blob: a80aadd6d8899c8436be0e6d60d5c7bde4160cb8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// This file is maintained in the GoogleCloudPlatform/magic-modules repository and copied into the downstream provider repositories. Any changes to this file in the downstream will be overwritten.
package projects
import ProviderNameBeta
import builds.*
import jetbrains.buildServer.configs.kotlin.Project
import projects.reused.mmUpstream
import projects.reused.nightlyTests
import projects.reused.vcrRecording
import replaceCharsId
import vcs_roots.HashiCorpVCSRootBeta
import vcs_roots.ModularMagicianVCSRootBeta
// googleSubProjectBeta returns a subproject that is used for testing terraform-provider-google-beta (Beta)
fun googleSubProjectBeta(allConfig: AllContextParameters): Project {
val betaId = replaceCharsId("GOOGLE_BETA")
// Get config for using the Beta and VCR identities
val betaConfig = getBetaAcceptanceTestConfig(allConfig)
val vcrConfig = getVcrAcceptanceTestConfig(allConfig)
return Project{
name = "Google Beta"
description = "Subproject containing builds for testing the Beta version of the Google provider"
// Nightly Test project that uses hashicorp/terraform-provider-google-beta
subProject(nightlyTests(betaId, ProviderNameBeta, HashiCorpVCSRootBeta, betaConfig, NightlyTriggerConfiguration()))
// MM Upstream project that uses modular-magician/terraform-provider-google-beta
subProject(mmUpstream(betaId, ProviderNameBeta, ModularMagicianVCSRootBeta, HashiCorpVCSRootBeta, vcrConfig, NightlyTriggerConfiguration()))
// VCR recording project that allows VCR recordings to be made using hashicorp/terraform-provider-google-beta OR modular-magician/terraform-provider-google-beta
// This is only present for the Beta provider, as only TPGB VCR recordings are used.
subProject(vcrRecording(betaId, ProviderNameBeta, HashiCorpVCSRootBeta, ModularMagicianVCSRootBeta, vcrConfig))
params {