blob: 883e99fc0bfd7b142a58b0b051a1542c306eef13 [file] [log] [blame]
subcategory: "Compute Engine"
description: |-
Get information about a Google Compute Image.
# google\_compute\_image
Get information about a Google Compute Image. Check that your service account has the `compute.imageUser` role if you want to share [custom images]( from another project. If you want to use [public images][pubimg], do not forget to specify the dedicated project. For more information see
[the official documentation]( and its [API](
## Example Usage
data "google_compute_image" "my_image" {
family = "debian-11"
project = "debian-cloud"
resource "google_compute_instance" "default" {
# ...
boot_disk {
initialize_params {
image = data.google_compute_image.my_image.self_link
## Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
* `name`, `family` or `filter` - (Required) The name of a specific image or a family.
Exactly one of `name`, `family` or `filter` must be specified. If `name` is specified, it will fetch
the corresponding image. If `family` is specified, it will return the latest image
that is part of an image family and is not deprecated. If you specify `filter`, your
filter must return exactly one image unless you use `most_recent`.
Filter syntax can be found [here]( in the filter section.
- - -
* `project` - (Optional) The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not
provided, the provider project is used. If you are using a
[public base image][pubimg], be sure to specify the correct Image Project.
* `most_recent` - (Optional) A boolean to indicate either to take to most recent image if your filter
returns more than one image.
## Attributes Reference
In addition to the arguments listed above, the following computed attributes are
* `id` - an identifier for the data source with format `projects/{{project}}/global/images/{{name}}`
* `self_link` - The URI of the image.
* `name` - The name of the image.
* `family` - The family name of the image.
* `disk_size_gb` - The size of the image when restored onto a persistent disk in gigabytes.
* `archive_size_bytes` - The size of the image tar.gz archive stored in Google Cloud Storage in bytes.
* `image_id` - The unique identifier for the image.
* `image_encryption_key_sha256` - The [RFC 4648 base64](
encoded SHA-256 hash of the [customer-supplied encryption key](
that protects this image.
* `source_image_id` - The ID value of the image used to create this image.
* `source_disk` - The URL of the source disk used to create this image.
* `source_disk_encryption_key_sha256` - The [RFC 4648 base64](
encoded SHA-256 hash of the [customer-supplied encryption key](
that protects this image.
* `source_disk_id` - The ID value of the disk used to create this image.
* `creation_timestamp` - The creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
* `description` - An optional description of this image.
* `labels` - All of labels (key/value pairs) present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Terraform, other clients and services.
* `label_fingerprint` - A fingerprint for the labels being applied to this image.
* `licenses` - A list of applicable license URI.
* `status` - The status of the image. Possible values are **FAILED**, **PENDING**, or **READY**.
[pubimg]: "Google Cloud Public Base Images"