blob: ca632f4e1f4b8442aa620b5379c283d5c6c6675a [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
#pragma once
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include "macro.h"
int dlsym_many_or_warn_sentinel(void *dl, int log_level, ...) _sentinel_;
int dlopen_many_sym_or_warn_sentinel(void **dlp, const char *filename, int log_level, ...) _sentinel_;
#define dlsym_many_or_warn(dl, log_level, ...) \
dlsym_many_or_warn_sentinel(dl, log_level, __VA_ARGS__, NULL)
#define dlopen_many_sym_or_warn(dlp, filename, log_level, ...) \
dlopen_many_sym_or_warn_sentinel(dlp, filename, log_level, __VA_ARGS__, NULL)
/* Macro useful for putting together variable/symbol name pairs when calling dlsym_many_or_warn(). Assumes
* that each library symbol to resolve will be placed in a variable with the "sym_" prefix, i.e. a symbol
* "foobar" is loaded into a variable "sym_foobar". */
#define DLSYM_ARG(arg) \
({ assert_cc(__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(sym_##arg), typeof(&arg))); &sym_##arg; }), STRINGIFY(arg)
/* libbpf is a bit confused about type-safety and API compatibility. Provide a macro that can tape over that mess. Sad. */
#define DLSYM_ARG_FORCE(arg) \
&sym_##arg, STRINGIFY(arg)
static inline void *safe_dlclose(void *p) {
if (!p)
return NULL;
assert_se(dlclose(p) == 0);
return NULL;