blob: e3f7caeee19f4749f698a4f2c77a6db133d3e7c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package compute
import (
compute ""
const (
topLevelMsg = "Top-level message."
localizedMsgTmpl = "LocalizedMessage%d message"
helpLinkDescriptionTmpl = "Help%dLink%d Description"
helpLinkUrlTmpl = ""
quotaExceededMsg = "Quota DISKS_TOTAL_GB exceeded. Limit: 1100.0 in region us-central1."
quotaExceededCode = "QUOTA_EXCEEDED"
quotaMetricName = ""
quotaLimitName = "DISKS-TOTAL-GB-per-project-region"
var locales = []string{"en-US", "es-US", "es-ES", "es-MX", "de-DE"}
func buildOperationError(numLocalizedMsg int, numHelpWithLinks []int) compute.OperationError {
opError := &compute.OperationErrorErrors{Message: topLevelMsg}
opErrorErrors := []*compute.OperationErrorErrors{opError}
for n := 1; n <= numLocalizedMsg; n++ {
opError.ErrorDetails = append(opError.ErrorDetails,
LocalizedMessage: &compute.LocalizedMessage{
Locale: locales[n-1%len(locales)],
Message: formatLocalizedMsg(n),
for i := 0; i < len(numHelpWithLinks); i++ {
errorDetail := &compute.OperationErrorErrorsErrorDetails{
Help: &compute.Help{},
for nLinks := 1; nLinks <= numHelpWithLinks[i]; nLinks++ {
desc, url := formatLink(i+1, nLinks)
errorDetail.Help.Links = append(errorDetail.Help.Links, &compute.HelpLink{
Description: desc,
Url: url,
opError.ErrorDetails = append(opError.ErrorDetails, errorDetail)
return compute.OperationError{Errors: opErrorErrors}
func buildOperationErrorQuotaExceeded(withDetails bool, withDimensions bool, withFutureLimit bool) compute.OperationError {
opError := &compute.OperationErrorErrors{Message: quotaExceededMsg, Code: quotaExceededCode}
opErrorErrors := []*compute.OperationErrorErrors{opError}
if withDetails {
quotaInfo := &compute.QuotaExceededInfo{
MetricName: quotaMetricName,
LimitName: quotaLimitName,
Limit: 1100,
if withFutureLimit {
quotaInfo.FutureLimit = 2200
if withDimensions {
quotaInfo.Dimensions = map[string]string{"region": "us-central1"}
opError.ErrorDetails = append(opError.ErrorDetails,
QuotaInfo: quotaInfo,
return compute.OperationError{Errors: opErrorErrors}
func omitAlways(numLocalizedMsg int, numHelpWithLinks []int) []string {
var omits []string
for n := 2; n <= numLocalizedMsg; n++ {
omits = append(omits, fmt.Sprintf("LocalizedMessage%d", n))
for i := 0; i < len(numHelpWithLinks); i++ {
for j := maxLinks(i); j < numHelpWithLinks[i]; j++ {
desc, url := formatLink(i+1, j+1)
omits = append(omits, desc, url)
return omits
func maxLinks(helpIndex int) int {
if helpIndex == 0 {
return 1
return 0
func formatLocalizedMsg(localizedMsgNum int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(localizedMsgTmpl, localizedMsgNum)
func formatLink(helpNum, linkNum int) (string, string) {
return fmt.Sprintf(helpLinkDescriptionTmpl, helpNum, linkNum), fmt.Sprintf(helpLinkUrlTmpl, helpNum, linkNum)
func TestComputeOperationError_Error(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
input compute.OperationError
expectContains []string
expectOmits []string
name: "MessageOnly",
input: buildOperationError(0, []int{}),
expectContains: []string{
expectOmits: append(omitAlways(0, []int{}), []string{
"Help1Link1 Description",
name: "WithLocalizedMessageAndNoHelp",
input: buildOperationError(1, []int{}),
expectContains: []string{
expectOmits: append(omitAlways(1, []int{}), []string{
"Help1Link1 Description",
name: "WithLocalizedMessageAndHelp",
input: buildOperationError(1, []int{1}),
expectContains: []string{
"Help1Link1 Description",
expectOmits: append(omitAlways(1, []int{1}), []string{}...),
name: "WithNoLocalizedMessageAndHelp",
input: buildOperationError(0, []int{1}),
expectContains: []string{
"Help1Link1 Description",
expectOmits: append(omitAlways(0, []int{1}), []string{
name: "WithLocalizedMessageAndHelpWithTwoLinks",
input: buildOperationError(1, []int{2}),
expectContains: []string{
"Help1Link1 Description",
expectOmits: append(omitAlways(1, []int{2}), []string{}...),
// The case below should never happen because the server should just send multiple links
// but the protobuf defition would allow it, so testing anyway.
name: "WithLocalizedMessageAndTwoHelpsWithTwoLinks",
input: buildOperationError(1, []int{2, 2}),
expectContains: []string{
"Help1Link1 Description",
expectOmits: append(omitAlways(1, []int{2, 2}), []string{}...),
// This should never happen because the server should never respond with the messages for
// two locales at once, but should rather take the locale as input to the API and serve
// the appropriate message for that locale. However, the protobuf defition would allow it,
// so we'll test for it. The second message in the list would be ignored.
name: "WithTwoLocalizedMessageAndHelp",
input: buildOperationError(2, []int{1}),
expectContains: []string{
"Help1Link1 Description",
expectOmits: append(omitAlways(2, []int{1}), []string{}...),
name: "QuotaMessageOnly",
input: buildOperationErrorQuotaExceeded(false, false, false),
expectContains: []string{
"Quota DISKS_TOTAL_GB exceeded. Limit: 1100.0 in region us-central1.",
expectOmits: append(omitAlways(0, []int{}), []string{
"metric name =",
"limit = 1100",
name: "QuotaMessageWithDetailsNoDimensions",
input: buildOperationErrorQuotaExceeded(true, false, false),
expectContains: []string{
"Quota DISKS_TOTAL_GB exceeded. Limit: 1100.0 in region us-central1.",
"metric name =",
"limit name = DISKS-TOTAL-GB-per-project-region",
"limit = 1100",
expectOmits: append(omitAlways(0, []int{}), []string{
"dimensions = map[region:us-central1]",
name: "QuotaMessageWithDetailsWithDimensions",
input: buildOperationErrorQuotaExceeded(true, true, false),
expectContains: []string{
"Quota DISKS_TOTAL_GB exceeded. Limit: 1100.0 in region us-central1.",
"metric name =",
"limit name = DISKS-TOTAL-GB-per-project-region",
"limit = 1100",
"dimensions = map[region:us-central1]",
expectOmits: append(omitAlways(0, []int{}), []string{
"Help1Link1 Description",
name: "QuotaMessageWithDetailsWithFutureLimit",
input: buildOperationErrorQuotaExceeded(true, false, true),
expectContains: []string{
"Quota DISKS_TOTAL_GB exceeded. Limit: 1100.0 in region us-central1.",
"metric name =",
"limit name = DISKS-TOTAL-GB-per-project-region",
"limit = 1100",
"future limit = 2200",
"rollout status = in progress",
expectOmits: append(omitAlways(0, []int{}), []string{
"Help1Link1 Description",
name: "QuotaMessageWithDetailsWithDimensionsWithFutureLimit",
input: buildOperationErrorQuotaExceeded(true, true, true),
expectContains: []string{
"Quota DISKS_TOTAL_GB exceeded. Limit: 1100.0 in region us-central1.",
"metric name =",
"limit name = DISKS-TOTAL-GB-per-project-region",
"limit = 1100",
"future limit = 2200",
"rollout status = in progress",
"dimensions = map[region:us-central1]",
expectOmits: append(omitAlways(0, []int{}), []string{
"Help1Link1 Description",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
err := ComputeOperationError(tc.input)
str := err.Error()
for _, contains := range tc.expectContains {
if !strings.Contains(str, contains) {
t.Errorf("expected\n%s\nto contain, %q, and did not", str, contains)
for _, omits := range tc.expectOmits {
if strings.Contains(str, omits) {
t.Errorf("expected\n%s\nnot to contain, %q, and did not", str, omits)