blob: 914bfe9769c26e967b28083876ec2742718231ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// *** AUTO GENERATED CODE *** Type: MMv1 ***
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is automatically generated by Magic Modules and manual
// changes will be clobbered when the file is regenerated.
// Please read more about how to change this file in
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// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
package pubsublite
import (
transport_tpg ""
func ResourcePubsubLiteTopic() *schema.Resource {
return &schema.Resource{
Create: resourcePubsubLiteTopicCreate,
Read: resourcePubsubLiteTopicRead,
Update: resourcePubsubLiteTopicUpdate,
Delete: resourcePubsubLiteTopicDelete,
Importer: &schema.ResourceImporter{
State: resourcePubsubLiteTopicImport,
Timeouts: &schema.ResourceTimeout{
Create: schema.DefaultTimeout(20 * time.Minute),
Update: schema.DefaultTimeout(20 * time.Minute),
Delete: schema.DefaultTimeout(20 * time.Minute),
CustomizeDiff: customdiff.All(
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"name": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
DiffSuppressFunc: tpgresource.CompareSelfLinkOrResourceName,
Description: `Name of the topic.`,
"partition_config": {
Type: schema.TypeList,
Optional: true,
Description: `The settings for this topic's partitions.`,
MaxItems: 1,
Elem: &schema.Resource{
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"count": {
Type: schema.TypeInt,
Required: true,
Description: `The number of partitions in the topic. Must be at least 1.`,
"capacity": {
Type: schema.TypeList,
Optional: true,
Description: `The capacity configuration.`,
MaxItems: 1,
Elem: &schema.Resource{
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"publish_mib_per_sec": {
Type: schema.TypeInt,
Required: true,
Description: `Subscribe throughput capacity per partition in MiB/s. Must be >= 4 and <= 16.`,
"subscribe_mib_per_sec": {
Type: schema.TypeInt,
Required: true,
Description: `Publish throughput capacity per partition in MiB/s. Must be >= 4 and <= 16.`,
"region": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Description: `The region of the pubsub lite topic.`,
"reservation_config": {
Type: schema.TypeList,
Optional: true,
Description: `The settings for this topic's Reservation usage.`,
MaxItems: 1,
Elem: &schema.Resource{
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"throughput_reservation": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
DiffSuppressFunc: tpgresource.CompareSelfLinkOrResourceName,
Description: `The Reservation to use for this topic's throughput capacity.`,
"retention_config": {
Type: schema.TypeList,
Optional: true,
Description: `The settings for a topic's message retention.`,
MaxItems: 1,
Elem: &schema.Resource{
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"per_partition_bytes": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
Description: `The provisioned storage, in bytes, per partition. If the number of bytes stored
in any of the topic's partitions grows beyond this value, older messages will be
dropped to make room for newer ones, regardless of the value of period.`,
"period": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Description: `How long a published message is retained. If unset, messages will be retained as
long as the bytes retained for each partition is below perPartitionBytes. A
duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, terminated by 's'.
Example: "3.5s".`,
"zone": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Description: `The zone of the pubsub lite topic.`,
"project": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
ForceNew: true,
UseJSONNumber: true,
func resourcePubsubLiteTopicCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
config := meta.(*transport_tpg.Config)
userAgent, err := tpgresource.GenerateUserAgentString(d, config.UserAgent)
if err != nil {
return err
obj := make(map[string]interface{})
partitionConfigProp, err := expandPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfig(d.Get("partition_config"), d, config)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if v, ok := d.GetOkExists("partition_config"); !tpgresource.IsEmptyValue(reflect.ValueOf(partitionConfigProp)) && (ok || !reflect.DeepEqual(v, partitionConfigProp)) {
obj["partitionConfig"] = partitionConfigProp
retentionConfigProp, err := expandPubsubLiteTopicRetentionConfig(d.Get("retention_config"), d, config)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if v, ok := d.GetOkExists("retention_config"); !tpgresource.IsEmptyValue(reflect.ValueOf(retentionConfigProp)) && (ok || !reflect.DeepEqual(v, retentionConfigProp)) {
obj["retentionConfig"] = retentionConfigProp
reservationConfigProp, err := expandPubsubLiteTopicReservationConfig(d.Get("reservation_config"), d, config)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if v, ok := d.GetOkExists("reservation_config"); !tpgresource.IsEmptyValue(reflect.ValueOf(reservationConfigProp)) && (ok || !reflect.DeepEqual(v, reservationConfigProp)) {
obj["reservationConfig"] = reservationConfigProp
obj, err = resourcePubsubLiteTopicEncoder(d, meta, obj)
if err != nil {
return err
url, err := tpgresource.ReplaceVars(d, config, "{{PubsubLiteBasePath}}projects/{{project}}/locations/{{zone}}/topics?topicId={{name}}")
if err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Creating new Topic: %#v", obj)
billingProject := ""
project, err := tpgresource.GetProject(d, config)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error fetching project for Topic: %s", err)
billingProject = project
// err == nil indicates that the billing_project value was found
if bp, err := tpgresource.GetBillingProject(d, config); err == nil {
billingProject = bp
res, err := transport_tpg.SendRequest(transport_tpg.SendRequestOptions{
Config: config,
Method: "POST",
Project: billingProject,
RawURL: url,
UserAgent: userAgent,
Body: obj,
Timeout: d.Timeout(schema.TimeoutCreate),
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error creating Topic: %s", err)
// Store the ID now
id, err := tpgresource.ReplaceVars(d, config, "projects/{{project}}/locations/{{zone}}/topics/{{name}}")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error constructing id: %s", err)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Finished creating Topic %q: %#v", d.Id(), res)
return resourcePubsubLiteTopicRead(d, meta)
func resourcePubsubLiteTopicRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
config := meta.(*transport_tpg.Config)
userAgent, err := tpgresource.GenerateUserAgentString(d, config.UserAgent)
if err != nil {
return err
url, err := tpgresource.ReplaceVars(d, config, "{{PubsubLiteBasePath}}projects/{{project}}/locations/{{zone}}/topics/{{name}}")
if err != nil {
return err
billingProject := ""
project, err := tpgresource.GetProject(d, config)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error fetching project for Topic: %s", err)
billingProject = project
// err == nil indicates that the billing_project value was found
if bp, err := tpgresource.GetBillingProject(d, config); err == nil {
billingProject = bp
res, err := transport_tpg.SendRequest(transport_tpg.SendRequestOptions{
Config: config,
Method: "GET",
Project: billingProject,
RawURL: url,
UserAgent: userAgent,
if err != nil {
return transport_tpg.HandleNotFoundError(err, d, fmt.Sprintf("PubsubLiteTopic %q", d.Id()))
if err := d.Set("project", project); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error reading Topic: %s", err)
if err := d.Set("partition_config", flattenPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfig(res["partitionConfig"], d, config)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error reading Topic: %s", err)
if err := d.Set("retention_config", flattenPubsubLiteTopicRetentionConfig(res["retentionConfig"], d, config)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error reading Topic: %s", err)
if err := d.Set("reservation_config", flattenPubsubLiteTopicReservationConfig(res["reservationConfig"], d, config)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error reading Topic: %s", err)
return nil
func resourcePubsubLiteTopicUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
config := meta.(*transport_tpg.Config)
userAgent, err := tpgresource.GenerateUserAgentString(d, config.UserAgent)
if err != nil {
return err
billingProject := ""
project, err := tpgresource.GetProject(d, config)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error fetching project for Topic: %s", err)
billingProject = project
obj := make(map[string]interface{})
partitionConfigProp, err := expandPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfig(d.Get("partition_config"), d, config)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if v, ok := d.GetOkExists("partition_config"); !tpgresource.IsEmptyValue(reflect.ValueOf(v)) && (ok || !reflect.DeepEqual(v, partitionConfigProp)) {
obj["partitionConfig"] = partitionConfigProp
retentionConfigProp, err := expandPubsubLiteTopicRetentionConfig(d.Get("retention_config"), d, config)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if v, ok := d.GetOkExists("retention_config"); !tpgresource.IsEmptyValue(reflect.ValueOf(v)) && (ok || !reflect.DeepEqual(v, retentionConfigProp)) {
obj["retentionConfig"] = retentionConfigProp
reservationConfigProp, err := expandPubsubLiteTopicReservationConfig(d.Get("reservation_config"), d, config)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if v, ok := d.GetOkExists("reservation_config"); !tpgresource.IsEmptyValue(reflect.ValueOf(v)) && (ok || !reflect.DeepEqual(v, reservationConfigProp)) {
obj["reservationConfig"] = reservationConfigProp
obj, err = resourcePubsubLiteTopicEncoder(d, meta, obj)
if err != nil {
return err
url, err := tpgresource.ReplaceVars(d, config, "{{PubsubLiteBasePath}}projects/{{project}}/locations/{{zone}}/topics/{{name}}")
if err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Updating Topic %q: %#v", d.Id(), obj)
updateMask := []string{}
if d.HasChange("partition_config") {
updateMask = append(updateMask, "partitionConfig")
if d.HasChange("retention_config") {
updateMask = append(updateMask, "retentionConfig")
if d.HasChange("reservation_config") {
updateMask = append(updateMask, "reservationConfig")
// updateMask is a URL parameter but not present in the schema, so ReplaceVars
// won't set it
url, err = transport_tpg.AddQueryParams(url, map[string]string{"updateMask": strings.Join(updateMask, ",")})
if err != nil {
return err
// err == nil indicates that the billing_project value was found
if bp, err := tpgresource.GetBillingProject(d, config); err == nil {
billingProject = bp
// if updateMask is empty we are not updating anything so skip the post
if len(updateMask) > 0 {
res, err := transport_tpg.SendRequest(transport_tpg.SendRequestOptions{
Config: config,
Method: "PATCH",
Project: billingProject,
RawURL: url,
UserAgent: userAgent,
Body: obj,
Timeout: d.Timeout(schema.TimeoutUpdate),
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error updating Topic %q: %s", d.Id(), err)
} else {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Finished updating Topic %q: %#v", d.Id(), res)
return resourcePubsubLiteTopicRead(d, meta)
func resourcePubsubLiteTopicDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
config := meta.(*transport_tpg.Config)
userAgent, err := tpgresource.GenerateUserAgentString(d, config.UserAgent)
if err != nil {
return err
billingProject := ""
project, err := tpgresource.GetProject(d, config)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error fetching project for Topic: %s", err)
billingProject = project
url, err := tpgresource.ReplaceVars(d, config, "{{PubsubLiteBasePath}}projects/{{project}}/locations/{{zone}}/topics/{{name}}")
if err != nil {
return err
var obj map[string]interface{}
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Deleting Topic %q", d.Id())
// err == nil indicates that the billing_project value was found
if bp, err := tpgresource.GetBillingProject(d, config); err == nil {
billingProject = bp
res, err := transport_tpg.SendRequest(transport_tpg.SendRequestOptions{
Config: config,
Method: "DELETE",
Project: billingProject,
RawURL: url,
UserAgent: userAgent,
Body: obj,
Timeout: d.Timeout(schema.TimeoutDelete),
if err != nil {
return transport_tpg.HandleNotFoundError(err, d, "Topic")
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Finished deleting Topic %q: %#v", d.Id(), res)
return nil
func resourcePubsubLiteTopicImport(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) ([]*schema.ResourceData, error) {
config := meta.(*transport_tpg.Config)
if err := tpgresource.ParseImportId([]string{
}, d, config); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Replace import id for the resource id
id, err := tpgresource.ReplaceVars(d, config, "projects/{{project}}/locations/{{zone}}/topics/{{name}}")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error constructing id: %s", err)
return []*schema.ResourceData{d}, nil
func flattenPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfig(v interface{}, d *schema.ResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
original := v.(map[string]interface{})
if len(original) == 0 {
return nil
transformed := make(map[string]interface{})
transformed["count"] =
flattenPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfigCount(original["count"], d, config)
transformed["capacity"] =
flattenPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfigCapacity(original["capacity"], d, config)
return []interface{}{transformed}
func flattenPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfigCount(v interface{}, d *schema.ResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) interface{} {
// Handles the string fixed64 format
if strVal, ok := v.(string); ok {
if intVal, err := tpgresource.StringToFixed64(strVal); err == nil {
return intVal
// number values are represented as float64
if floatVal, ok := v.(float64); ok {
intVal := int(floatVal)
return intVal
return v // let terraform core handle it otherwise
func flattenPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfigCapacity(v interface{}, d *schema.ResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
original := v.(map[string]interface{})
if len(original) == 0 {
return nil
transformed := make(map[string]interface{})
transformed["publish_mib_per_sec"] =
flattenPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfigCapacityPublishMibPerSec(original["publishMibPerSec"], d, config)
transformed["subscribe_mib_per_sec"] =
flattenPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfigCapacitySubscribeMibPerSec(original["subscribeMibPerSec"], d, config)
return []interface{}{transformed}
func flattenPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfigCapacityPublishMibPerSec(v interface{}, d *schema.ResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) interface{} {
// Handles the string fixed64 format
if strVal, ok := v.(string); ok {
if intVal, err := tpgresource.StringToFixed64(strVal); err == nil {
return intVal
// number values are represented as float64
if floatVal, ok := v.(float64); ok {
intVal := int(floatVal)
return intVal
return v // let terraform core handle it otherwise
func flattenPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfigCapacitySubscribeMibPerSec(v interface{}, d *schema.ResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) interface{} {
// Handles the string fixed64 format
if strVal, ok := v.(string); ok {
if intVal, err := tpgresource.StringToFixed64(strVal); err == nil {
return intVal
// number values are represented as float64
if floatVal, ok := v.(float64); ok {
intVal := int(floatVal)
return intVal
return v // let terraform core handle it otherwise
func flattenPubsubLiteTopicRetentionConfig(v interface{}, d *schema.ResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
original := v.(map[string]interface{})
if len(original) == 0 {
return nil
transformed := make(map[string]interface{})
transformed["per_partition_bytes"] =
flattenPubsubLiteTopicRetentionConfigPerPartitionBytes(original["perPartitionBytes"], d, config)
transformed["period"] =
flattenPubsubLiteTopicRetentionConfigPeriod(original["period"], d, config)
return []interface{}{transformed}
func flattenPubsubLiteTopicRetentionConfigPerPartitionBytes(v interface{}, d *schema.ResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) interface{} {
return v
func flattenPubsubLiteTopicRetentionConfigPeriod(v interface{}, d *schema.ResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) interface{} {
return v
func flattenPubsubLiteTopicReservationConfig(v interface{}, d *schema.ResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
original := v.(map[string]interface{})
if len(original) == 0 {
return nil
transformed := make(map[string]interface{})
transformed["throughput_reservation"] =
flattenPubsubLiteTopicReservationConfigThroughputReservation(original["throughputReservation"], d, config)
return []interface{}{transformed}
func flattenPubsubLiteTopicReservationConfigThroughputReservation(v interface{}, d *schema.ResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) interface{} {
if v == nil {
return v
return tpgresource.ConvertSelfLinkToV1(v.(string))
func expandPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfig(v interface{}, d tpgresource.TerraformResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) (interface{}, error) {
l := v.([]interface{})
if len(l) == 0 || l[0] == nil {
return nil, nil
raw := l[0]
original := raw.(map[string]interface{})
transformed := make(map[string]interface{})
transformedCount, err := expandPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfigCount(original["count"], d, config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if val := reflect.ValueOf(transformedCount); val.IsValid() && !tpgresource.IsEmptyValue(val) {
transformed["count"] = transformedCount
transformedCapacity, err := expandPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfigCapacity(original["capacity"], d, config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if val := reflect.ValueOf(transformedCapacity); val.IsValid() && !tpgresource.IsEmptyValue(val) {
transformed["capacity"] = transformedCapacity
return transformed, nil
func expandPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfigCount(v interface{}, d tpgresource.TerraformResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) (interface{}, error) {
return v, nil
func expandPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfigCapacity(v interface{}, d tpgresource.TerraformResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) (interface{}, error) {
l := v.([]interface{})
if len(l) == 0 || l[0] == nil {
return nil, nil
raw := l[0]
original := raw.(map[string]interface{})
transformed := make(map[string]interface{})
transformedPublishMibPerSec, err := expandPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfigCapacityPublishMibPerSec(original["publish_mib_per_sec"], d, config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if val := reflect.ValueOf(transformedPublishMibPerSec); val.IsValid() && !tpgresource.IsEmptyValue(val) {
transformed["publishMibPerSec"] = transformedPublishMibPerSec
transformedSubscribeMibPerSec, err := expandPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfigCapacitySubscribeMibPerSec(original["subscribe_mib_per_sec"], d, config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if val := reflect.ValueOf(transformedSubscribeMibPerSec); val.IsValid() && !tpgresource.IsEmptyValue(val) {
transformed["subscribeMibPerSec"] = transformedSubscribeMibPerSec
return transformed, nil
func expandPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfigCapacityPublishMibPerSec(v interface{}, d tpgresource.TerraformResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) (interface{}, error) {
return v, nil
func expandPubsubLiteTopicPartitionConfigCapacitySubscribeMibPerSec(v interface{}, d tpgresource.TerraformResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) (interface{}, error) {
return v, nil
func expandPubsubLiteTopicRetentionConfig(v interface{}, d tpgresource.TerraformResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) (interface{}, error) {
l := v.([]interface{})
if len(l) == 0 || l[0] == nil {
return nil, nil
raw := l[0]
original := raw.(map[string]interface{})
transformed := make(map[string]interface{})
transformedPerPartitionBytes, err := expandPubsubLiteTopicRetentionConfigPerPartitionBytes(original["per_partition_bytes"], d, config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if val := reflect.ValueOf(transformedPerPartitionBytes); val.IsValid() && !tpgresource.IsEmptyValue(val) {
transformed["perPartitionBytes"] = transformedPerPartitionBytes
transformedPeriod, err := expandPubsubLiteTopicRetentionConfigPeriod(original["period"], d, config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if val := reflect.ValueOf(transformedPeriod); val.IsValid() && !tpgresource.IsEmptyValue(val) {
transformed["period"] = transformedPeriod
return transformed, nil
func expandPubsubLiteTopicRetentionConfigPerPartitionBytes(v interface{}, d tpgresource.TerraformResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) (interface{}, error) {
return v, nil
func expandPubsubLiteTopicRetentionConfigPeriod(v interface{}, d tpgresource.TerraformResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) (interface{}, error) {
return v, nil
func expandPubsubLiteTopicReservationConfig(v interface{}, d tpgresource.TerraformResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) (interface{}, error) {
l := v.([]interface{})
if len(l) == 0 || l[0] == nil {
return nil, nil
raw := l[0]
original := raw.(map[string]interface{})
transformed := make(map[string]interface{})
transformedThroughputReservation, err := expandPubsubLiteTopicReservationConfigThroughputReservation(original["throughput_reservation"], d, config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if val := reflect.ValueOf(transformedThroughputReservation); val.IsValid() && !tpgresource.IsEmptyValue(val) {
transformed["throughputReservation"] = transformedThroughputReservation
return transformed, nil
func expandPubsubLiteTopicReservationConfigThroughputReservation(v interface{}, d tpgresource.TerraformResourceData, config *transport_tpg.Config) (interface{}, error) {
f, err := tpgresource.ParseRegionalFieldValue("reservations", v.(string), "project", "region", "zone", d, config, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid value for throughput_reservation: %s", err)
// Custom due to "locations" rather than "regions".
return fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/reservations/%s", f.Project, f.Region, f.Name), nil
func resourcePubsubLiteTopicEncoder(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}, obj map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
config := meta.(*transport_tpg.Config)
zone, err := tpgresource.GetZone(d, config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if zone == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("zone must be non-empty - set in resource or at provider-level")
// API Endpoint requires region in the URL. We infer it from the zone.
region := tpgresource.GetRegionFromZone(zone)
if region == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid zone %q, unable to infer region from zone", zone)
return obj, nil