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page_title: 'Backend Type: pg'
description: Terraform can store state remotely in a Postgres database with locking.
# pg
Stores the state in a [Postgres database]( version 10 or newer.
This backend supports [state locking](/terraform/language/state/locking).
## Example Configuration
terraform {
backend "pg" {
conn_str = "postgres://"
Before initializing the backend with `terraform init`, the database must already exist:
createdb terraform_backend
This `createdb` command is found in [Postgres client applications]( which are installed along with the database server.
### Using environment variables
We recommend using environment variables to configure the `pg` backend in order
not to have sensitive credentials written to disk and committed to source
The `pg` backend supports the standard [`libpq` environment variables](
The backend can be configured either by giving the whole configuration as an
environment variable:
terraform {
backend "pg" {}
$ export PG_CONN_STR=postgres://
$ terraform init
or just the sensitive parameters:
terraform {
backend "pg" {
conn_str = "postgres://"
$ export PGUSER=user
$ read -s PGPASSWORD
$ terraform init
## Data Source Configuration
To make use of the pg remote state in another configuration, use the [`terraform_remote_state` data source](/terraform/language/state/remote-state-data).
data "terraform_remote_state" "network" {
backend = "pg"
config = {
conn_str = "postgres://localhost/terraform_backend"
## Configuration Variables
!> **Warning:** We recommend using environment variables to supply credentials and other sensitive data. If you use `-backend-config` or hardcode these values directly in your configuration, Terraform will include these values in both the `.terraform` subdirectory and in plan files. Refer to [Credentials and Sensitive Data](/terraform/language/settings/backends/configuration#credentials-and-sensitive-data) for details.
The following configuration options or environment variables are supported:
- `conn_str` - Postgres connection string; a `postgres://` URL. The `PG_CONN_STR` and [standard `libpq`]( environment variables can also be used to indicate how to connect to the PostgreSQL database.
- `schema_name` - Name of the automatically-managed Postgres schema, default to `terraform_remote_state`. Can also be set using the `PG_SCHEMA_NAME` environment variable.
- `skip_schema_creation` - If set to `true`, the Postgres schema must already exist. Can also be set using the `PG_SKIP_SCHEMA_CREATION` environment variable. Terraform won't try to create the schema, this is useful when it has already been created by a database administrator.
- `skip_table_creation` - If set to `true`, the Postgres table must already exist. Can also be set using the `PG_SKIP_TABLE_CREATION` environment variable. Terraform won't try to create the table, this is useful when it has already been created by a database administrator.
- `skip_index_creation` - If set to `true`, the Postgres index must already exist. Can also be set using the `PG_SKIP_INDEX_CREATION` environment variable. Terraform won't try to create the index, this is useful when it has already been created by a database administrator.
## Technical Design
This backend creates one table **states** in the automatically-managed Postgres schema configured by the `schema_name` variable.
The table is keyed by the [workspace](/terraform/language/state/workspaces) name. If workspaces are not in use, the name `default` is used.
Locking is supported using [Postgres advisory locks]( [`force-unlock`](/terraform/cli/commands/force-unlock) is not supported, because these database-native locks will automatically unlock when the session is aborted or the connection fails. To see outstanding locks in a Postgres server, use the [`pg_locks` system view](
The **states** table contains:
- a serial integer `id`, used as the key for advisory locks
- the workspace `name` key as _text_ with a unique index
- the Terraform state `data` as _text_