blob: 3fd5f4964a7bea6e15cc03e17b9787f3e1b809e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package json
import (
func NewResourceInstanceChange(change *plans.ResourceInstanceChangeSrc) *ResourceInstanceChange {
c := &ResourceInstanceChange{
Resource: newResourceAddr(change.Addr),
Action: changeAction(change.Action),
Reason: changeReason(change.ActionReason),
GeneratedConfig: change.GeneratedConfig,
// The order here matters, we want the moved action to take precedence over
// the import action. We're basically taking "the most recent action" as the
// primary action in the streamed logs. That is to say, that if a resource
// is imported and then moved in a single operation then the change for that
// resource will be reported as ActionMove while the Importing flag will
// still be set to true.
// Since both the moved and imported actions only overwrite a NoOp this
// behaviour is consistent across the other actions as well. Something that
// is imported and then updated, or moved and then updated, will have the
// ActionUpdate as the recognised action for the change.
if !change.Addr.Equal(change.PrevRunAddr) {
if c.Action == ActionNoOp {
c.Action = ActionMove
pr := newResourceAddr(change.PrevRunAddr)
c.PreviousResource = &pr
if change.Importing != nil {
if c.Action == ActionNoOp {
c.Action = ActionImport
c.Importing = &Importing{ID: change.Importing.ID}
return c
type ResourceInstanceChange struct {
Resource ResourceAddr `json:"resource"`
PreviousResource *ResourceAddr `json:"previous_resource,omitempty"`
Action ChangeAction `json:"action"`
Reason ChangeReason `json:"reason,omitempty"`
Importing *Importing `json:"importing,omitempty"`
GeneratedConfig string `json:"generated_config,omitempty"`
func (c *ResourceInstanceChange) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: Plan to %s", c.Resource.Addr, c.Action)
type ChangeAction string
const (
ActionNoOp ChangeAction = "noop"
ActionMove ChangeAction = "move"
ActionCreate ChangeAction = "create"
ActionRead ChangeAction = "read"
ActionUpdate ChangeAction = "update"
ActionReplace ChangeAction = "replace"
ActionDelete ChangeAction = "delete"
ActionImport ChangeAction = "import"
func changeAction(action plans.Action) ChangeAction {
switch action {
case plans.NoOp:
return ActionNoOp
case plans.Create:
return ActionCreate
case plans.Read:
return ActionRead
case plans.Update:
return ActionUpdate
case plans.DeleteThenCreate, plans.CreateThenDelete:
return ActionReplace
case plans.Delete:
return ActionDelete
return ActionNoOp
type ChangeReason string
const (
ReasonNone ChangeReason = ""
ReasonTainted ChangeReason = "tainted"
ReasonRequested ChangeReason = "requested"
ReasonReplaceTriggeredBy ChangeReason = "replace_triggered_by"
ReasonCannotUpdate ChangeReason = "cannot_update"
ReasonUnknown ChangeReason = "unknown"
ReasonDeleteBecauseNoResourceConfig ChangeReason = "delete_because_no_resource_config"
ReasonDeleteBecauseWrongRepetition ChangeReason = "delete_because_wrong_repetition"
ReasonDeleteBecauseCountIndex ChangeReason = "delete_because_count_index"
ReasonDeleteBecauseEachKey ChangeReason = "delete_because_each_key"
ReasonDeleteBecauseNoModule ChangeReason = "delete_because_no_module"
ReasonDeleteBecauseNoMoveTarget ChangeReason = "delete_because_no_move_target"
ReasonReadBecauseConfigUnknown ChangeReason = "read_because_config_unknown"
ReasonReadBecauseDependencyPending ChangeReason = "read_because_dependency_pending"
ReasonReadBecauseCheckNested ChangeReason = "read_because_check_nested"
func changeReason(reason plans.ResourceInstanceChangeActionReason) ChangeReason {
switch reason {
case plans.ResourceInstanceChangeNoReason:
return ReasonNone
case plans.ResourceInstanceReplaceBecauseTainted:
return ReasonTainted
case plans.ResourceInstanceReplaceByRequest:
return ReasonRequested
case plans.ResourceInstanceReplaceBecauseCannotUpdate:
return ReasonCannotUpdate
case plans.ResourceInstanceReplaceByTriggers:
return ReasonReplaceTriggeredBy
case plans.ResourceInstanceDeleteBecauseNoResourceConfig:
return ReasonDeleteBecauseNoResourceConfig
case plans.ResourceInstanceDeleteBecauseWrongRepetition:
return ReasonDeleteBecauseWrongRepetition
case plans.ResourceInstanceDeleteBecauseCountIndex:
return ReasonDeleteBecauseCountIndex
case plans.ResourceInstanceDeleteBecauseEachKey:
return ReasonDeleteBecauseEachKey
case plans.ResourceInstanceDeleteBecauseNoModule:
return ReasonDeleteBecauseNoModule
case plans.ResourceInstanceReadBecauseConfigUnknown:
return ReasonReadBecauseConfigUnknown
case plans.ResourceInstanceDeleteBecauseNoMoveTarget:
return ReasonDeleteBecauseNoMoveTarget
case plans.ResourceInstanceReadBecauseDependencyPending:
return ReasonReadBecauseDependencyPending
case plans.ResourceInstanceReadBecauseCheckNested:
return ReasonReadBecauseCheckNested
// This should never happen, but there's no good way to guarantee
// exhaustive handling of the enum, so a generic fall back is better
// than a misleading result or a panic
return ReasonUnknown