blob: 31f12f225a5eceec956cd468304b96f9f3355c98 [file] [log] [blame]
page_title: trimsuffix - Functions - Configuration Language
description: |-
The trimsuffix function removes the specified suffix from the end of a
given string.
# `trimsuffix` Function
`trimsuffix` removes the specified suffix from the end of the given string.
## Examples
> trimsuffix("helloworld", "world")
## Related Functions
* [`trim`](/terraform/language/functions/trim) removes characters at the start and end of a string.
* [`trimprefix`](/terraform/language/functions/trimprefix) removes a word from the start of a string.
* [`trimspace`](/terraform/language/functions/trimspace) removes all types of whitespace from
both the start and the end of a string.