blob: de3bff4f52eba04d3dd7ca9480d41431af5d19ab [file] [log] [blame]
# tfcoremock_complex_resource.complex:
resource "tfcoremock_complex_resource" "complex" {
bool = true
float = 987654321
id = "64564E36-BFCB-458B-9405-EBBF6A3CAC7A"
integer = 987654321
list = [
string = "this is my first entry in the list, and doesn't contain anything interesting"
string = <<-EOT
this is my second entry in the list
I am a bit more interesting
and contain multiple lines
list = [
number = 0
number = 1
number = 2
string = "this is my third entry, and I actually have a nested list"
set = [
number = 0
number = 1
string = "this is my fourth entry, and I actually have a nested set"
map = {
"key_four" = {
set = [
number = 0
number = 1
string = "this is my fourth entry, and I actually have a nested set"
"key_one" = {
string = "this is my first entry in the map, and doesn't contain anything interesting"
"key_three" = {
list = [
number = 0
number = 1
number = 2
string = "this is my third entry, and I actually have a nested list"
"key_two" = {
string = <<-EOT
this is my second entry in the map
I am a bit more interesting
and contain multiple lines
number = 123456789
object = {
bool = false
number = 0
object = {
bool = true
number = 1
string = "i am a nested nested object"
string = "i am a nested object"
set = [
list = [
number = 0
number = 1
number = 2
string = "this is my third entry, and I actually have a nested list"
set = [
number = 0
number = 1
string = "this is my fourth entry, and I actually have a nested set"
string = "this is my first entry in the set, and doesn't contain anything interesting"
string = <<-EOT
this is my second entry in the set
I am a bit more interesting
and contain multiple lines
string = "a not very long or complex string"
list_block {
string = jsonencode(
index = 0
list_block {
list = [
number = 0
number = 1
number = 2
string = jsonencode(
index = 1
list_block {
set = [
number = 0
number = 1
string = jsonencode(
index = 2
set_block {
list = [
number = 0
number = 1
number = 2
string = jsonencode(
index = 1
set_block {
set = [
number = 0
number = 1
string = jsonencode(
index = 2
set_block {
string = jsonencode(
index = 0