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page_title: substr - Functions - Configuration Language
description: |-
The substr function extracts a substring from a given string by offset and
# `substr` Function
`substr` extracts a substring from a given string by offset and (maximum) length.
substr(string, offset, length)
## Examples
> substr("hello world", 1, 4)
The offset and length are both counted in _unicode characters_ rather than
> substr("🤔🤷", 0, 1)
The offset index may be negative, in which case it is relative to the end of
the given string. The length may be -1, in which case the remainder of the
string after the given offset will be returned.
> substr("hello world", -5, -1)
If the length is greater than the length of the string, the substring
will be the length of all remaining characters.
> substr("hello world", 6, 10)