blob: 4d00f2e0c04c88e8868869f44b26b4aac136615e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package transport
import (
type (
// Function handling for polling for a resource
PollReadFunc func() (resp map[string]interface{}, respErr error)
// Function to check the response from polling once
PollCheckResponseFunc func(resp map[string]interface{}, respErr error) PollResult
PollResult *retry.RetryError
// Helper functions to construct result of single pollRead as return result for a PollCheckResponseFunc
func ErrorPollResult(err error) PollResult {
return retry.NonRetryableError(err)
func PendingStatusPollResult(status string) PollResult {
return retry.RetryableError(fmt.Errorf("got pending status %q", status))
func SuccessPollResult() PollResult {
return nil
func PollingWaitTime(pollF PollReadFunc, checkResponse PollCheckResponseFunc, activity string,
timeout time.Duration, targetOccurrences int) error {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] %s: Polling until expected state is read", activity)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Target occurrences: %d", targetOccurrences)
if targetOccurrences == 1 {
return retry.Retry(timeout, func() *retry.RetryError {
readResp, readErr := pollF()
return checkResponse(readResp, readErr)
return RetryWithTargetOccurrences(timeout, targetOccurrences, func() *retry.RetryError {
readResp, readErr := pollF()
return checkResponse(readResp, readErr)
// RetryWithTargetOccurrences is a basic wrapper around StateChangeConf that will retry
// a function until it returns the specified amount of target occurrences continuously.
// Adapted from the Retry function in the go SDK.
func RetryWithTargetOccurrences(timeout time.Duration, targetOccurrences int,
f retry.RetryFunc) error {
// These are used to pull the error out of the function; need a mutex to
// avoid a data race.
var resultErr error
var resultErrMu sync.Mutex
c := &retry.StateChangeConf{
Pending: []string{"retryableerror"},
Target: []string{"success"},
Timeout: timeout,
MinTimeout: 500 * time.Millisecond,
ContinuousTargetOccurence: targetOccurrences,
Refresh: func() (interface{}, string, error) {
rerr := f()
defer resultErrMu.Unlock()
if rerr == nil {
resultErr = nil
return 42, "success", nil
resultErr = rerr.Err
if rerr.Retryable {
return 42, "retryableerror", nil
return nil, "quit", rerr.Err
_, waitErr := c.WaitForState()
// Need to acquire the lock here to be able to avoid race using resultErr as
// the return value
defer resultErrMu.Unlock()
// resultErr may be nil because the wait timed out and resultErr was never
// set; this is still an error
if resultErr == nil {
return waitErr
// resultErr takes precedence over waitErr if both are set because it is
// more likely to be useful
return resultErr
* Common PollCheckResponseFunc implementations
// PollCheckForExistence waits for a successful response, continues polling on 404,
// and returns any other error.
func PollCheckForExistence(_ map[string]interface{}, respErr error) PollResult {
if respErr != nil {
if IsGoogleApiErrorWithCode(respErr, 404) {
return PendingStatusPollResult("not found")
return ErrorPollResult(respErr)
return SuccessPollResult()
// PollCheckForExistenceWith403 waits for a successful response, continues polling on 404 or 403,
// and returns any other error.
func PollCheckForExistenceWith403(_ map[string]interface{}, respErr error) PollResult {
if respErr != nil {
if IsGoogleApiErrorWithCode(respErr, 404) || IsGoogleApiErrorWithCode(respErr, 403) {
return PendingStatusPollResult("not found")
return ErrorPollResult(respErr)
return SuccessPollResult()
// PollCheckForAbsence waits for a 404/403 response, continues polling on a successful
// response, and returns any other error.
func PollCheckForAbsenceWith403(_ map[string]interface{}, respErr error) PollResult {
if respErr != nil {
if IsGoogleApiErrorWithCode(respErr, 404) || IsGoogleApiErrorWithCode(respErr, 403) {
return SuccessPollResult()
return ErrorPollResult(respErr)
return PendingStatusPollResult("found")
// PollCheckForAbsence waits for a 404 response, continues polling on a successful
// response, and returns any other error.
func PollCheckForAbsence(_ map[string]interface{}, respErr error) PollResult {
if respErr != nil {
if IsGoogleApiErrorWithCode(respErr, 404) {
return SuccessPollResult()
return ErrorPollResult(respErr)
return PendingStatusPollResult("found")