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page_title: 'Backend Type: gcs'
description: >-
Terraform can store the state remotely, making it easier to version and work
with in a team.
# gcs
Stores the state as an object in a configurable prefix in a pre-existing bucket on [Google Cloud Storage]( (GCS).
The bucket must exist prior to configuring the backend.
This backend supports [state locking](/language/state/locking).
~> **Warning!** It is highly recommended that you enable
[Object Versioning](
on the GCS bucket to allow for state recovery in the case of accidental deletions and human error.
## Example Configuration
terraform {
backend "gcs" {
bucket = "tf-state-prod"
prefix = "terraform/state"
## Data Source Configuration
data "terraform_remote_state" "foo" {
backend = "gcs"
config = {
bucket = "terraform-state"
prefix = "prod"
resource "template_file" "bar" {
template = "${greeting}"
vars {
greeting = "${}"
## Authentication
IAM Changes to buckets are [eventually consistent]( and may take upto a few minutes to take effect. Terraform will return 403 errors till it is eventually consistent.
### Running Terraform on your workstation.
If you are using terraform on your workstation, you will need to install the Google Cloud SDK and authenticate using [User Application Default
User ADCs do [expire]( and you can refresh them by running `gcloud auth application-default login`.
### Running Terraform on Google Cloud
If you are running terraform on Google Cloud, you can configure that instance or cluster to use a [Google Service
Account]( This will allow Terraform to authenticate to Google Cloud without having to bake in a separate
credential/authentication file. Make sure that the scope of the VM/Cluster is set to cloud-platform.
### Running Terraform outside of Google Cloud
If you are running terraform outside of Google Cloud, generate a service account key and set the `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment variable to
the path of the service account key. Terraform will use that key for authentication.
### Impersonating Service Accounts
Terraform can impersonate a Google Service Account as described [here]( A valid credential must be provided as mentioned in the earlier section and that identity must have the `roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator` role on the service account you are impersonating.
## Configuration Variables
!> **Warning:** We recommend using environment variables to supply credentials and other sensitive data. If you use `-backend-config` or hardcode these values directly in your configuration, Terraform will include these values in both the `.terraform` subdirectory and in plan files. Refer to [Credentials and Sensitive Data](/language/settings/backends/configuration#credentials-and-sensitive-data) for details.
The following configuration options are supported:
- `bucket` - (Required) The name of the GCS bucket. This name must be
globally unique. For more information, see [Bucket Naming
(Optional) Local path to Google Cloud Platform account credentials in JSON
format. If unset, [Google Application Default
are used. The provided credentials must have Storage Object Admin role on the bucket.
**Warning**: if using the Google Cloud Platform provider as well, it will
also pick up the `GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS` environment variable.
- `impersonate_service_account` - (Optional) The service account to impersonate for accessing the State Bucket.
You must have `roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator` role on that account for the impersonation to succeed.
If you are using a delegation chain, you can specify that using the `impersonate_service_account_delegates` field.
Alternatively, this can be specified using the `GOOGLE_IMPERSONATE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT` environment
- `impersonate_service_account_delegates` - (Optional) The delegation chain for an impersonating a service account as described [here](
- `access_token` - (Optional) A temporary \[OAuth 2.0 access token] obtained
from the Google Authorization server, i.e. the `Authorization: Bearer` token
used to authenticate HTTP requests to GCP APIs. This is an alternative to
`credentials`. If both are specified, `access_token` will be used over the
`credentials` field.
- `prefix` - (Optional) GCS prefix inside the bucket. Named states for
workspaces are stored in an object called `<prefix>/<name>.tfstate`.
- `encryption_key` / `GOOGLE_ENCRYPTION_KEY` - (Optional) A 32 byte base64
encoded 'customer supplied encryption key' used to encrypt all state. For
more information see [Customer Supplied Encryption