blob: 3042bc0aa74f8b0b67b94aa63cd9286cb02fcd0b [file] [log] [blame]
subcategory: "Cloud SQL"
description: |-
Get a SQL backup run in Google Cloud SQL.
# google\_sql\_backup\_run
Use this data source to get information about a Cloud SQL instance backup run.
## Example Usage
data "google_sql_backup_run" "backup" {
instance =
most_recent = true
## Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
* `instance` - (required) The name of the instance the backup is taken from.
* `backup_id` - (optional) The identifier for this backup run. Unique only for a specific Cloud SQL instance.
If left empty and multiple backups exist for the instance, `most_recent` must be set to `true`.
* `most_recent` - (optional) Toggles use of the most recent backup run if multiple backups exist for a
Cloud SQL instance.
* `project` - (Optional) The project to list instances for. If it
is not provided, the provider project is used.
## Attributes Reference
In addition to the arguments listed above, the following attributes are exported:
* `location` - Location of the backups.
* `start_time` - The time the backup operation actually started in UTC timezone in RFC 3339 format, for
example 2012-11-15T16:19:00.094Z.
* `status` - The status of this run. Refer to [API reference]( for possible status values.