blob: aa4b7e9f7ac99616ec56ed49337d67c90f6b7a48 [file] [log] [blame]
provider "test" {
value = "ok"
module "mod" {
source = "./mod"
# FIXME: This test is for an awkward interaction that we've preserved for
# compatibility with what was arguably a bug in earlier versions: if a
# child module tries to use an inherited provider configuration explicitly by
# name then Terraform would historically use the wrong provider configuration.
# Since we weren't able to address that bug without breaking backward
# compatibility, instead we emit a warning to prompt the author to be explicit,
# passing in the configuration they intend to use.
# This case is particularly awkward because a change in the child module
# (previously referring to a provider only implicitly, but now naming it
# explicitly) can cause a required change in _this_ module (the caller),
# even though the author of the child module would've seen no explicit warning
# that they were making a breaking change. Hopefully we can improve on this
# in a future language edition.