blob: 4ba7c4c28d32bd79d34c971321ff53487b07e1e6 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
#include "bootspec-fundamental.h"
bool bootspec_pick_name_version_sort_key(
const sd_char *os_pretty_name,
const sd_char *os_image_id,
const sd_char *os_name,
const sd_char *os_id,
const sd_char *os_image_version,
const sd_char *os_version,
const sd_char *os_version_id,
const sd_char *os_build_id,
const sd_char **ret_name,
const sd_char **ret_version,
const sd_char **ret_sort_key) {
const sd_char *good_name, *good_version, *good_sort_key;
/* Find the best human readable title, version string and sort key for a boot entry (using the
* os-release(5) fields). Precise is preferred over vague, and human readable over machine
* readable. Thus:
* 1. First priority gets the PRETTY_NAME field, which is the primary string intended for display,
* and should already contain both a nice description and a version indication (if that concept
* applies).
* 2. Otherwise we go for IMAGE_ID and IMAGE_VERSION (thus we show details about the image,
* i.e. specific combination of packages and configuration), if that concept applies.
* 3. Otherwise we go for NAME and VERSION (i.e. human readable OS name and version)
* 4. Otherwise we go for ID and VERSION_ID (i.e. machine readable OS name and version)
* 5. Finally, for the version we'll use BUILD_ID (i.e. a machine readable version that identifies
* the original OS build used during installation)
* Note that the display logic will show only the name by default, except if that isn't unique in
* which case the version is shown too.
* Note that name/version determined here are used only for display purposes. Boot entry preference
* sorting (i.e. algorithmic ordering of boot entries) is done based on the order of the sort key (if
* defined) or entry "id" string (i.e. entry file name) otherwise. */
good_name = os_pretty_name ?: (os_image_id ?: (os_name ?: os_id));
good_version = os_image_version ?: (os_version ?: (os_version_id ? : os_build_id));
good_sort_key = os_image_id ?: os_id;
if (!good_name)
return false;
if (ret_name)
*ret_name = good_name;
if (ret_version)
*ret_version = good_version;
if (ret_sort_key)
*ret_sort_key = good_sort_key;
return true;