'headless' option.");
friendly = friendly_disk_name(src, vol);
if (!friendly)
return log_oom();
if (asprintf(&text, "Please enter passphrase for disk %s:", friendly) < 0)
return log_oom();
disk_path = cescape(src);
if (!disk_path)
return log_oom();
id = strjoina("cryptsetup:", disk_path);
r = ask_password_auto(text, "drive-harddisk", id, "cryptsetup", "cryptsetup.passphrase", until,
flags | (accept_cached*ASK_PASSWORD_ACCEPT_CACHED),
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to query password: %m");
if (arg_verify) {
_cleanup_strv_free_erase_ char **passwords2 = NULL;
assert(strv_length(passwords) == 1);
if (asprintf(&text, "Please enter passphrase for disk %s (verification):", friendly) < 0)
return log_oom();
id = strjoina("cryptsetup-verification:", disk_path);
r = ask_password_auto(text, "drive-harddisk", id, "cryptsetup", "cryptsetup.passphrase", until, flags, &passwords2);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to query verification password: %m");
assert(strv_length(passwords2) == 1);
if (!streq(passwords[0], passwords2[0]))
return log_warning_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EAGAIN),
"Passwords did not match, retrying.");
STRV_FOREACH(p, passwords) {
char *c;
if (strlen(*p)+1 >= arg_key_size)
/* Pad password if necessary */
c = new(char, arg_key_size);
if (!c)
return log_oom();
strncpy(c, *p, arg_key_size);
*p = TAKE_PTR(c);
*ret = TAKE_PTR(passwords);
return 0;
static int attach_tcrypt(
struct crypt_device *cd,
const char *name,
const char *key_file,
const void *key_data,
size_t key_data_size,
char **passwords,
uint32_t flags) {
int r = 0;
_cleanup_(erase_and_freep) char *passphrase = NULL;
struct crypt_params_tcrypt params = {
.keyfiles = (const char **)arg_tcrypt_keyfiles,
.keyfiles_count = strv_length(arg_tcrypt_keyfiles)
assert(key_file || key_data || !strv_isempty(passwords));
if (arg_pkcs11_uri || arg_pkcs11_uri_auto || arg_fido2_device || arg_fido2_device_auto || arg_tpm2_device || arg_tpm2_device_auto)
/* Ask for a regular password */
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EAGAIN),
"Sorry, but tcrypt devices are currently not supported in conjunction with pkcs11/fido2/tpm2 support.");
if (arg_tcrypt_hidden)
if (arg_tcrypt_system)
if (arg_tcrypt_veracrypt)
params.flags |= CRYPT_TCRYPT_VERA_MODES;
if (key_data) {
params.passphrase = key_data;
params.passphrase_size = key_data_size;
} else {
if (key_file) {
r = read_one_line_file(key_file, &passphrase);
if (r < 0) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to read password file '%s': %m", key_file);
return -EAGAIN; /* log with the actual error, but return EAGAIN */
params.passphrase = passphrase;
} else
params.passphrase = passwords[0];
params.passphrase_size = strlen(params.passphrase);
r = crypt_load(cd, CRYPT_TCRYPT, &params);
if (r < 0) {
if (r == -EPERM) {
if (key_data)
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to activate using discovered key. (Key not correct?)");
if (key_file)
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to activate using password file '%s'. (Key data not correct?)", key_file);
return -EAGAIN; /* log the actual error, but return EAGAIN */
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to load tcrypt superblock on device %s: %m", crypt_get_device_name(cd));
r = crypt_activate_by_volume_key(cd, name, NULL, 0, flags);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to activate tcrypt device %s: %m", crypt_get_device_name(cd));
return 0;
static char *make_bindname(const char *volume) {
char *s;
if (asprintf(&s, "@%" PRIx64"/cryptsetup/%s", random_u64(), volume) < 0)
return NULL;
return s;
static int make_security_device_monitor(sd_event *event, sd_device_monitor **ret) {
_cleanup_(sd_device_monitor_unrefp) sd_device_monitor *monitor = NULL;
int r;
r = sd_device_monitor_new(&monitor);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to allocate device monitor: %m");
r = sd_device_monitor_filter_add_match_tag(monitor, "security-device");
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to configure device monitor: %m");
r = sd_device_monitor_attach_event(monitor, event);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to attach device monitor: %m");
r = sd_device_monitor_start(monitor, NULL, NULL);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to start device monitor: %m");
*ret = TAKE_PTR(monitor);
return 0;
static int attach_luks_or_plain_or_bitlk_by_fido2(
struct crypt_device *cd,
const char *name,
const char *key_file,
const void *key_data,
size_t key_data_size,
usec_t until,
uint32_t flags,
bool pass_volume_key) {
_cleanup_(sd_device_monitor_unrefp) sd_device_monitor *monitor = NULL;
_cleanup_(erase_and_freep) void *decrypted_key = NULL;
_cleanup_(sd_event_unrefp) sd_event *event = NULL;
_cleanup_free_ void *discovered_salt = NULL, *discovered_cid = NULL;
size_t discovered_salt_size, discovered_cid_size, cid_size, decrypted_key_size;
_cleanup_free_ char *friendly = NULL, *discovered_rp_id = NULL;
int keyslot = arg_key_slot, r;
const char *rp_id;
const void *cid;
Fido2EnrollFlags required;
assert(arg_fido2_device || arg_fido2_device_auto);
if (arg_fido2_cid) {
if (!key_file && !key_data)
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EINVAL),
"FIDO2 mode with manual parameters selected, but no keyfile specified, refusing.");
rp_id = arg_fido2_rp_id;
cid = arg_fido2_cid;
cid_size = arg_fido2_cid_size;
/* For now and for compatibility, if the user explicitly configured FIDO2 support and we do
* not read FIDO2 metadata off the LUKS2 header, default to the systemd 248 logic, where we
* use PIN + UP when needed, and do not configure UV at all. Eventually, we should make this
* explicitly configurable. */
} else {
r = find_fido2_auto_data(
return log_debug_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EAGAIN),
"Automatic FIDO2 metadata discovery was not possible because missing or not unique, falling back to traditional unlocking.");
if (r < 0)
return r;
if ((required & (FIDO2ENROLL_PIN | FIDO2ENROLL_UP | FIDO2ENROLL_UV)) && arg_headless)
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(ENOPKG),
"Local verification is required to unlock this volume, but the 'headless' parameter was set.");
rp_id = discovered_rp_id;
key_data = discovered_salt;
key_data_size = discovered_salt_size;
cid = discovered_cid;
cid_size = discovered_cid_size;
friendly = friendly_disk_name(crypt_get_device_name(cd), name);
if (!friendly)
return log_oom();
for (;;) {
bool processed = false;
r = acquire_fido2_key(
cid, cid_size,
key_file, arg_keyfile_size, arg_keyfile_offset,
key_data, key_data_size,
&decrypted_key, &decrypted_key_size,
if (r >= 0)
if (r != -EAGAIN) /* EAGAIN means: token not found */
return r;
if (!monitor) {
/* We didn't find the token. In this case, watch for it via udev. Let's
* create an event loop and monitor first. */
r = sd_event_default(&event);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to allocate event loop: %m");
r = make_security_device_monitor(event, &monitor);
if (r < 0)
return r;
log_notice("Security token not present for unlocking volume %s, please plug it in.", friendly);
/* Let's immediately rescan in case the token appeared in the time we needed
* to create and configure the monitor */
for (;;) {
/* Wait for one event, and then eat all subsequent events until there are no
* further ones */
r = sd_event_run(event, processed ? 0 : UINT64_MAX);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to run event loop: %m");
if (r == 0)
processed = true;
log_debug("Got one or more potentially relevant udev events, rescanning FIDO2...");
if (pass_volume_key)
r = crypt_activate_by_volume_key(cd, name, decrypted_key, decrypted_key_size, flags);
else {
_cleanup_(erase_and_freep) char *base64_encoded = NULL;
/* Before using this key as passphrase we base64 encode it, for compat with homed */
r = base64mem(decrypted_key, decrypted_key_size, &base64_encoded);
if (r < 0)
return log_oom();
r = crypt_activate_by_passphrase(cd, name, keyslot, base64_encoded, strlen(base64_encoded), flags);
if (r == -EPERM) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to activate with FIDO2 decrypted key. (Key incorrect?)");
return -EAGAIN; /* log actual error, but return EAGAIN */
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to activate with FIDO2 acquired key: %m");
return 0;
static int attach_luks_or_plain_or_bitlk_by_pkcs11(
struct crypt_device *cd,
const char *name,
const char *key_file,
const void *key_data,
size_t key_data_size,
usec_t until,
uint32_t flags,
bool pass_volume_key) {
_cleanup_(sd_device_monitor_unrefp) sd_device_monitor *monitor = NULL;
_cleanup_free_ char *friendly = NULL, *discovered_uri = NULL;
size_t decrypted_key_size = 0, discovered_key_size = 0;
_cleanup_(erase_and_freep) void *decrypted_key = NULL;
_cleanup_(sd_event_unrefp) sd_event *event = NULL;
_cleanup_free_ void *discovered_key = NULL;
int keyslot = arg_key_slot, r;
const char *uri;
assert(arg_pkcs11_uri || arg_pkcs11_uri_auto);
if (arg_pkcs11_uri_auto) {
r = find_pkcs11_auto_data(cd, &discovered_uri, &discovered_key, &discovered_key_size, &keyslot);
return log_debug_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EAGAIN),
"Automatic PKCS#11 metadata discovery was not possible because missing or not unique, falling back to traditional unlocking.");
if (r < 0)
return r;
uri = discovered_uri;
key_data = discovered_key;
key_data_size = discovered_key_size;
} else {
uri = arg_pkcs11_uri;
if (!key_file && !key_data)
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EINVAL), "PKCS#11 mode selected but no key file specified, refusing.");
friendly = friendly_disk_name(crypt_get_device_name(cd), name);
if (!friendly)
return log_oom();
for (;;) {
bool processed = false;
r = decrypt_pkcs11_key(
key_file, arg_keyfile_size, arg_keyfile_offset,
key_data, key_data_size,
&decrypted_key, &decrypted_key_size);
if (r >= 0)
if (r != -EAGAIN) /* EAGAIN means: token not found */
return r;
if (!monitor) {
/* We didn't find the token. In this case, watch for it via udev. Let's
* create an event loop and monitor first. */
r = sd_event_default(&event);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to allocate event loop: %m");
r = make_security_device_monitor(event, &monitor);
if (r < 0)
return r;
log_notice("Security token %s not present for unlocking volume %s, please plug it in.",
uri, friendly);
/* Let's immediately rescan in case the token appeared in the time we needed
* to create and configure the monitor */
for (;;) {
/* Wait for one event, and then eat all subsequent events until there are no
* further ones */
r = sd_event_run(event, processed ? 0 : UINT64_MAX);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to run event loop: %m");
if (r == 0)
processed = true;
log_debug("Got one or more potentially relevant udev events, rescanning PKCS#11...");
if (pass_volume_key)
r = crypt_activate_by_volume_key(cd, name, decrypted_key, decrypted_key_size, flags);
else {
_cleanup_(erase_and_freep) char *base64_encoded = NULL;
/* Before using this key as passphrase we base64 encode it. Why? For compatibility
* with homed's PKCS#11 hookup: there we want to use the key we acquired through
* PKCS#11 for other authentication/decryption mechanisms too, and some of them do
* not not take arbitrary binary blobs, but require NUL-terminated strings — most
* importantly UNIX password hashes. Hence, for compatibility we want to use a string
* without embedded NUL here too, and that's easiest to generate from a binary blob
* via base64 encoding. */
r = base64mem(decrypted_key, decrypted_key_size, &base64_encoded);
if (r < 0)
return log_oom();
r = crypt_activate_by_passphrase(cd, name, keyslot, base64_encoded, strlen(base64_encoded), flags);
if (r == -EPERM) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to activate with PKCS#11 decrypted key. (Key incorrect?)");
return -EAGAIN; /* log actual error, but return EAGAIN */
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to activate with PKCS#11 acquired key: %m");
return 0;
static int make_tpm2_device_monitor(sd_event *event, sd_device_monitor **ret) {
_cleanup_(sd_device_monitor_unrefp) sd_device_monitor *monitor = NULL;
int r;
r = sd_device_monitor_new(&monitor);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to allocate device monitor: %m");
r = sd_device_monitor_filter_add_match_subsystem_devtype(monitor, "tpmrm", NULL);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to configure device monitor: %m");
r = sd_device_monitor_attach_event(monitor, event);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to attach device monitor: %m");
r = sd_device_monitor_start(monitor, NULL, NULL);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to start device monitor: %m");
*ret = TAKE_PTR(monitor);
return 0;
static int attach_luks_or_plain_or_bitlk_by_tpm2(
struct crypt_device *cd,
const char *name,
const char *key_file,
const void *key_data,
size_t key_data_size,
usec_t until,
uint32_t flags,
bool pass_volume_key) {
_cleanup_(sd_device_monitor_unrefp) sd_device_monitor *monitor = NULL;
_cleanup_(erase_and_freep) void *decrypted_key = NULL;
_cleanup_(sd_event_unrefp) sd_event *event = NULL;
_cleanup_free_ char *friendly = NULL;
int keyslot = arg_key_slot, r;
size_t decrypted_key_size;
assert(arg_tpm2_device || arg_tpm2_device_auto);
friendly = friendly_disk_name(crypt_get_device_name(cd), name);
if (!friendly)
return log_oom();
for (;;) {
bool processed = false;
if (key_file || key_data) {
/* If key data is specified, use that */
r = acquire_tpm2_key(
arg_tpm2_pcr_mask == UINT32_MAX ? TPM2_PCR_MASK_DEFAULT : arg_tpm2_pcr_mask,
key_file, arg_keyfile_size, arg_keyfile_offset,
key_data, key_data_size,
NULL, 0, /* we don't know the policy hash */
&decrypted_key, &decrypted_key_size);
if (r >= 0)
if (ERRNO_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED(r)) /* TPM2 support not compiled in? */
return log_debug_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EAGAIN), "TPM2 support not available, falling back to traditional unlocking.");
if (r != -EAGAIN) /* EAGAIN means: no tpm2 chip found */
return r;
} else {
_cleanup_free_ void *blob = NULL, *policy_hash = NULL;
size_t blob_size, policy_hash_size;
bool found_some = false;
int token = 0; /* first token to look at */
/* If no key data is specified, look for it in the header. In order to support
* software upgrades we'll iterate through all suitable tokens, maybe one of them
* works. */
for (;;) {
uint32_t pcr_mask;
r = find_tpm2_auto_data(
arg_tpm2_pcr_mask, /* if != UINT32_MAX we'll only look for tokens with this PCR mask */
token, /* search for the token with this index, or any later index than this */
&blob, &blob_size,
&policy_hash, &policy_hash_size,
if (r == -ENXIO)
/* No further TPM2 tokens found in the LUKS2 header. */
return log_debug_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EAGAIN),
? "No TPM2 metadata matching the current system state found in LUKS2 header, falling back to traditional unlocking."
: "No TPM2 metadata enrolled in LUKS2 header, falling back to traditional unlocking.");
if (ERRNO_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED(r)) /* TPM2 support not compiled in? */
return log_debug_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EAGAIN), "TPM2 support not available, falling back to traditional unlocking.");
if (r < 0)
return r;
found_some = true;
r = acquire_tpm2_key(
NULL, 0, 0, /* no key file */
blob, blob_size,
policy_hash, policy_hash_size,
&decrypted_key, &decrypted_key_size);
if (r != -EPERM)
token++; /* try a different token next time */
if (r >= 0)
if (r != -EAGAIN) /* EAGAIN means: no tpm2 chip found */
return r;
if (!monitor) {
/* We didn't find the TPM2 device. In this case, watch for it via udev. Let's create
* an event loop and monitor first. */
if (is_efi_boot() && !efi_has_tpm2())
return log_notice_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EAGAIN),
"No TPM2 hardware discovered and EFI bios indicates no support for it either, assuming TPM2-less system, falling back to traditional unocking.");
r = sd_event_default(&event);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to allocate event loop: %m");
r = make_tpm2_device_monitor(event, &monitor);
if (r < 0)
return r;
log_info("TPM2 device not present for unlocking %s, waiting for it to become available.", friendly);
/* Let's immediately rescan in case the device appeared in the time we needed
* to create and configure the monitor */
for (;;) {
/* Wait for one event, and then eat all subsequent events until there are no
* further ones */
r = sd_event_run(event, processed ? 0 : UINT64_MAX);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to run event loop: %m");
if (r == 0)
processed = true;
log_debug("Got one or more potentially relevant udev events, rescanning for TPM2...");
if (pass_volume_key)
r = crypt_activate_by_volume_key(cd, name, decrypted_key, decrypted_key_size, flags);
else {
_cleanup_(erase_and_freep) char *base64_encoded = NULL;
/* Before using this key as passphrase we base64 encode it, for compat with homed */
r = base64mem(decrypted_key, decrypted_key_size, &base64_encoded);
if (r < 0)
return log_oom();
r = crypt_activate_by_passphrase(cd, name, keyslot, base64_encoded, strlen(base64_encoded), flags);
if (r == -EPERM) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to activate with TPM2 decrypted key. (Key incorrect?)");
return -EAGAIN; /* log actual error, but return EAGAIN */
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to activate with TPM2 acquired key: %m");
return 0;
static int attach_luks_or_plain_or_bitlk_by_key_data(
struct crypt_device *cd,
const char *name,
const void *key_data,
size_t key_data_size,
uint32_t flags,
bool pass_volume_key) {
int r;
if (pass_volume_key)
r = crypt_activate_by_volume_key(cd, name, key_data, key_data_size, flags);
r = crypt_activate_by_passphrase(cd, name, arg_key_slot, key_data, key_data_size, flags);
if (r == -EPERM) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to activate. (Key incorrect?)");
return -EAGAIN; /* Log actual error, but return EAGAIN */
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to activate: %m");
return 0;
static int attach_luks_or_plain_or_bitlk_by_key_file(
struct crypt_device *cd,
const char *name,
const char *key_file,
uint32_t flags,
bool pass_volume_key) {
_cleanup_(erase_and_freep) char *kfdata = NULL;
_cleanup_free_ char *bindname = NULL;
size_t kfsize;
int r;
/* If we read the key via AF_UNIX, make this client recognizable */
bindname = make_bindname(name);
if (!bindname)
return log_oom();
r = read_full_file_full(
AT_FDCWD, key_file,
arg_keyfile_offset == 0 ? UINT64_MAX : arg_keyfile_offset,
arg_keyfile_size == 0 ? SIZE_MAX : arg_keyfile_size,
&kfdata, &kfsize);
if (r == -E2BIG) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to activate, key file '%s' too large.", key_file);
return -EAGAIN;
if (r == -ENOENT) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to activate, key file '%s' missing.", key_file);
return -EAGAIN; /* Log actual error, but return EAGAIN */
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to read key file '%s': %m", key_file);
if (pass_volume_key)
r = crypt_activate_by_volume_key(cd, name, kfdata, kfsize, flags);
r = crypt_activate_by_passphrase(cd, name, arg_key_slot, kfdata, kfsize, flags);
if (r == -EPERM) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to activate with key file '%s'. (Key data incorrect?)", key_file);
return -EAGAIN; /* Log actual error, but return EAGAIN */
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to activate with key file '%s': %m", key_file);
return 0;
static int attach_luks_or_plain_or_bitlk_by_passphrase(
struct crypt_device *cd,
const char *name,
char **passwords,
uint32_t flags,
bool pass_volume_key) {
char **p;
int r;
r = -EINVAL;
STRV_FOREACH(p, passwords) {
if (pass_volume_key)
r = crypt_activate_by_volume_key(cd, name, *p, arg_key_size, flags);
r = crypt_activate_by_passphrase(cd, name, arg_key_slot, *p, strlen(*p), flags);
if (r >= 0)
if (r == -EPERM) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to activate with specified passphrase. (Passphrase incorrect?)");
return -EAGAIN; /* log actual error, but return EAGAIN */
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to activate with specified passphrase: %m");
return 0;
static int attach_luks_or_plain_or_bitlk(
struct crypt_device *cd,
const char *name,
const char *key_file,
const void *key_data,
size_t key_data_size,
char **passwords,
uint32_t flags,
usec_t until) {
bool pass_volume_key = false;
int r;
if ((!arg_type && !crypt_get_type(cd)) || streq_ptr(arg_type, CRYPT_PLAIN)) {
struct crypt_params_plain params = {
.offset = arg_offset,
.skip = arg_skip,
.sector_size = arg_sector_size,
const char *cipher, *cipher_mode;
_cleanup_free_ char *truncated_cipher = NULL;
if (streq_ptr(arg_hash, "plain"))
/* plain isn't a real hash type. it just means "use no hash" */
params.hash = NULL;
else if (arg_hash)
params.hash = arg_hash;
else if (!key_file)
/* for CRYPT_PLAIN, the behaviour of cryptsetup package is to not hash when a key
* file is provided */
params.hash = "ripemd160";
if (arg_cipher) {
size_t l;
l = strcspn(arg_cipher, "-");
truncated_cipher = strndup(arg_cipher, l);
if (!truncated_cipher)
return log_oom();
cipher = truncated_cipher;
cipher_mode = arg_cipher[l] ? arg_cipher+l+1 : "plain";
} else {
cipher = "aes";
cipher_mode = "cbc-essiv:sha256";
/* for CRYPT_PLAIN limit reads from keyfile to key length, and ignore keyfile-size */
arg_keyfile_size = arg_key_size;
/* In contrast to what the name crypt_format() might suggest this doesn't actually format
* anything, it just configures encryption parameters when used for plain mode. */
r = crypt_format(cd, CRYPT_PLAIN, cipher, cipher_mode, NULL, NULL, arg_keyfile_size, &params);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Loading of cryptographic parameters failed: %m");
/* hash == NULL implies the user passed "plain" */
pass_volume_key = !params.hash;
log_info("Set cipher %s, mode %s, key size %i bits for device %s.",
if (arg_tpm2_device || arg_tpm2_device_auto)
return attach_luks_or_plain_or_bitlk_by_tpm2(cd, name, key_file, key_data, key_data_size, until, flags, pass_volume_key);
if (arg_fido2_device || arg_fido2_device_auto)
return attach_luks_or_plain_or_bitlk_by_fido2(cd, name, key_file, key_data, key_data_size, until, flags, pass_volume_key);
if (arg_pkcs11_uri || arg_pkcs11_uri_auto)
return attach_luks_or_plain_or_bitlk_by_pkcs11(cd, name, key_file, key_data, key_data_size, until, flags, pass_volume_key);
if (key_data)
return attach_luks_or_plain_or_bitlk_by_key_data(cd, name, key_data, key_data_size, flags, pass_volume_key);
if (key_file)
return attach_luks_or_plain_or_bitlk_by_key_file(cd, name, key_file, flags, pass_volume_key);
return attach_luks_or_plain_or_bitlk_by_passphrase(cd, name, passwords, flags, pass_volume_key);
static int help(void) {
_cleanup_free_ char *link = NULL;
int r;
r = terminal_urlify_man("systemd-cryptsetup@.service", "8", &link);
if (r < 0)
return log_oom();
"%s detach VOLUME\n\n"
"Attaches or detaches an encrypted block device.\n"
"\nSee the %s for details.\n",
return 0;
static uint32_t determine_flags(void) {
uint32_t flags = 0;
if (arg_readonly)
if (arg_discards)
if (arg_same_cpu_crypt)
if (arg_submit_from_crypt_cpus)
if (arg_no_read_workqueue)
if (arg_no_write_workqueue)
/* Try to decrease the risk of OOM event if memory hard key derivation function is in use */
/* */
return flags;
static void remove_and_erasep(const char **p) {
int r;
if (!*p)
r = unlinkat_deallocate(AT_FDCWD, *p, UNLINK_ERASE);
if (r < 0 && r != -ENOENT)
log_warning_errno(r, "Unable to erase key file '%s', ignoring: %m", *p);
static int run(int argc, char *argv[]) {
_cleanup_(crypt_freep) struct crypt_device *cd = NULL;
const char *verb;
int r;
if (argc <= 1)
return help();
if (argc < 3)
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EINVAL),
"This program requires at least two arguments.");
verb = argv[1];
if (streq(verb, "attach")) {
_unused_ _cleanup_(remove_and_erasep) const char *destroy_key_file = NULL;
_cleanup_(erase_and_freep) void *key_data = NULL;
const char *volume, *source, *key_file, *options;
crypt_status_info status;
size_t key_data_size = 0;
uint32_t flags = 0;
unsigned tries;
usec_t until;
/* Arguments: systemd-cryptsetup attach VOLUME SOURCE-DEVICE [PASSWORD] [OPTIONS] */
if (argc < 4)
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EINVAL), "attach requires at least two arguments.");
volume = argv[2];
source = argv[3];
key_file = argc >= 5 && !STR_IN_SET(argv[4], "", "-", "none") ? argv[4] : NULL;
options = argc >= 6 && !STR_IN_SET(argv[5], "", "-", "none") ? argv[5] : NULL;
if (!filename_is_valid(volume))
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EINVAL), "Volume name '%s' is not valid.", volume);
if (key_file && !path_is_absolute(key_file)) {
log_warning("Password file path '%s' is not absolute. Ignoring.", key_file);
key_file = NULL;
if (options) {
r = parse_options(options);
if (r < 0)
return r;
log_debug("%s %s ← %s type=%s cipher=%s", __func__,
volume, source, strempty(arg_type), strempty(arg_cipher));
/* A delicious drop of snake oil */
(void) mlockall(MCL_FUTURE);
if (!key_file) {
_cleanup_free_ char *bindname = NULL;
const char *fn;
bindname = make_bindname(volume);
if (!bindname)
return log_oom();
/* If a key file is not explicitly specified, search for a key in a well defined
* search path, and load it. */
fn = strjoina(volume, ".key");
r = find_key_file(
STRV_MAKE("/etc/cryptsetup-keys.d", "/run/cryptsetup-keys.d"),
&key_data, &key_data_size);
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (r > 0)
log_debug("Automatically discovered key for volume '%s'.", volume);
} else if (arg_keyfile_erase)
destroy_key_file = key_file; /* let's get this baby erased when we leave */
if (arg_header) {
log_debug("LUKS header: %s", arg_header);
r = crypt_init(&cd, arg_header);
} else
r = crypt_init(&cd, source);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "crypt_init() failed: %m");
status = crypt_status(cd, volume);
log_info("Volume %s already active.", volume);
return 0;
flags = determine_flags();
until = usec_add(now(CLOCK_MONOTONIC), arg_timeout);
if (until == USEC_INFINITY)
until = 0;
arg_key_size = (arg_key_size > 0 ? arg_key_size : (256 / 8));
if (key_file) {
struct stat st;
/* Ideally we'd do this on the open fd, but since this is just a
* warning it's OK to do this in two steps. */
if (stat(key_file, &st) >= 0 && S_ISREG(st.st_mode) && (st.st_mode & 0005))
log_warning("Key file %s is world-readable. This is not a good idea!", key_file);
if (!arg_type || STR_IN_SET(arg_type, ANY_LUKS, CRYPT_LUKS1, CRYPT_LUKS2)) {
r = crypt_load(cd, !arg_type || streq(arg_type, ANY_LUKS) ? CRYPT_LUKS : arg_type, NULL);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to load LUKS superblock on device %s: %m", crypt_get_device_name(cd));
if (arg_header) {
r = crypt_set_data_device(cd, source);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to set LUKS data device %s: %m", source);
/* Tokens are available in LUKS2 only, but it is ok to call (and fail) with LUKS1. */
if (!key_file && !key_data) {
r = crypt_activate_by_token(cd, volume, CRYPT_ANY_TOKEN, NULL, flags);
if (r >= 0) {
log_debug("Volume %s activated with LUKS token id %i.", volume, r);
return 0;
log_debug_errno(r, "Token activation unsuccessful for device %s: %m", crypt_get_device_name(cd));
/* since cryptsetup 2.3.0 (Feb 2020) */
if (streq_ptr(arg_type, CRYPT_BITLK)) {
r = crypt_load(cd, CRYPT_BITLK, NULL);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to load Bitlocker superblock on device %s: %m", crypt_get_device_name(cd));
for (tries = 0; arg_tries == 0 || tries < arg_tries; tries++) {
_cleanup_strv_free_erase_ char **passwords = NULL;
/* When we were able to acquire multiple keys, let's always process them in this order:
* 1. A key acquired via PKCS#11 or FIDO2 token, or TPM2 chip
* 2. The discovered key: i.e. key_data + key_data_size
* 3. The configured key: i.e. key_file + arg_keyfile_offset + arg_keyfile_size
* 4. The empty password, in case arg_try_empty_password is set
* 5. We enquire the user for a password
if (!key_file && !key_data && !arg_pkcs11_uri && !arg_pkcs11_uri_auto && !arg_fido2_device && !arg_fido2_device_auto && !arg_tpm2_device && !arg_tpm2_device_auto) {
if (arg_try_empty_password) {
/* Hmm, let's try an empty password now, but only once */
arg_try_empty_password = false;
key_data = strdup("");
if (!key_data)
return log_oom();
key_data_size = 0;
} else {
/* Ask the user for a passphrase only as last resort, if we have
* nothing else to check for */
r = get_password(volume, source, until, tries == 0 && !arg_verify, &passwords);
if (r == -EAGAIN)
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (streq_ptr(arg_type, CRYPT_TCRYPT))
r = attach_tcrypt(cd, volume, key_file, key_data, key_data_size, passwords, flags);
r = attach_luks_or_plain_or_bitlk(cd, volume, key_file, key_data, key_data_size, passwords, flags, until);
if (r >= 0)
if (r != -EAGAIN)
return r;
/* Key not correct? Let's try again! */
key_file = NULL;
key_data = erase_and_free(key_data);
key_data_size = 0;
arg_pkcs11_uri = mfree(arg_pkcs11_uri);
arg_pkcs11_uri_auto = false;
arg_fido2_device = mfree(arg_fido2_device);
arg_fido2_device_auto = false;
arg_tpm2_device = mfree(arg_tpm2_device);
arg_tpm2_device_auto = false;
if (arg_tries != 0 && tries >= arg_tries)
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EPERM), "Too many attempts to activate; giving up.");
} else if (streq(verb, "detach")) {
const char *volume;
volume = argv[2];
if (!filename_is_valid(volume))
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EINVAL), "Volume name '%s' is not valid.", volume);
r = crypt_init_by_name(&cd, volume);
if (r == -ENODEV) {
log_info("Volume %s already inactive.", volume);
return 0;
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "crypt_init_by_name() failed: %m");
r = crypt_deactivate(cd, volume);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to deactivate: %m");
} else
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EINVAL), "Unknown verb %s.", verb);
return 0;