blob: c0ea5b89d3609b20405f07b4a1f7d33c80dab16b [file] [log] [blame]
# This Dockerfile is not intended for general use, but is rather used to
# produce our "light" release packages as part of our official release
# pipeline.
# If you want to test this locally you'll need to set the three arguments
# to values realistic for what the hashicorp/actions-docker-build GitHub
# action would set, and ensure that there's a suitable "terraform" executable
# in the dist/linux/${TARGETARCH} directory.
FROM AS default
# This is intended to be run from the hashicorp/actions-docker-build GitHub
# action, which sets these appropriately based on context.
ARG BIN_NAME=terraform
# This argument is set by the Docker toolchain itself, to the name
# of the CPU architecture we're building an image for.
# Our caller should've extracted the corresponding "terraform" executable
# into dist/linux/${TARGETARCH} for us to use.
LABEL maintainer="HashiCorp Terraform Team <>"
# New standard version label.
# Historical Terraform-specific label preserved for backward compatibility.
LABEL "com.hashicorp.terraform.version"="${PRODUCT_VERSION}"
RUN apk add --no-cache git openssh
# The hashicorp/actions-docker-build GitHub Action extracts the appropriate
# release package for our target architecture into the current working
# directory before running "docker build", which we'll then copy into the
# Docker image to make sure that we use an identical binary as all of the
# other official release channels.
COPY ["dist/linux/${TARGETARCH}/terraform", "/bin/terraform"]
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/terraform"]