blob: 261e687e3f8c2c17ff972f48c218e203c3e665f0 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
#include "bootctl.h"
#include "bootctl-uki.h"
#include "env-file.h"
#include "fd-util.h"
#include "os-util.h"
#include "parse-util.h"
#include "pe-header.h"
#define MAX_SECTIONS 96
static const uint8_t dos_file_magic[2] = "MZ";
static const uint8_t pe_file_magic[4] = "PE\0\0";
static const uint8_t name_osrel[8] = ".osrel";
static const uint8_t name_linux[8] = ".linux";
static const uint8_t name_initrd[8] = ".initrd";
static const uint8_t name_cmdline[8] = ".cmdline";
static const uint8_t name_uname[8] = ".uname";
static int pe_sections(FILE *uki, struct PeSectionHeader **ret, size_t *ret_n) {
_cleanup_free_ struct PeSectionHeader *sections = NULL;
struct DosFileHeader dos;
struct PeHeader pe;
size_t scount;
uint64_t soff, items;
items = fread(&dos, 1, sizeof(dos), uki);
if (items < sizeof(dos.Magic))
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EIO), "File is smaller than DOS magic (got %"PRIu64" of %zu bytes)",
items, sizeof(dos.Magic));
if (memcmp(dos.Magic, dos_file_magic, sizeof(dos_file_magic)) != 0)
goto no_sections;
if (items != sizeof(dos))
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EIO), "File is smaller than DOS header (got %"PRIu64" of %zu bytes)",
items, sizeof(dos));
if (fseek(uki, le32toh(dos.ExeHeader), SEEK_SET) < 0)
return log_error_errno(errno, "seek to PE header");
items = fread(&pe, 1, sizeof(pe), uki);
if (items != sizeof(pe))
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EIO), "PE header read error");
if (memcmp(pe.Magic, pe_file_magic, sizeof(pe_file_magic)) != 0)
goto no_sections;
soff = le32toh(dos.ExeHeader) + sizeof(pe) + le16toh(pe.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader);
if (fseek(uki, soff, SEEK_SET) < 0)
return log_error_errno(errno, "seek to PE section headers");
scount = le16toh(pe.FileHeader.NumberOfSections);
if (scount > MAX_SECTIONS)
goto no_sections;
sections = new(struct PeSectionHeader, scount);
if (!sections)
return log_oom();
items = fread(sections, sizeof(*sections), scount, uki);
if (items != scount)
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EIO), "PE section header read error");
*ret = TAKE_PTR(sections);
*ret_n = scount;
return 0;
*ret = NULL;
*ret_n = 0;
return 0;
static bool find_pe_section(
struct PeSectionHeader *sections,
size_t scount,
const uint8_t *name,
size_t namelen,
size_t *ret) {
assert(sections || scount == 0);
assert(name || namelen == 0);
for (size_t s = 0; s < scount; s++)
if (memcmp_nn(sections[s].Name, sizeof(sections[s].Name), name, namelen) == 0) {
if (ret)
*ret = s;
return true;
return false;
static bool is_uki(struct PeSectionHeader *sections, size_t scount) {
assert(sections || scount == 0);
find_pe_section(sections, scount, name_osrel, sizeof(name_osrel), NULL) &&
find_pe_section(sections, scount, name_linux, sizeof(name_linux), NULL) &&
find_pe_section(sections, scount, name_initrd, sizeof(name_initrd), NULL);
int verb_kernel_identify(int argc, char *argv[], void *userdata) {
_cleanup_fclose_ FILE *uki = NULL;
_cleanup_free_ struct PeSectionHeader *sections = NULL;
size_t scount;
int r;
uki = fopen(argv[1], "re");
if (!uki)
return log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to open UKI file '%s': %m", argv[1]);
r = pe_sections(uki, &sections, &scount);
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (!sections)
else if (is_uki(sections, scount))
static int read_pe_section(
FILE *uki,
const struct PeSectionHeader *section,
void **ret,
size_t *ret_n) {
_cleanup_free_ void *data = NULL;
uint32_t size, bytes;
uint64_t soff;
soff = le32toh(section->PointerToRawData);
size = le32toh(section->VirtualSize);
if (size > 16 * 1024)
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(E2BIG), "PE section too big");
if (fseek(uki, soff, SEEK_SET) < 0)
return log_error_errno(errno, "seek to PE section");
data = malloc(size+1);
if (!data)
return log_oom();
((uint8_t*) data)[size] = 0; /* safety NUL byte */
bytes = fread(data, 1, size, uki);
if (bytes != size)
return log_error_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EIO), "PE section read error");
*ret = TAKE_PTR(data);
if (ret_n)
*ret_n = size;
return 0;
static int inspect_osrel(const void *osrel, size_t osrel_size) {
_cleanup_fclose_ FILE *s = NULL;
_cleanup_free_ char *pname = NULL, *name = NULL;
int r;
assert(osrel || osrel_size == 0);
if (!osrel)
return 0;
s = fmemopen((void*) osrel, osrel_size, "r");
if (!s)
return log_warning_errno(errno, "Failed to open embedded os-release file, ignoring: %m");
r = parse_env_file(s, NULL,
"PRETTY_NAME", &pname,
"NAME", &name);
if (r < 0)
return log_warning_errno(r, "Failed to parse embedded os-release file, ignoring: %m");
printf(" OS: %s\n", os_release_pretty_name(pname, name));
return 0;
static void inspect_uki(FILE *uki, struct PeSectionHeader *sections, size_t scount) {
_cleanup_free_ char *cmdline = NULL, *uname = NULL;
_cleanup_free_ void *osrel = NULL;
size_t osrel_size = 0, idx;
assert(sections || scount == 0);
if (find_pe_section(sections, scount, name_cmdline, sizeof(name_cmdline), &idx))
read_pe_section(uki, sections + idx, (void**) &cmdline, NULL);
if (find_pe_section(sections, scount, name_uname, sizeof(name_uname), &idx))
read_pe_section(uki, sections + idx, (void**) &uname, NULL);
if (find_pe_section(sections, scount, name_osrel, sizeof(name_osrel), &idx))
read_pe_section(uki, sections + idx, &osrel, &osrel_size);
if (cmdline)
printf(" Cmdline: %s\n", cmdline);
if (uname)
printf(" Version: %s\n", uname);
(void) inspect_osrel(osrel, osrel_size);
int verb_kernel_inspect(int argc, char *argv[], void *userdata) {
_cleanup_fclose_ FILE *uki = NULL;
_cleanup_free_ struct PeSectionHeader *sections = NULL;
size_t scount;
int r;
uki = fopen(argv[1], "re");
if (!uki)
return log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to open UKI file '%s': %m", argv[1]);
r = pe_sections(uki, &sections, &scount);
if (r < 0)
return r;
if (!sections)
puts("Kernel Type: unknown");
else if (is_uki(sections, scount)) {
puts("Kernel Type: uki");
inspect_uki(uki, sections, scount);
} else
puts("Kernel Type: pe");