blob: bcd87ab1527ec2c47030c6bc8a3dfbd697d36e5c [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <linux/loop.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "capability-util.h"
#include "discover-image.h"
#include "dissect-image.h"
#include "env-util.h"
#include "escape.h"
#include "extension-release.h"
#include "fd-util.h"
#include "fileio.h"
#include "format-table.h"
#include "fs-util.h"
#include "hashmap.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "main-func.h"
#include "missing_magic.h"
#include "mkdir.h"
#include "mount-util.h"
#include "mountpoint-util.h"
#include "os-util.h"
#include "pager.h"
#include "parse-argument.h"
#include "parse-util.h"
#include "pretty-print.h"
#include "process-util.h"
#include "sort-util.h"
#include "stat-util.h"
#include "terminal-util.h"
#include "user-util.h"
#include "verbs.h"
static char **arg_hierarchies = NULL; /* "/usr" + "/opt" by default */
static char *arg_root = NULL;
static JsonFormatFlags arg_json_format_flags = JSON_FORMAT_OFF;
static PagerFlags arg_pager_flags = 0;
static bool arg_legend = true;
static bool arg_force = false;
STATIC_DESTRUCTOR_REGISTER(arg_hierarchies, strv_freep);
static int is_our_mount_point(const char *p) {
_cleanup_free_ char *buf = NULL, *f = NULL;
struct stat st;
dev_t dev;
int r;
r = path_is_mount_point(p, NULL, 0);
if (r == -ENOENT) {
log_debug_errno(r, "Hierarchy '%s' doesn't exist.", p);
return false;
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to determine whether '%s' is a mount point: %m", p);
if (r == 0) {
log_debug("Hierarchy '%s' is not a mount point, skipping.", p);
return false;
/* So we know now that it's a mount point. Now let's check if it's one of ours, so that we don't
* accidentally unmount the user's own /usr/ but just the mounts we established ourselves. We do this
* check by looking into the metadata directory we place in merged mounts: if the file
* .systemd-sysext/dev contains the major/minor device pair of the mount we have a good reason to
* believe this is one of our mounts. This thorough check has the benefit that we aren't easily
* confused if people tar up one of our merged trees and untar them elsewhere where we might mistake
* them for a live sysext tree. */
f = path_join(p, ".systemd-sysext/dev");
if (!f)
return log_oom();
r = read_one_line_file(f, &buf);
if (r == -ENOENT) {
log_debug("Hierarchy '%s' does not carry a .systemd-sysext/dev file, not a sysext merged tree.", p);
return false;
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to determine whether hierarchy '%s' contains '.systemd-sysext/dev': %m", p);
r = parse_dev(buf, &dev);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to parse device major/minor stored in '.systemd-sysext/dev' file on '%s': %m", p);
if (lstat(p, &st) < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to stat %s: %m", p);
if (st.st_dev != dev) {
log_debug("Hierarchy '%s' reports a different device major/minor than what we are seeing, assuming offline copy.", p);
return false;
return true;
static int unmerge_hierarchy(const char *p) {
int r;
for (;;) {
/* We only unmount /usr/ if it is a mount point and really one of ours, in order not to break
* systems where /usr/ is a mount point of its own already. */
r = is_our_mount_point(p);
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (r == 0)
r = umount_verbose(LOG_ERR, p, MNT_DETACH|UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to unmount file system '%s': %m", p);
log_info("Unmerged '%s'.", p);
return 0;
static int unmerge(void) {
int r, ret = 0;
char **p;
STRV_FOREACH(p, arg_hierarchies) {
_cleanup_free_ char *resolved = NULL;
r = chase_symlinks(*p, arg_root, CHASE_PREFIX_ROOT, &resolved, NULL);
if (r == -ENOENT) {
log_debug_errno(r, "Hierarchy '%s%s' does not exist, ignoring.", strempty(arg_root), *p);
if (r < 0) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to resolve path to hierarchy '%s%s': %m", strempty(arg_root), *p);
if (ret == 0)
ret = r;
r = unmerge_hierarchy(resolved);
if (r < 0 && ret == 0)
ret = r;
return ret;
static int verb_unmerge(int argc, char **argv, void *userdata) {
if (!have_effective_cap(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EPERM), "Need to be privileged.");
return unmerge();
static int verb_status(int argc, char **argv, void *userdata) {
_cleanup_(table_unrefp) Table *t = NULL;
int r, ret = 0;
char **p;
t = table_new("hierarchy", "extensions", "since");
if (!t)
return log_oom();
(void) table_set_empty_string(t, "-");
STRV_FOREACH(p, arg_hierarchies) {
_cleanup_free_ char *resolved = NULL, *f = NULL, *buf = NULL;
_cleanup_strv_free_ char **l = NULL;
struct stat st;
r = chase_symlinks(*p, arg_root, CHASE_PREFIX_ROOT, &resolved, NULL);
if (r == -ENOENT) {
log_debug_errno(r, "Hierarchy '%s%s' does not exist, ignoring.", strempty(arg_root), *p);
if (r < 0) {
log_error_errno(r, "Failed to resolve path to hierarchy '%s%s': %m", strempty(arg_root), *p);
goto inner_fail;
r = is_our_mount_point(resolved);
if (r < 0)
goto inner_fail;
if (r == 0) {
r = table_add_many(
TABLE_SET_COLOR, ansi_grey(),
if (r < 0)
return table_log_add_error(r);
f = path_join(*p, ".systemd-sysext/extensions");
if (!f)
return log_oom();
r = read_full_file(f, &buf, NULL);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to open '%s': %m", f);
l = strv_split_newlines(buf);
if (!l)
return log_oom();
if (stat(*p, &st) < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to stat() '%s': %m", *p);
r = table_add_many(
TABLE_TIMESTAMP, timespec_load(&st.st_mtim));
if (r < 0)
return table_log_add_error(r);
if (ret == 0)
ret = r;
(void) table_set_sort(t, (size_t) 0);
r = table_print_with_pager(t, arg_json_format_flags, arg_pager_flags, arg_legend);
if (r < 0)
return r;
return ret;
static int mount_overlayfs(
const char *where,
char **layers) {
_cleanup_free_ char *options = NULL;
bool separator = false;
char **l;
int r;
options = strdup("lowerdir=");
if (!options)
return log_oom();
STRV_FOREACH(l, layers) {
_cleanup_free_ char *escaped = NULL;
escaped = shell_escape(*l, ",:");
if (!escaped)
return log_oom();
if (!strextend(&options, separator ? ":" : "", escaped))
return log_oom();
separator = true;
/* Now mount the actual overlayfs */
r = mount_nofollow_verbose(LOG_ERR, "sysext", where, "overlay", MS_RDONLY, options);
if (r < 0)
return r;
return 0;
static int merge_hierarchy(
const char *hierarchy,
char **extensions,
char **paths,
const char *meta_path,
const char *overlay_path) {
_cleanup_free_ char *resolved_hierarchy = NULL, *f = NULL, *buf = NULL;
_cleanup_strv_free_ char **layers = NULL;
struct stat st;
char **p;
int r;
/* Resolve the path of the host's version of the hierarchy, i.e. what we want to use as lowest layer
* in the overlayfs stack. */
r = chase_symlinks(hierarchy, arg_root, CHASE_PREFIX_ROOT, &resolved_hierarchy, NULL);
if (r == -ENOENT)
log_debug_errno(r, "Hierarchy '%s' on host doesn't exist, not merging.", hierarchy);
else if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to resolve host hierarchy '%s': %m", hierarchy);
else {
r = dir_is_empty(resolved_hierarchy);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to check if host hierarchy '%s' is empty: %m", resolved_hierarchy);
if (r > 0) {
log_debug("Host hierarchy '%s' is empty, not merging.", resolved_hierarchy);
resolved_hierarchy = mfree(resolved_hierarchy);
/* Let's generate a metadata file that lists all extensions we took into account for this
* hierarchy. We include this in the final fs, to make things nicely discoverable and
* recognizable. */
f = path_join(meta_path, ".systemd-sysext/extensions");
if (!f)
return log_oom();
buf = strv_join(extensions, "\n");
if (!buf)
return log_oom();
r = write_string_file(f, buf, WRITE_STRING_FILE_CREATE|WRITE_STRING_FILE_MKDIR_0755);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to write extension meta file '%s': %m", f);
/* Put the meta path (i.e. our synthesized stuff) at the top of the layer stack */
layers = strv_new(meta_path);
if (!layers)
return log_oom();
/* Put the extensions in the middle */
STRV_FOREACH(p, paths) {
_cleanup_free_ char *resolved = NULL;
r = chase_symlinks(hierarchy, *p, CHASE_PREFIX_ROOT, &resolved, NULL);
if (r == -ENOENT) {
log_debug_errno(r, "Hierarchy '%s' in extension '%s' doesn't exist, not merging.", hierarchy, *p);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to resolve hierarchy '%s' in extension '%s': %m", hierarchy, *p);
r = dir_is_empty(resolved);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to check if hierarchy '%s' in extension '%s' is empty: %m", resolved, *p);
if (r > 0) {
log_debug("Hierarchy '%s' in extension '%s' is empty, not merging.", hierarchy, *p);
r = strv_consume(&layers, TAKE_PTR(resolved));
if (r < 0)
return log_oom();
if (!layers[1]) /* No extension with files in this hierarchy? Then don't do anything. */
return 0;
if (resolved_hierarchy) {
/* Add the host hierarchy as last (lowest) layer in the stack */
r = strv_consume(&layers, TAKE_PTR(resolved_hierarchy));
if (r < 0)
return log_oom();
r = mkdir_p(overlay_path, 0700);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to make directory '%s': %m", overlay_path);
r = mount_overlayfs(overlay_path, layers);
if (r < 0)
return r;
/* The overlayfs superblock is read-only. Let's also mark the bind mount read-only. Extra turbo safety 😎 */
r = bind_remount_recursive(overlay_path, MS_RDONLY, MS_RDONLY, NULL);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to make bind mount '%s' read-only: %m", overlay_path);
/* Now we have mounted the new file system. Let's now figure out its .st_dev field, and make that
* available in the metadata directory. This is useful to detect whether the metadata dir actually
* belongs to the fs it is found on: if .st_dev of the top-level mount matches it, it's pretty likely
* we are looking at a live sysext tree, and not an unpacked tar or so of one. */
if (stat(overlay_path, &st) < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to stat mount '%s': %m", overlay_path);
f = path_join(meta_path, ".systemd-sysext/dev");
if (!f)
return log_oom();
r = write_string_filef(f, WRITE_STRING_FILE_CREATE, "%u:%u", major(st.st_dev), minor(st.st_dev));
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to write '%s': %m", f);
/* Make sure the top-level dir has an mtime marking the point we established the merge */
if (utimensat(AT_FDCWD, meta_path, NULL, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed fix mtime of '%s': %m", meta_path);
return 1;
static int strverscmp_improvedp(char *const* a, char *const* b) {
/* usable in qsort() for sorting a string array with strverscmp_improved() */
return strverscmp_improved(*a, *b);
static int validate_version(
const char *root,
const Image *img,
const char *host_os_release_id,
const char *host_os_release_version_id,
const char *host_os_release_sysext_level) {
int r;
if (arg_force) {
log_debug("Force mode enabled, skipping version validation.");
return 1;
/* Insist that extension images do not overwrite the underlying OS release file (it's fine if
* they place one in /etc/os-release, i.e. where things don't matter, as they aren't
* merged.) */
r = chase_symlinks("/usr/lib/os-release", root, CHASE_PREFIX_ROOT, NULL, NULL);
if (r < 0) {
if (r != -ENOENT)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to determine whether /usr/lib/os-release exists in the extension image: %m");
} else
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EINVAL),
"Extension image contains /usr/lib/os-release file, which is not allowed (it may carry /etc/os-release), refusing.");
return extension_release_validate(
static int merge_subprocess(Hashmap *images, const char *workspace) {
_cleanup_free_ char *host_os_release_id = NULL, *host_os_release_version_id = NULL, *host_os_release_sysext_level = NULL,
*buf = NULL;
_cleanup_strv_free_ char **extensions = NULL, **paths = NULL;
size_t n_extensions = 0;
unsigned n_ignored = 0;
Image *img;
char **h;
int r;
/* Mark the whole of /run as MS_SLAVE, so that we can mount stuff below it that doesn't show up on
* the host otherwise. */
r = mount_nofollow_verbose(LOG_ERR, NULL, "/run", NULL, MS_SLAVE|MS_REC, NULL);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to remount /run/ MS_SLAVE: %m");
/* Let's create the workspace if it's missing */
r = mkdir_p(workspace, 0700);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to create /run/systemd/sysext: %m");
/* Let's mount a tmpfs to our workspace. This way we don't need to clean up the inodes we mount over,
* but let the kernel do that entirely automatically, once our namespace dies. Note that this file
* system won't be visible to anyone but us, since we opened our own namespace and then made the
* /run/ hierarchy (which our workspace is contained in) MS_SLAVE, see above. */
r = mount_nofollow_verbose(LOG_ERR, "sysexit", workspace, "tmpfs", 0, "mode=0700");
if (r < 0)
return r;
/* Acquire host OS release info, so that we can compare it with the extension's data */
r = parse_os_release(
"ID", &host_os_release_id,
"VERSION_ID", &host_os_release_version_id,
"SYSEXT_LEVEL", &host_os_release_sysext_level);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to acquire 'os-release' data of OS tree '%s': %m", empty_to_root(arg_root));
/* Let's now mount all images */
HASHMAP_FOREACH(img, images) {
_cleanup_free_ char *p = NULL;
p = path_join(workspace, "extensions", img->name);
if (!p)
return log_oom();
r = mkdir_p(p, 0700);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to create %s: %m", p);
switch (img->type) {
r = mount_nofollow_verbose(LOG_ERR, img->path, p, NULL, MS_BIND, NULL);
if (r < 0)
return r;
/* Make this a read-only bind mount */
r = bind_remount_recursive(p, MS_RDONLY, MS_RDONLY, NULL);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to make bind mount '%s' read-only: %m", p);
_cleanup_(dissected_image_unrefp) DissectedImage *m = NULL;
_cleanup_(loop_device_unrefp) LoopDevice *d = NULL;
_cleanup_(decrypted_image_unrefp) DecryptedImage *di = NULL;
_cleanup_(verity_settings_done) VeritySettings verity_settings = VERITY_SETTINGS_DEFAULT;
DissectImageFlags flags =
r = verity_settings_load(&verity_settings, img->path, NULL, NULL);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to read verity artifacts for %s: %m", img->path);
if (verity_settings.data_path)
r = loop_device_make_by_path(
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to set up loopback device for %s: %m", img->path);
r = dissect_image_and_warn(
if (r < 0)
return r;
r = dissected_image_decrypt_interactively(
m, NULL,
if (r < 0)
return r;
r = dissected_image_mount_and_warn(
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (di) {
r = decrypted_image_relinquish(di);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to relinquish DM devices: %m");
assert_not_reached("Unsupported image type");
r = validate_version(
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (r == 0) {
/* Noice! This one is an extension we want. */
r = strv_extend(&extensions, img->name);
if (r < 0)
return log_oom();
n_extensions ++;
/* Nothing left? Then shortcut things */
if (n_extensions == 0) {
if (n_ignored > 0)
log_info("No suitable extensions found (%u ignored due to incompatible version).", n_ignored);
log_info("No extensions found.");
return 0;
/* Order by version sort with strverscmp_improved() */
typesafe_qsort(extensions, n_extensions, strverscmp_improvedp);
buf = strv_join(extensions, "', '");
if (!buf)
return log_oom();
log_info("Using extensions '%s'.", buf);
/* Build table of extension paths (in reverse order) */
paths = new0(char*, n_extensions + 1);
if (!paths)
return log_oom();
for (size_t k = 0; k < n_extensions; k++) {
_cleanup_free_ char *p = NULL;
assert_se(img = hashmap_get(images, extensions[n_extensions - 1 - k]));
p = path_join(workspace, "extensions", img->name);
if (!p)
return log_oom();
paths[k] = TAKE_PTR(p);
/* Let's now unmerge the status quo ante, since to build the new overlayfs we need a reference to the
* underlying fs. */
STRV_FOREACH(h, arg_hierarchies) {
_cleanup_free_ char *resolved = NULL;
r = chase_symlinks(*h, arg_root, CHASE_PREFIX_ROOT|CHASE_NONEXISTENT, &resolved, NULL);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to resolve hierarchy '%s%s': %m", strempty(arg_root), *h);
r = unmerge_hierarchy(resolved);
if (r < 0)
return r;
/* Create overlayfs mounts for all hierarchies */
STRV_FOREACH(h, arg_hierarchies) {
_cleanup_free_ char *meta_path = NULL, *overlay_path = NULL;
meta_path = path_join(workspace, "meta", *h); /* The place where to store metadata about this instance */
if (!meta_path)
return log_oom();
overlay_path = path_join(workspace, "overlay", *h); /* The resulting overlayfs instance */
if (!overlay_path)
return log_oom();
r = merge_hierarchy(*h, extensions, paths, meta_path, overlay_path);
if (r < 0)
return r;
/* And move them all into place. This is where things appear in the host namespace */
STRV_FOREACH(h, arg_hierarchies) {
_cleanup_free_ char *p = NULL, *resolved = NULL;
p = path_join(workspace, "overlay", *h);
if (!p)
return log_oom();
if (laccess(p, F_OK) < 0) {
if (errno != ENOENT)
return log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to check if '%s' exists: %m", p);
/* Hierarchy apparently was empty in all extensions, and wasn't mounted, ignoring. */
r = chase_symlinks(*h, arg_root, CHASE_PREFIX_ROOT|CHASE_NONEXISTENT, &resolved, NULL);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to resolve hierarchy '%s%s': %m", strempty(arg_root), *h);
r = mkdir_p(resolved, 0755);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to create hierarchy mount point '%s': %m", resolved);
r = mount_nofollow_verbose(LOG_ERR, p, resolved, NULL, MS_BIND, NULL);
if (r < 0)
return r;
log_info("Merged extensions into '%s'.", resolved);
return 1;
static int merge(Hashmap *images) {
pid_t pid;
int r;
r = safe_fork("(sd-sysext)", FORK_DEATHSIG|FORK_LOG|FORK_NEW_MOUNTNS, &pid);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to fork off child: %m");
if (r == 0) {
/* Child with its own mount namespace */
r = merge_subprocess(images, "/run/systemd/sysext");
if (r < 0)
/* Our namespace ceases to exist here, also implicitly detaching all temporary mounts we
* created below /run. Nice! */
_exit(r > 0 ? EXIT_SUCCESS : 123); /* 123 means: didn't find any extensions */
r = wait_for_terminate_and_check("(sd-sysext)", pid, WAIT_LOG_ABNORMAL);
if (r < 0)
return r;
return r != 123; /* exit code 123 means: didn't do anything */
static int image_discover_and_read_metadata(Hashmap **ret_images) {
_cleanup_(hashmap_freep) Hashmap *images = NULL;
Image *img;
int r;
images = hashmap_new(&image_hash_ops);
if (!images)
return log_oom();
r = image_discover(IMAGE_EXTENSION, arg_root, images);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to discover extension images: %m");
HASHMAP_FOREACH(img, images) {
r = image_read_metadata(img);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to read metadata for image %s: %m", img->name);
*ret_images = TAKE_PTR(images);
return 0;
static int verb_merge(int argc, char **argv, void *userdata) {
_cleanup_(hashmap_freep) Hashmap *images = NULL;
char **p;
int r;
if (!have_effective_cap(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EPERM), "Need to be privileged.");
r = image_discover_and_read_metadata(&images);
if (r < 0)
return r;
/* In merge mode fail if things are already merged. (In --refresh mode below we'll unmerge if we find
* things are already merged...) */
STRV_FOREACH(p, arg_hierarchies) {
_cleanup_free_ char *resolved = NULL;
r = chase_symlinks(*p, arg_root, CHASE_PREFIX_ROOT, &resolved, NULL);
if (r == -ENOENT) {
log_debug_errno(r, "Hierarchy '%s%s' does not exist, ignoring.", strempty(arg_root), *p);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to resolve path to hierarchy '%s%s': %m", strempty(arg_root), *p);
r = is_our_mount_point(resolved);
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (r > 0)
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EBUSY),
"Hierarchy '%s' is already merged.", *p);
return merge(images);
static int verb_refresh(int argc, char **argv, void *userdata) {
_cleanup_(hashmap_freep) Hashmap *images = NULL;
int r;
if (!have_effective_cap(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EPERM), "Need to be privileged.");
r = image_discover_and_read_metadata(&images);
if (r < 0)
return r;
r = merge(images); /* Returns > 0 if it did something, i.e. a new overlayfs is mounted now. When it
* does so it implicitly unmounts any overlayfs placed there before. Returns == 0
* if it did nothing, i.e. no extension images found. In this case the old
* overlayfs remains in place if there was one. */
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (r == 0) /* No images found? Then unmerge. The goal of --refresh is after all that after having
* called there's a guarantee that the merge status matches the installed extensions. */
r = unmerge();
/* Net result here is that:
* 1. If an overlayfs was mounted before and no extensions exist anymore, we'll have unmerged things.
* 2. If an overlayfs was mounted before, and there are still extensions installed' we'll have
* unmerged and then merged things again.
* 3. If an overlayfs so far wasn't mounted, and there are extensions installed, we'll have it
* mounted now.
* 4. If there was no overlayfs mount so far, and no extensions installed, we implement a NOP.
return 0;
static int verb_list(int argc, char **argv, void *userdata) {
_cleanup_(hashmap_freep) Hashmap *images = NULL;
_cleanup_(table_unrefp) Table *t = NULL;
Image *img;
int r;
images = hashmap_new(&image_hash_ops);
if (!images)
return log_oom();
r = image_discover(IMAGE_EXTENSION, arg_root, images);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to discover extension images: %m");
if ((arg_json_format_flags & JSON_FORMAT_OFF) && hashmap_isempty(images)) {
log_info("No OS extensions found.");
return 0;
t = table_new("name", "type", "path", "time");
if (!t)
return log_oom();
HASHMAP_FOREACH(img, images) {
r = table_add_many(
TABLE_STRING, img->name,
TABLE_STRING, image_type_to_string(img->type),
TABLE_PATH, img->path,
TABLE_TIMESTAMP, img->mtime != 0 ? img->mtime : img->crtime);
if (r < 0)
return table_log_add_error(r);
(void) table_set_sort(t, (size_t) 0);
return table_print_with_pager(t, arg_json_format_flags, arg_pager_flags, arg_legend);
static int verb_help(int argc, char **argv, void *userdata) {
_cleanup_free_ char *link = NULL;
int r;
r = terminal_urlify_man("systemd-sysext", "1", &link);
if (r < 0)
return log_oom();
printf("%1$s [OPTIONS...] [DEVICE]\n"
"\n%5$sMerge extension images into /usr/ and /opt/ hierarchies.%6$s\n"
" status Show current merge status (default)\n"
" merge Merge extensions into /usr/ and /opt/\n"
" unmerge Unmerge extensions from /usr/ and /opt/\n"
" refresh Unmerge/merge extensions again\n"
" list List installed extensions\n"
" -h --help Show this help\n"
" --version Show package version\n"
" --no-pager Do not pipe output into a pager\n"
" --no-legend Do not show the headers and footers\n"
" --root=PATH Operate relative to root path\n"
" --json=pretty|short|off\n"
" Generate JSON output\n"
" --force Ignore version incompatibilities\n"
"\nSee the %2$s for details.\n",
return 0;
static int parse_argv(int argc, char *argv[]) {
enum {
ARG_VERSION = 0x100,
static const struct option options[] = {
{ "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' },
{ "version", no_argument, NULL, ARG_VERSION },
{ "no-pager", no_argument, NULL, ARG_NO_PAGER },
{ "no-legend", no_argument, NULL, ARG_NO_LEGEND },
{ "root", required_argument, NULL, ARG_ROOT },
{ "json", required_argument, NULL, ARG_JSON },
{ "force", no_argument, NULL, ARG_FORCE },
int c, r;
assert(argc >= 0);
while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "h", options, NULL)) >= 0)
switch (c) {
case 'h':
return verb_help(argc, argv, NULL);
return version();
arg_pager_flags |= PAGER_DISABLE;
arg_legend = false;
case ARG_ROOT:
r = parse_path_argument(optarg, false, &arg_root);
if (r < 0)
return r;
case ARG_JSON:
r = parse_json_argument(optarg, &arg_json_format_flags);
if (r <= 0)
return r;
arg_force = true;
case '?':
return -EINVAL;
assert_not_reached("Unhandled option");
return 1;
static int sysext_main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
static const Verb verbs[] = {
{ "status", VERB_ANY, 1, VERB_DEFAULT, verb_status },
{ "merge", VERB_ANY, 1, 0, verb_merge },
{ "unmerge", VERB_ANY, 1, 0, verb_unmerge },
{ "refresh", VERB_ANY, 1, 0, verb_refresh },
{ "list", VERB_ANY, 1, 0, verb_list },
{ "help", VERB_ANY, 1, 0, verb_help },
return dispatch_verb(argc, argv, verbs, NULL);
static int run(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int r;
r = parse_argv(argc, argv);
if (r <= 0)
return r;
/* For debugging purposes it might make sense to do this for other hierarchies than /usr/ and
* /opt/, but let's make that a hacker/debugging feature, i.e. env var instead of cmdline
* switch. */
r = parse_env_extension_hierarchies(&arg_hierarchies);
if (r < 0)
return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to parse $SYSTEMD_SYSEXT_HIERARCHIES environment variable: %m");
return sysext_main(argc, argv);