blob: c8b599ee674a4c909a06397dec596e31e9e98d3f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package fwtransport
import (
transport_tpg ""
const uaEnvVar = "TF_APPEND_USER_AGENT"
func CompileUserAgentString(ctx context.Context, name, tfVersion, provVersion string) string {
ua := fmt.Sprintf("Terraform/%s (+ Terraform-Plugin-SDK/%s %s/%s", tfVersion, "terraform-plugin-framework", name, provVersion)
if add := os.Getenv(uaEnvVar); add != "" {
add = strings.TrimSpace(add)
if len(add) > 0 {
ua += " " + add
tflog.Debug(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Using modified User-Agent: %s", ua))
return ua
func GetCurrentUserEmailFramework(p *FrameworkProviderConfig, userAgent string, diags *diag.Diagnostics) string {
// When environment variables UserProjectOverride and BillingProject are set for the provider,
// the header X-Goog-User-Project is set for the API requests.
// But it causes an error when calling GetCurrUserEmail. Set the project to be "NO_BILLING_PROJECT_OVERRIDE".
// And then it triggers the header X-Goog-User-Project to be set to empty string.
// See for a recommendation to do this from a Go maintainer
// URL retrieved from
res, d := SendFrameworkRequest(p, "GET", "NO_BILLING_PROJECT_OVERRIDE", "", userAgent, nil)
if diags.HasError() {
tflog.Info(p.Context, "error retrieving userinfo for your provider credentials. have you enabled the '' scope?")
return ""
if res["email"] == nil {
diags.AddError("error retrieving email from userinfo.", "email was nil in the response.")
return ""
return res["email"].(string)
func GenerateFrameworkUserAgentString(metaData *fwmodels.ProviderMetaModel, currUserAgent string) string {
if metaData != nil && !metaData.ModuleName.IsNull() && metaData.ModuleName.ValueString() != "" {
return strings.Join([]string{currUserAgent, metaData.ModuleName.ValueString()}, " ")
return currUserAgent
func HandleDatasourceNotFoundError(ctx context.Context, err error, state *tfsdk.State, resource string, diags *diag.Diagnostics) {
if transport_tpg.IsGoogleApiErrorWithCode(err, 404) {
tflog.Warn(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("Removing %s because it's gone", resource))
// The resource doesn't exist anymore
diags.AddError(fmt.Sprintf("Error when reading or editing %s", resource), err.Error())