blob: 17f2dbf1dca14bfac802baade849d56c7af96a81 [file] [log] [blame]
package renderers
import (
var (
_ computed.DiffRenderer = (*blockRenderer)(nil)
importantAttributes = []string{
func importantAttribute(attr string) bool {
for _, attribute := range importantAttributes {
if attribute == attr {
return true
return false
func Block(attributes map[string]computed.Diff, blocks Blocks) computed.DiffRenderer {
return &blockRenderer{
attributes: attributes,
blocks: blocks,
type blockRenderer struct {
attributes map[string]computed.Diff
blocks Blocks
func (renderer blockRenderer) RenderHuman(diff computed.Diff, indent int, opts computed.RenderHumanOpts) string {
if len(renderer.attributes) == 0 && len(renderer.blocks.GetAllKeys()) == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("{}%s", forcesReplacement(diff.Replace, opts))
unchangedAttributes := 0
unchangedBlocks := 0
maximumAttributeKeyLen := 0
var attributeKeys []string
escapedAttributeKeys := make(map[string]string)
for key := range renderer.attributes {
attributeKeys = append(attributeKeys, key)
escapedKey := EnsureValidAttributeName(key)
escapedAttributeKeys[key] = escapedKey
if maximumAttributeKeyLen < len(escapedKey) {
maximumAttributeKeyLen = len(escapedKey)
importantAttributeOpts := opts.Clone()
importantAttributeOpts.ShowUnchangedChildren = true
attributeOpts := opts.Clone()
var buf bytes.Buffer
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("{%s\n", forcesReplacement(diff.Replace, opts)))
for _, key := range attributeKeys {
attribute := renderer.attributes[key]
if importantAttribute(key) {
// Always display the important attributes.
for _, warning := range attribute.WarningsHuman(indent+1, importantAttributeOpts) {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s\n", formatIndent(indent+1), warning))
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%-*s = %s\n", formatIndent(indent+1), writeDiffActionSymbol(attribute.Action, importantAttributeOpts), maximumAttributeKeyLen, key, attribute.RenderHuman(indent+1, importantAttributeOpts)))
if attribute.Action == plans.NoOp && !opts.ShowUnchangedChildren {
for _, warning := range attribute.WarningsHuman(indent+1, opts) {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s\n", formatIndent(indent+1), warning))
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%-*s = %s\n", formatIndent(indent+1), writeDiffActionSymbol(attribute.Action, attributeOpts), maximumAttributeKeyLen, escapedAttributeKeys[key], attribute.RenderHuman(indent+1, attributeOpts)))
if unchangedAttributes > 0 {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s\n", formatIndent(indent+1), writeDiffActionSymbol(plans.NoOp, opts), unchanged("attribute", unchangedAttributes, opts)))
blockKeys := renderer.blocks.GetAllKeys()
for _, key := range blockKeys {
foundChangedBlock := false
renderBlock := func(diff computed.Diff, mapKey string, opts computed.RenderHumanOpts) {
creatingSensitiveValue := diff.Action == plans.Create && renderer.blocks.AfterSensitiveBlocks[key]
deletingSensitiveValue := diff.Action == plans.Delete && renderer.blocks.BeforeSensitiveBlocks[key]
modifyingSensitiveValue := (diff.Action == plans.Update || diff.Action == plans.NoOp) && (renderer.blocks.AfterSensitiveBlocks[key] || renderer.blocks.BeforeSensitiveBlocks[key])
if creatingSensitiveValue || deletingSensitiveValue || modifyingSensitiveValue {
// Intercept the renderer here if the sensitive data was set
// across all the blocks instead of individually.
action := diff.Action
if diff.Action == plans.NoOp && renderer.blocks.BeforeSensitiveBlocks[key] != renderer.blocks.AfterSensitiveBlocks[key] {
action = plans.Update
diff = computed.NewDiff(SensitiveBlock(diff, renderer.blocks.BeforeSensitiveBlocks[key], renderer.blocks.AfterSensitiveBlocks[key]), action, diff.Replace)
if diff.Action == plans.NoOp && !opts.ShowUnchangedChildren {
if !foundChangedBlock && len(renderer.attributes) > 0 {
// We always want to put an extra new line between the
// attributes and blocks, and between groups of blocks.
foundChangedBlock = true
// If the force replacement metadata was set for every entry in the
// block we need to override that here. Our child blocks will only
// know about the replace function if it was set on them
// specifically, and not if it was set for all the blocks.
blockOpts := opts.Clone()
blockOpts.OverrideForcesReplacement = renderer.blocks.ReplaceBlocks[key]
for _, warning := range diff.WarningsHuman(indent+1, blockOpts) {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s\n", formatIndent(indent+1), warning))
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s%s %s\n", formatIndent(indent+1), writeDiffActionSymbol(diff.Action, blockOpts), EnsureValidAttributeName(key), mapKey, diff.RenderHuman(indent+1, blockOpts)))
switch {
case renderer.blocks.IsSingleBlock(key):
renderBlock(renderer.blocks.SingleBlocks[key], "", opts)
case renderer.blocks.IsMapBlock(key):
var keys []string
for key := range renderer.blocks.MapBlocks[key] {
keys = append(keys, key)
for _, innerKey := range keys {
renderBlock(renderer.blocks.MapBlocks[key][innerKey], fmt.Sprintf(" %q", innerKey), opts)
case renderer.blocks.IsSetBlock(key):
setOpts := opts.Clone()
setOpts.OverrideForcesReplacement = diff.Replace
for _, block := range renderer.blocks.SetBlocks[key] {
renderBlock(block, "", opts)
case renderer.blocks.IsListBlock(key):
for _, block := range renderer.blocks.ListBlocks[key] {
renderBlock(block, "", opts)
if unchangedBlocks > 0 {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\n%s%s%s\n", formatIndent(indent+1), writeDiffActionSymbol(plans.NoOp, opts), unchanged("block", unchangedBlocks, opts)))
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s}", formatIndent(indent), writeDiffActionSymbol(plans.NoOp, opts)))
return buf.String()