blob: 1d460ada0eb08f6f91003e4058a2fc1dddaf30c7 [file] [log] [blame]
tfcoremock_complex_resource.complex: Refreshing state... [id=64564E36-BFCB-458B-9405-EBBF6A3CAC7A]
Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution
plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
- destroy
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# tfcoremock_complex_resource.complex will be destroyed
- resource "tfcoremock_complex_resource" "complex" {
- bool = true -> null
- float = 987654321 -> null
- id = "64564E36-BFCB-458B-9405-EBBF6A3CAC7A" -> null
- integer = 987654321 -> null
- list = [
- {
- string = "this is my first entry in the list, and doesn't contain anything interesting" -> null
- {
- string = <<-EOT
this is my second entry in the list
I am a bit more interesting
and contain multiple lines
EOT -> null
- {
- list = [
- {
- number = 0 -> null
- {
- number = 1 -> null
- {
- number = 2 -> null
] -> null
- string = "this is my third entry, and I actually have a nested list" -> null
- {
- set = [
- {
- number = 0 -> null
- {
- number = 1 -> null
] -> null
- string = "this is my fourth entry, and I actually have a nested set" -> null
] -> null
- map = {
- "key_four" = {
- set = [
- {
- number = 0 -> null
- {
- number = 1 -> null
] -> null
- string = "this is my fourth entry, and I actually have a nested set" -> null
- "key_one" = {
- string = "this is my first entry in the map, and doesn't contain anything interesting" -> null
- "key_three" = {
- list = [
- {
- number = 0 -> null
- {
- number = 1 -> null
- {
- number = 2 -> null
] -> null
- string = "this is my third entry, and I actually have a nested list" -> null
- "key_two" = {
- string = <<-EOT
this is my second entry in the map
I am a bit more interesting
and contain multiple lines
EOT -> null
- number = 123456789 -> null
- object = {
- bool = false -> null
- number = 0 -> null
- object = {
- bool = true -> null
- number = 1 -> null
- string = "i am a nested nested object" -> null
} -> null
- string = "i am a nested object" -> null
} -> null
- set = [
- {
- list = [
- {
- number = 0 -> null
- {
- number = 1 -> null
- {
- number = 2 -> null
] -> null
- string = "this is my third entry, and I actually have a nested list" -> null
- {
- set = [
- {
- number = 0 -> null
- {
- number = 1 -> null
] -> null
- string = "this is my fourth entry, and I actually have a nested set" -> null
- {
- string = "this is my first entry in the set, and doesn't contain anything interesting" -> null
- {
- string = <<-EOT
this is my second entry in the set
I am a bit more interesting
and contain multiple lines
EOT -> null
] -> null
- string = "a not very long or complex string" -> null
- list_block {
- string = jsonencode(
- index = 0
) -> null
- list_block {
- list = [
- {
- number = 0 -> null
- {
- number = 1 -> null
- {
- number = 2 -> null
] -> null
- string = jsonencode(
- index = 1
) -> null
- list_block {
- set = [
- {
- number = 0 -> null
- {
- number = 1 -> null
] -> null
- string = jsonencode(
- index = 2
) -> null
- set_block {
- list = [
- {
- number = 0 -> null
- {
- number = 1 -> null
- {
- number = 2 -> null
] -> null
- string = jsonencode(
- index = 1
) -> null
- set_block {
- set = [
- {
- number = 0 -> null
- {
- number = 1 -> null
] -> null
- string = jsonencode(
- index = 2
) -> null
- set_block {
- string = jsonencode(
- index = 0
) -> null
Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 1 to destroy.
Saved the plan to: equivalence_test_plan
To perform exactly these actions, run the following command to apply:
terraform apply "equivalence_test_plan"