blob: 6439114ce85e0617a6558051fd55db686cdd6e49 [file] [log] [blame]
package funcs
import ""
type descriptionEntry struct {
// Description is a description for the function.
Description string
// ParamDescription argument must match the number of parameters of the
// function. If the function has a VarParam then that counts as one
// parameter. The given descriptions will be assigned in order starting
// with the positional arguments in their declared order, followed by the
// variadic parameter if any.
ParamDescription []string
// DescriptionList is a consolidated list containing all descriptions for all
// functions available within Terraform. A function's description should point
// to the matching entry in this list.
// We keep this as a single list, so we can quickly review descriptions within
// a single file and copy the whole list to other projects, like
// terraform-schema.
var DescriptionList = map[string]descriptionEntry{
"abs": {
Description: "`abs` returns the absolute value of the given number. In other words, if the number is zero or positive then it is returned as-is, but if it is negative then it is multiplied by -1 to make it positive before returning it.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"abspath": {
Description: "`abspath` takes a string containing a filesystem path and converts it to an absolute path. That is, if the path is not absolute, it will be joined with the current working directory.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"alltrue": {
Description: "`alltrue` returns `true` if all elements in a given collection are `true` or `\"true\"`. It also returns `true` if the collection is empty.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"anytrue": {
Description: "`anytrue` returns `true` if any element in a given collection is `true` or `\"true\"`. It also returns `false` if the collection is empty.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"base64decode": {
Description: "`base64decode` takes a string containing a Base64 character sequence and returns the original string.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"base64encode": {
Description: "`base64encode` applies Base64 encoding to a string.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"base64gzip": {
Description: "`base64gzip` compresses a string with gzip and then encodes the result in Base64 encoding.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"base64sha256": {
Description: "`base64sha256` computes the SHA256 hash of a given string and encodes it with Base64. This is not equivalent to `base64encode(sha256(\"test\"))` since `sha256()` returns hexadecimal representation.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"base64sha512": {
Description: "`base64sha512` computes the SHA512 hash of a given string and encodes it with Base64. This is not equivalent to `base64encode(sha512(\"test\"))` since `sha512()` returns hexadecimal representation.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"basename": {
Description: "`basename` takes a string containing a filesystem path and removes all except the last portion from it.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"bcrypt": {
Description: "`bcrypt` computes a hash of the given string using the Blowfish cipher, returning a string in [the _Modular Crypt Format_]( usually expected in the shadow password file on many Unix systems.",
ParamDescription: []string{
"The `cost` argument is optional and will default to 10 if unspecified.",
"can": {
Description: "`can` evaluates the given expression and returns a boolean value indicating whether the expression produced a result without any errors.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"ceil": {
Description: "`ceil` returns the closest whole number that is greater than or equal to the given value, which may be a fraction.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"chomp": {
Description: "`chomp` removes newline characters at the end of a string.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"chunklist": {
Description: "`chunklist` splits a single list into fixed-size chunks, returning a list of lists.",
ParamDescription: []string{
"The maximum length of each chunk. All but the last element of the result is guaranteed to be of exactly this size.",
"cidrhost": {
Description: "`cidrhost` calculates a full host IP address for a given host number within a given IP network address prefix.",
ParamDescription: []string{
"`prefix` must be given in CIDR notation, as defined in [RFC 4632 section 3.1](",
"`hostnum` is a whole number that can be represented as a binary integer with no more than the number of digits remaining in the address after the given prefix.",
"cidrnetmask": {
Description: "`cidrnetmask` converts an IPv4 address prefix given in CIDR notation into a subnet mask address.",
ParamDescription: []string{
"`prefix` must be given in CIDR notation, as defined in [RFC 4632 section 3.1](",
"cidrsubnet": {
Description: "`cidrsubnet` calculates a subnet address within given IP network address prefix.",
ParamDescription: []string{
"`prefix` must be given in CIDR notation, as defined in [RFC 4632 section 3.1](",
"`newbits` is the number of additional bits with which to extend the prefix.",
"`netnum` is a whole number that can be represented as a binary integer with no more than `newbits` binary digits, which will be used to populate the additional bits added to the prefix."},
"cidrsubnets": {
Description: "`cidrsubnets` calculates a sequence of consecutive IP address ranges within a particular CIDR prefix.",
ParamDescription: []string{
"`prefix` must be given in CIDR notation, as defined in [RFC 4632 section 3.1](",
"coalesce": {
Description: "`coalesce` takes any number of arguments and returns the first one that isn't null or an empty string.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"coalescelist": {
Description: "`coalescelist` takes any number of list arguments and returns the first one that isn't empty.",
ParamDescription: []string{
"List or tuple values to test in the given order.",
"compact": {
Description: "`compact` takes a list of strings and returns a new list with any empty string elements removed.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"concat": {
Description: "`concat` takes two or more lists and combines them into a single list.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"contains": {
Description: "`contains` determines whether a given list or set contains a given single value as one of its elements.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"csvdecode": {
Description: "`csvdecode` decodes a string containing CSV-formatted data and produces a list of maps representing that data.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"dirname": {
Description: "`dirname` takes a string containing a filesystem path and removes the last portion from it.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"distinct": {
Description: "`distinct` takes a list and returns a new list with any duplicate elements removed.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"element": {
Description: "`element` retrieves a single element from a list.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"endswith": {
Description: "`endswith` takes two values: a string to check and a suffix string. The function returns true if the first string ends with that exact suffix.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"file": {
Description: "`file` reads the contents of a file at the given path and returns them as a string.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"filebase64": {
Description: "`filebase64` reads the contents of a file at the given path and returns them as a base64-encoded string.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"filebase64sha256": {
Description: "`filebase64sha256` is a variant of `base64sha256` that hashes the contents of a given file rather than a literal string.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"filebase64sha512": {
Description: "`filebase64sha512` is a variant of `base64sha512` that hashes the contents of a given file rather than a literal string.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"fileexists": {
Description: "`fileexists` determines whether a file exists at a given path.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"filemd5": {
Description: "`filemd5` is a variant of `md5` that hashes the contents of a given file rather than a literal string.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"fileset": {
Description: "`fileset` enumerates a set of regular file names given a path and pattern. The path is automatically removed from the resulting set of file names and any result still containing path separators always returns forward slash (`/`) as the path separator for cross-system compatibility.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"filesha1": {
Description: "`filesha1` is a variant of `sha1` that hashes the contents of a given file rather than a literal string.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"filesha256": {
Description: "`filesha256` is a variant of `sha256` that hashes the contents of a given file rather than a literal string.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"filesha512": {
Description: "`filesha512` is a variant of `sha512` that hashes the contents of a given file rather than a literal string.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"flatten": {
Description: "`flatten` takes a list and replaces any elements that are lists with a flattened sequence of the list contents.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"floor": {
Description: "`floor` returns the closest whole number that is less than or equal to the given value, which may be a fraction.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"format": {
Description: "The `format` function produces a string by formatting a number of other values according to a specification string. It is similar to the `printf` function in C, and other similar functions in other programming languages.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"formatdate": {
Description: "`formatdate` converts a timestamp into a different time format.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"formatlist": {
Description: "`formatlist` produces a list of strings by formatting a number of other values according to a specification string.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"indent": {
Description: "`indent` adds a given number of spaces to the beginnings of all but the first line in a given multi-line string.",
ParamDescription: []string{
"Number of spaces to add after each newline character.",
"index": {
Description: "`index` finds the element index for a given value in a list.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"join": {
Description: "`join` produces a string by concatenating together all elements of a given list of strings with the given delimiter.",
ParamDescription: []string{
"Delimiter to insert between the given strings.",
"One or more lists of strings to join.",
"jsondecode": {
Description: "`jsondecode` interprets a given string as JSON, returning a representation of the result of decoding that string.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"jsonencode": {
Description: "`jsonencode` encodes a given value to a string using JSON syntax.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"keys": {
Description: "`keys` takes a map and returns a list containing the keys from that map.",
ParamDescription: []string{
"The map to extract keys from. May instead be an object-typed value, in which case the result is a tuple of the object attributes.",
"length": {
Description: "`length` determines the length of a given list, map, or string.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"list": {
Description: "The `list` function is no longer available. Prior to Terraform v0.12 it was the only available syntax for writing a literal list inside an expression, but Terraform v0.12 introduced a new first-class syntax.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"log": {
Description: "`log` returns the logarithm of a given number in a given base.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"lookup": {
Description: "`lookup` retrieves the value of a single element from a map, given its key. If the given key does not exist, the given default value is returned instead.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", "", ""},
"lower": {
Description: "`lower` converts all cased letters in the given string to lowercase.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"map": {
Description: "The `map` function is no longer available. Prior to Terraform v0.12 it was the only available syntax for writing a literal map inside an expression, but Terraform v0.12 introduced a new first-class syntax.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"matchkeys": {
Description: "`matchkeys` constructs a new list by taking a subset of elements from one list whose indexes match the corresponding indexes of values in another list.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", "", ""},
"max": {
Description: "`max` takes one or more numbers and returns the greatest number from the set.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"md5": {
Description: "`md5` computes the MD5 hash of a given string and encodes it with hexadecimal digits.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"merge": {
Description: "`merge` takes an arbitrary number of maps or objects, and returns a single map or object that contains a merged set of elements from all arguments.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"min": {
Description: "`min` takes one or more numbers and returns the smallest number from the set.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"nonsensitive": {
Description: "`nonsensitive` takes a sensitive value and returns a copy of that value with the sensitive marking removed, thereby exposing the sensitive value.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"one": {
Description: "`one` takes a list, set, or tuple value with either zero or one elements. If the collection is empty, `one` returns `null`. Otherwise, `one` returns the first element. If there are two or more elements then `one` will return an error.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"parseint": {
Description: "`parseint` parses the given string as a representation of an integer in the specified base and returns the resulting number. The base must be between 2 and 62 inclusive.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"pathexpand": {
Description: "`pathexpand` takes a filesystem path that might begin with a `~` segment, and if so it replaces that segment with the current user's home directory path.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"pow": {
Description: "`pow` calculates an exponent, by raising its first argument to the power of the second argument.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"range": {
Description: "`range` generates a list of numbers using a start value, a limit value, and a step value.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"regex": {
Description: "`regex` applies a [regular expression]( to a string and returns the matching substrings.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"regexall": {
Description: "`regexall` applies a [regular expression]( to a string and returns a list of all matches.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"replace": {
Description: "`replace` searches a given string for another given substring, and replaces each occurrence with a given replacement string.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", "", ""},
"reverse": {
Description: "`reverse` takes a sequence and produces a new sequence of the same length with all of the same elements as the given sequence but in reverse order.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"rsadecrypt": {
Description: "`rsadecrypt` decrypts an RSA-encrypted ciphertext, returning the corresponding cleartext.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"sensitive": {
Description: "`sensitive` takes any value and returns a copy of it marked so that Terraform will treat it as sensitive, with the same meaning and behavior as for [sensitive input variables](/language/values/variables#suppressing-values-in-cli-output).",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"setintersection": {
Description: "The `setintersection` function takes multiple sets and produces a single set containing only the elements that all of the given sets have in common. In other words, it computes the [intersection](\\(set_theory\\)) of the sets.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"setproduct": {
Description: "The `setproduct` function finds all of the possible combinations of elements from all of the given sets by computing the [Cartesian product](",
ParamDescription: []string{
"The sets to consider. Also accepts lists and tuples, and if all arguments are of list or tuple type then the result will preserve the input ordering",
"setsubtract": {
Description: "The `setsubtract` function returns a new set containing the elements from the first set that are not present in the second set. In other words, it computes the [relative complement](\\(set_theory\\)#Relative_complement) of the second set.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"setunion": {
Description: "The `setunion` function takes multiple sets and produces a single set containing the elements from all of the given sets. In other words, it computes the [union](\\(set_theory\\)) of the sets.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"sha1": {
Description: "`sha1` computes the SHA1 hash of a given string and encodes it with hexadecimal digits.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"sha256": {
Description: "`sha256` computes the SHA256 hash of a given string and encodes it with hexadecimal digits.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"sha512": {
Description: "`sha512` computes the SHA512 hash of a given string and encodes it with hexadecimal digits.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"signum": {
Description: "`signum` determines the sign of a number, returning a number between -1 and 1 to represent the sign.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"slice": {
Description: "`slice` extracts some consecutive elements from within a list.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", "", ""},
"sort": {
Description: "`sort` takes a list of strings and returns a new list with those strings sorted lexicographically.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"split": {
Description: "`split` produces a list by dividing a given string at all occurrences of a given separator.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"startswith": {
Description: "`startswith` takes two values: a string to check and a prefix string. The function returns true if the string begins with that exact prefix.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"strrev": {
Description: "`strrev` reverses the characters in a string. Note that the characters are treated as _Unicode characters_ (in technical terms, Unicode [grapheme cluster boundaries]( are respected).",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"substr": {
Description: "`substr` extracts a substring from a given string by offset and (maximum) length.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", "", ""},
"sum": {
Description: "`sum` takes a list or set of numbers and returns the sum of those numbers.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"templatefile": {
Description: "`templatefile` reads the file at the given path and renders its content as a template using a supplied set of template variables.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"textdecodebase64": {
Description: "`textdecodebase64` function decodes a string that was previously Base64-encoded, and then interprets the result as characters in a specified character encoding.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"textencodebase64": {
Description: "`textencodebase64` encodes the unicode characters in a given string using a specified character encoding, returning the result base64 encoded because Terraform language strings are always sequences of unicode characters.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"timeadd": {
Description: "`timeadd` adds a duration to a timestamp, returning a new timestamp.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"timecmp": {
Description: "`timecmp` compares two timestamps and returns a number that represents the ordering of the instants those timestamps represent.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"timestamp": {
Description: "`timestamp` returns a UTC timestamp string in [RFC 3339]( format.",
ParamDescription: []string{},
"title": {
Description: "`title` converts the first letter of each word in the given string to uppercase.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"tobool": {
Description: "`tobool` converts its argument to a boolean value.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"tolist": {
Description: "`tolist` converts its argument to a list value.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"tomap": {
Description: "`tomap` converts its argument to a map value.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"tonumber": {
Description: "`tonumber` converts its argument to a number value.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"toset": {
Description: "`toset` converts its argument to a set value.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"tostring": {
Description: "`tostring` converts its argument to a string value.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"transpose": {
Description: "`transpose` takes a map of lists of strings and swaps the keys and values to produce a new map of lists of strings.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"trim": {
Description: "`trim` removes the specified set of characters from the start and end of the given string.",
ParamDescription: []string{
"A string containing all of the characters to trim. Each character is taken separately, so the order of characters is insignificant.",
"trimprefix": {
Description: "`trimprefix` removes the specified prefix from the start of the given string. If the string does not start with the prefix, the string is returned unchanged.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"trimspace": {
Description: "`trimspace` removes any space characters from the start and end of the given string.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"trimsuffix": {
Description: "`trimsuffix` removes the specified suffix from the end of the given string.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"try": {
Description: "`try` evaluates all of its argument expressions in turn and returns the result of the first one that does not produce any errors.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"type": {
Description: "`type` returns the type of a given value.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"upper": {
Description: "`upper` converts all cased letters in the given string to uppercase.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"urlencode": {
Description: "`urlencode` applies URL encoding to a given string.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"uuid": {
Description: "`uuid` generates a unique identifier string.",
ParamDescription: []string{},
"uuidv5": {
Description: "`uuidv5` generates a _name-based_ UUID, as described in [RFC 4122 section 4.3](, also known as a \"version 5\" UUID.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
"values": {
Description: "`values` takes a map and returns a list containing the values of the elements in that map.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"yamldecode": {
Description: "`yamldecode` parses a string as a subset of YAML, and produces a representation of its value.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"yamlencode": {
Description: "`yamlencode` encodes a given value to a string using [YAML 1.2]( block syntax.",
ParamDescription: []string{""},
"zipmap": {
Description: "`zipmap` constructs a map from a list of keys and a corresponding list of values.",
ParamDescription: []string{"", ""},
// WithDescription looks up the description for a given function and uses
// go-cty's WithNewDescriptions to replace the function's description and
// parameter descriptions.
func WithDescription(name string, f function.Function) function.Function {
desc, ok := DescriptionList[name]
if !ok {
return f
// Will panic if ParamDescription doesn't match the number of parameters
// the function expects
return f.WithNewDescriptions(desc.Description, desc.ParamDescription)