blob: da181c6078af14559d2436f9ab92c5cb4aaa7834 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
#include "format-util.h"
#include "fs-util.h"
#include "process-util.h"
#include "rlimit-util.h"
#include "strv.h"
#include "terminal-util.h"
#include "user-record-show.h"
#include "user-util.h"
#include "userdb.h"
const char *user_record_state_color(const char *state) {
if (STR_IN_SET(state, "unfixated", "absent"))
return ansi_grey();
else if (streq(state, "active"))
return ansi_highlight_green();
else if (STR_IN_SET(state, "locked", "dirty"))
return ansi_highlight_yellow();
return NULL;
void user_record_show(UserRecord *hr, bool show_full_group_info) {
const char *hd, *ip, *shell;
UserStorage storage;
usec_t t;
size_t k;
int r, b;
printf(" User name: %s\n",
if (hr->state) {
const char *color;
color = user_record_state_color(hr->state);
printf(" State: %s%s%s\n",
strempty(color), hr->state, color ? ansi_normal() : "");
printf(" Disposition: %s\n", user_disposition_to_string(user_record_disposition(hr)));
if (hr->last_change_usec != USEC_INFINITY) {
printf(" Last Change: %s\n", FORMAT_TIMESTAMP(hr->last_change_usec));
if (hr->last_change_usec > now(CLOCK_REALTIME))
printf(" %sModification time lies in the future, system clock wrong?%s\n",
ansi_highlight_yellow(), ansi_normal());
if (hr->last_password_change_usec != USEC_INFINITY &&
hr->last_password_change_usec != hr->last_change_usec)
printf(" Last Passw.: %s\n", FORMAT_TIMESTAMP(hr->last_password_change_usec));
r = user_record_test_blocked(hr);
switch (r) {
case -ENOLCK:
printf(" Login OK: %sno%s (record is locked)\n", ansi_highlight_red(), ansi_normal());
case -EL2HLT:
printf(" Login OK: %sno%s (record not valid yet))\n", ansi_highlight_red(), ansi_normal());
case -EL3HLT:
printf(" Login OK: %sno%s (record not valid anymore))\n", ansi_highlight_red(), ansi_normal());
case -ESTALE:
default: {
usec_t y;
if (r < 0 && r != -ESTALE) {
errno = -r;
printf(" Login OK: %sno%s (%m)\n", ansi_highlight_red(), ansi_normal());
if (is_nologin_shell(user_record_shell(hr))) {
printf(" Login OK: %sno%s (nologin shell)\n", ansi_highlight_red(), ansi_normal());
y = user_record_ratelimit_next_try(hr);
if (y != USEC_INFINITY && y > now(CLOCK_REALTIME)) {
printf(" Login OK: %sno%s (ratelimit)\n", ansi_highlight_red(), ansi_normal());
printf(" Login OK: %syes%s\n", ansi_highlight_green(), ansi_normal());
r = user_record_test_password_change_required(hr);
switch (r) {
printf(" Password OK: %schange now%s\n", ansi_highlight_yellow(), ansi_normal());
printf(" Password OK: %sexpired%s (change now!)\n", ansi_highlight_yellow(), ansi_normal());
printf(" Password OK: %sexpired%s (for good)\n", ansi_highlight_red(), ansi_normal());
printf(" Password OK: %sexpires soon%s\n", ansi_highlight_yellow(), ansi_normal());
printf(" Password OK: %sno timestamp%s\n", ansi_highlight_red(), ansi_normal());
case -EROFS:
printf(" Password OK: %schange not permitted%s\n", ansi_highlight_yellow(), ansi_normal());
case -ESTALE:
printf(" Password OK: %slast password change in future%s\n", ansi_highlight_yellow(), ansi_normal());
if (r < 0) {
errno = -r;
printf(" Password OK: %sno%s (%m)\n", ansi_highlight_yellow(), ansi_normal());
if (strv_isempty(hr->hashed_password)) {
if (hr->incomplete) /* Record might be incomplete, due to privs */
printf(" Password OK: %sno%s (none set)\n", ansi_highlight(), ansi_normal());
if (strv_contains(hr->hashed_password, "")) {
printf(" Password OK: %sno%s (empty set)\n", ansi_highlight_red(), ansi_normal());
bool has_valid_passwords = false;
STRV_FOREACH(p, hr->hashed_password)
if (!hashed_password_is_locked_or_invalid(*p)) {
has_valid_passwords = true;
if (has_valid_passwords)
printf(" Password OK: %syes%s\n", ansi_highlight_green(), ansi_normal());
printf(" Password OK: %sno%s (locked)\n", ansi_highlight(), ansi_normal());
if (uid_is_valid(hr->uid))
printf(" UID: " UID_FMT "\n", hr->uid);
if (gid_is_valid(hr->gid)) {
if (show_full_group_info) {
_cleanup_(group_record_unrefp) GroupRecord *gr = NULL;
r = groupdb_by_gid(hr->gid, 0, &gr);
if (r < 0) {
errno = -r;
printf(" GID: " GID_FMT " (unresolvable: %m)\n", hr->gid);
} else
printf(" GID: " GID_FMT " (%s)\n", hr->gid, gr->group_name);
} else
printf(" GID: " GID_FMT "\n", hr->gid);
} else if (uid_is_valid(hr->uid)) /* Show UID as GID if not separately configured */
printf(" GID: " GID_FMT "\n", (gid_t) hr->uid);
if (show_full_group_info) {
_cleanup_(userdb_iterator_freep) UserDBIterator *iterator = NULL;
r = membershipdb_by_user(hr->user_name, 0, &iterator);
if (r < 0) {
errno = -r;
printf(" Aux. Groups: (can't acquire: %m)\n");
} else {
const char *prefix = " Aux. Groups:";
for (;;) {
_cleanup_free_ char *group = NULL;
r = membershipdb_iterator_get(iterator, NULL, &group);
if (r == -ESRCH)
if (r < 0) {
errno = -r;
printf("%s (can't iterate: %m)\n", prefix);
printf("%s %s\n", prefix, group);
prefix = " ";
if (hr->real_name && !streq(hr->real_name, hr->user_name))
printf(" Real Name: %s\n", hr->real_name);
hd = user_record_home_directory(hr);
if (hd)
printf(" Directory: %s\n", hd);
storage = user_record_storage(hr);
if (storage >= 0) /* Let's be political, and clarify which storage we like, and which we don't. About CIFS we don't complain. */
printf(" Storage: %s%s\n", user_storage_to_string(storage),
storage == USER_LUKS ? " (strong encryption)" :
storage == USER_FSCRYPT ? " (weak encryption)" :
IN_SET(storage, USER_DIRECTORY, USER_SUBVOLUME) ? " (no encryption)" : "");
ip = user_record_image_path(hr);
if (ip && !streq_ptr(ip, hd))
printf(" Image Path: %s\n", ip);
b = user_record_removable(hr);
if (b >= 0)
printf(" Removable: %s\n", yes_no(b));
shell = user_record_shell(hr);
if (shell)
printf(" Shell: %s\n", shell);
if (hr->email_address)
printf(" Email: %s\n", hr->email_address);
if (hr->location)
printf(" Location: %s\n", hr->location);
if (hr->password_hint)
printf(" Passw. Hint: %s\n", hr->password_hint);
if (hr->icon_name)
printf(" Icon Name: %s\n", hr->icon_name);
if (hr->time_zone)
printf(" Time Zone: %s\n", hr->time_zone);
if (hr->preferred_language)
printf(" Language: %s\n", hr->preferred_language);
if (!strv_isempty(hr->environment))
STRV_FOREACH(i, hr->environment) {
printf(i == hr->environment ?
" Environment: %s\n" :
" %s\n", *i);
if (hr->locked >= 0)
printf(" Locked: %s\n", yes_no(hr->locked));
if (hr->not_before_usec != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" Not Before: %s\n", FORMAT_TIMESTAMP(hr->not_before_usec));
if (hr->not_after_usec != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" Not After: %s\n", FORMAT_TIMESTAMP(hr->not_after_usec));
if (hr->umask != MODE_INVALID)
printf(" UMask: 0%03o\n", hr->umask);
if (nice_is_valid(hr->nice_level))
printf(" Nice: %i\n", hr->nice_level);
for (int j = 0; j < _RLIMIT_MAX; j++) {
if (hr->rlimits[j])
printf(" Limit: RLIMIT_%s=%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 "\n",
rlimit_to_string(j), (uint64_t) hr->rlimits[j]->rlim_cur, (uint64_t) hr->rlimits[j]->rlim_max);
if (hr->tasks_max != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" Tasks Max: %" PRIu64 "\n", hr->tasks_max);
if (hr->memory_high != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" Memory High: %s\n", FORMAT_BYTES(hr->memory_high));
if (hr->memory_max != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" Memory Max: %s\n", FORMAT_BYTES(hr->memory_max));
if (hr->cpu_weight == CGROUP_WEIGHT_IDLE)
printf(" CPU Weight: %s\n", "idle");
else if (hr->cpu_weight != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" CPU Weight: %" PRIu64 "\n", hr->cpu_weight);
if (hr->io_weight != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" IO Weight: %" PRIu64 "\n", hr->io_weight);
if (hr->access_mode != MODE_INVALID)
printf(" Access Mode: 0%03o\n", user_record_access_mode(hr));
if (storage == USER_LUKS) {
printf("LUKS Discard: online=%s offline=%s\n", yes_no(user_record_luks_discard(hr)), yes_no(user_record_luks_offline_discard(hr)));
if (!sd_id128_is_null(hr->luks_uuid))
printf(" LUKS UUID: " SD_ID128_UUID_FORMAT_STR "\n", SD_ID128_FORMAT_VAL(hr->luks_uuid));
if (!sd_id128_is_null(hr->partition_uuid))
printf(" Part UUID: " SD_ID128_UUID_FORMAT_STR "\n", SD_ID128_FORMAT_VAL(hr->partition_uuid));
if (!sd_id128_is_null(hr->file_system_uuid))
printf(" FS UUID: " SD_ID128_UUID_FORMAT_STR "\n", SD_ID128_FORMAT_VAL(hr->file_system_uuid));
if (hr->file_system_type)
printf(" File System: %s\n", user_record_file_system_type(hr));
if (hr->luks_extra_mount_options)
printf("LUKS MntOpts: %s\n", hr->luks_extra_mount_options);
if (hr->luks_cipher)
printf(" LUKS Cipher: %s\n", hr->luks_cipher);
if (hr->luks_cipher_mode)
printf(" Cipher Mode: %s\n", hr->luks_cipher_mode);
if (hr->luks_volume_key_size != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" Volume Key: %" PRIu64 "bit\n", hr->luks_volume_key_size * 8);
if (hr->luks_pbkdf_type)
printf(" PBKDF Type: %s\n", hr->luks_pbkdf_type);
if (hr->luks_pbkdf_hash_algorithm)
printf(" PBKDF Hash: %s\n", hr->luks_pbkdf_hash_algorithm);
if (hr->luks_pbkdf_force_iterations != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" PBKDF Iters: %" PRIu64 "\n", hr->luks_pbkdf_force_iterations);
if (hr->luks_pbkdf_time_cost_usec != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" PBKDF Time: %s\n", FORMAT_TIMESPAN(hr->luks_pbkdf_time_cost_usec, 0));
if (hr->luks_pbkdf_memory_cost != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" PBKDF Bytes: %s\n", FORMAT_BYTES(hr->luks_pbkdf_memory_cost));
if (hr->luks_pbkdf_parallel_threads != UINT64_MAX)
printf("PBKDF Thread: %" PRIu64 "\n", hr->luks_pbkdf_parallel_threads);
if (hr->luks_sector_size != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" Sector Size: %" PRIu64 "\n", hr->luks_sector_size);
} else if (storage == USER_CIFS) {
if (hr->cifs_service)
printf("CIFS Service: %s\n", hr->cifs_service);
if (hr->cifs_extra_mount_options)
printf("CIFS MntOpts: %s\n", hr->cifs_extra_mount_options);
if (hr->cifs_user_name)
printf(" CIFS User: %s\n", user_record_cifs_user_name(hr));
if (hr->cifs_domain)
printf(" CIFS Domain: %s\n", hr->cifs_domain);
if (storage != USER_CLASSIC)
printf(" Mount Flags: %s %s %s\n",
hr->nosuid ? "nosuid" : "suid",
hr->nodev ? "nodev" : "dev",
hr->noexec ? "noexec" : "exec");
if (hr->skeleton_directory)
printf(" Skel. Dir.: %s\n", user_record_skeleton_directory(hr));
if (hr->disk_size != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" Disk Size: %s\n", FORMAT_BYTES(hr->disk_size));
if (hr->disk_usage != UINT64_MAX) {
if (hr->disk_size != UINT64_MAX) {
unsigned permille;
permille = (unsigned) DIV_ROUND_UP(hr->disk_usage * 1000U, hr->disk_size); /* Round up! */
printf(" Disk Usage: %s (= %u.%01u%%)\n",
permille / 10, permille % 10);
} else
printf(" Disk Usage: %s\n", FORMAT_BYTES(hr->disk_usage));
if (hr->disk_free != UINT64_MAX) {
if (hr->disk_size != UINT64_MAX) {
const char *color_on, *color_off;
unsigned permille;
permille = (unsigned) ((hr->disk_free * 1000U) / hr->disk_size); /* Round down! */
/* Color the output red or yellow if we are below 10% resp. 25% free. Because 10% and
* 25% can be a lot of space still, let's additionally make some absolute
* restrictions: 1G and 2G */
if (permille <= 100U &&
hr->disk_free < 1024U*1024U*1024U /* 1G */) {
color_on = ansi_highlight_red();
color_off = ansi_normal();
} else if (permille <= 250U &&
hr->disk_free < 2U*1024U*1024U*1024U /* 2G */) {
color_on = ansi_highlight_yellow();
color_off = ansi_normal();
} else
color_on = color_off = "";
printf(" Disk Free: %s%s (= %u.%01u%%)%s\n",
permille / 10, permille % 10,
} else
printf(" Disk Free: %s\n", FORMAT_BYTES(hr->disk_free));
if (hr->disk_floor != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" Disk Floor: %s\n", FORMAT_BYTES(hr->disk_floor));
if (hr->disk_ceiling != UINT64_MAX)
printf("Disk Ceiling: %s\n", FORMAT_BYTES(hr->disk_ceiling));
if (hr->good_authentication_counter != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" Good Auth.: %" PRIu64 "\n", hr->good_authentication_counter);
if (hr->last_good_authentication_usec != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" Last Good: %s\n", FORMAT_TIMESTAMP(hr->last_good_authentication_usec));
if (hr->bad_authentication_counter != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" Bad Auth.: %" PRIu64 "\n", hr->bad_authentication_counter);
if (hr->last_bad_authentication_usec != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" Last Bad: %s\n", FORMAT_TIMESTAMP(hr->last_bad_authentication_usec));
t = user_record_ratelimit_next_try(hr);
if (t != USEC_INFINITY) {
usec_t n = now(CLOCK_REALTIME);
if (t <= n)
printf(" Next Try: anytime\n");
printf(" Next Try: %sin %s%s\n",
if (storage != USER_CLASSIC)
printf(" Auth. Limit: %" PRIu64 " attempts per %s\n", user_record_ratelimit_burst(hr),
FORMAT_TIMESPAN(user_record_ratelimit_interval_usec(hr), 0));
if (hr->enforce_password_policy >= 0)
printf(" Passwd Pol.: %s\n", yes_no(hr->enforce_password_policy));
if (hr->password_change_min_usec != UINT64_MAX ||
hr->password_change_max_usec != UINT64_MAX ||
hr->password_change_warn_usec != UINT64_MAX ||
hr->password_change_inactive_usec != UINT64_MAX) {
printf(" Passwd Chg.:");
if (hr->password_change_min_usec != UINT64_MAX) {
printf(" min %s", FORMAT_TIMESPAN(hr->password_change_min_usec, 0));
if (hr->password_change_max_usec != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" …");
if (hr->password_change_max_usec != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" max %s", FORMAT_TIMESPAN(hr->password_change_max_usec, 0));
if (hr->password_change_warn_usec != UINT64_MAX)
printf("/warn %s", FORMAT_TIMESPAN(hr->password_change_warn_usec, 0));
if (hr->password_change_inactive_usec != UINT64_MAX)
printf("/inactive %s", FORMAT_TIMESPAN(hr->password_change_inactive_usec, 0));
if (hr->password_change_now >= 0)
printf("Pas. Ch. Now: %s\n", yes_no(hr->password_change_now));
if (hr->drop_caches >= 0 || user_record_drop_caches(hr))
printf(" Drop Caches: %s\n", yes_no(user_record_drop_caches(hr)));
if (hr->auto_resize_mode >= 0)
printf(" Auto Resize: %s\n", auto_resize_mode_to_string(user_record_auto_resize_mode(hr)));
if (hr->rebalance_weight != REBALANCE_WEIGHT_UNSET) {
uint64_t rb;
rb = user_record_rebalance_weight(hr);
printf(" Rebalance: off\n");
printf(" Rebalance: weight %" PRIu64 "\n", rb);
if (!strv_isempty(hr->ssh_authorized_keys))
printf("SSH Pub. Key: %zu\n", strv_length(hr->ssh_authorized_keys));
if (!strv_isempty(hr->pkcs11_token_uri))
STRV_FOREACH(i, hr->pkcs11_token_uri)
printf(i == hr->pkcs11_token_uri ?
"PKCS11 Token: %s\n" :
" %s\n", *i);
if (hr->n_fido2_hmac_credential > 0)
printf(" FIDO2 Token: %zu\n", hr->n_fido2_hmac_credential);
if (!strv_isempty(hr->recovery_key_type))
printf("Recovery Key: %zu\n", strv_length(hr->recovery_key_type));
k = strv_length(hr->hashed_password);
if (k == 0)
printf(" Passwords: %snone%s\n",
user_record_disposition(hr) == USER_REGULAR ? ansi_highlight_yellow() : ansi_normal(), ansi_normal());
printf(" Passwords: %zu\n", k);
if (hr->signed_locally >= 0)
printf(" Local Sig.: %s\n", yes_no(hr->signed_locally));
if (hr->stop_delay_usec != UINT64_MAX)
printf(" Stop Delay: %s\n", FORMAT_TIMESPAN(hr->stop_delay_usec, 0));
if (hr->auto_login >= 0)
printf("Autom. Login: %s\n", yes_no(hr->auto_login));
if (hr->kill_processes >= 0)
printf(" Kill Proc.: %s\n", yes_no(hr->kill_processes));
if (hr->service)
printf(" Service: %s\n", hr->service);
void group_record_show(GroupRecord *gr, bool show_full_user_info) {
int r;
printf(" Group name: %s\n",
printf(" Disposition: %s\n", user_disposition_to_string(group_record_disposition(gr)));
if (gr->last_change_usec != USEC_INFINITY)
printf(" Last Change: %s\n", FORMAT_TIMESTAMP(gr->last_change_usec));
if (gid_is_valid(gr->gid))
printf(" GID: " GID_FMT "\n", gr->gid);
if (show_full_user_info) {
_cleanup_(userdb_iterator_freep) UserDBIterator *iterator = NULL;
r = membershipdb_by_group(gr->group_name, 0, &iterator);
if (r < 0) {
errno = -r;
printf(" Members: (can't acquire: %m)");
} else {
const char *prefix = " Members:";
for (;;) {
_cleanup_free_ char *user = NULL;
r = membershipdb_iterator_get(iterator, &user, NULL);
if (r == -ESRCH)
if (r < 0) {
errno = -r;
printf("%s (can't iterate: %m\n", prefix);
printf("%s %s\n", prefix, user);
prefix = " ";
} else {
const char *prefix = " Members:";
STRV_FOREACH(i, gr->members) {
printf("%s %s\n", prefix, *i);
prefix = " ";
if (!strv_isempty(gr->administrators)) {
const char *prefix = " Admins:";
STRV_FOREACH(i, gr->administrators) {
printf("%s %s\n", prefix, *i);
prefix = " ";
if (gr->description && !streq(gr->description, gr->group_name))
printf(" Description: %s\n", gr->description);
if (!strv_isempty(gr->hashed_password))
printf(" Passwords: %zu\n", strv_length(gr->hashed_password));
if (gr->service)
printf(" Service: %s\n", gr->service);