blob: 4330f148783ea813d4e200c8324674f9c61739d4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# This will use the `google` provider
module "ip" {
source = "./ip"
name = "ipv4"
# The following modules will use the `google-beta` provider
# Because it has been aliased to the `google` name
module "ip-beta" {
source = "./ip"
name = "ipv4-beta"
labels = {
"hello" = "world"
"foo" = "bar"
providers = {
google = google-beta
module "ip-beta-no-labels" {
source = "./ip"
name = "ipv4-beta-no-labels"
providers = {
google = google-beta
# Using the `google-beta` provider in a config requires
# the `google-beta` provider block
provider "google-beta" {
# Display outputs from each block
output "ip_address" {
value = module.ip.address
output "ip_address_beta" {
value = module.ip-beta.address
output "ip_address_beta_no_labels" {
value = module.ip-beta-no-labels.address