blob: c241ab4220c48405ddada001cbf393a21705436d [file] [log] [blame]
package tfdiags
import (
type Diagnostic interface {
Severity() Severity
Description() Description
Source() Source
// FromExpr returns the expression-related context for the diagnostic, if
// available. Returns nil if the diagnostic is not related to an
// expression evaluation.
FromExpr() *FromExpr
type Severity rune
//go:generate go run -type=Severity
const (
Error Severity = 'E'
Warning Severity = 'W'
// ToHCL converts a Severity to the equivalent HCL diagnostic severity.
func (s Severity) ToHCL() hcl.DiagnosticSeverity {
switch s {
case Warning:
return hcl.DiagWarning
case Error:
return hcl.DiagError
// The above should always be exhaustive for all of the valid
// Severity values in this package.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown diagnostic severity %s", s))
type Description struct {
Address string
Summary string
Detail string
type Source struct {
Subject *SourceRange
Context *SourceRange
type FromExpr struct {
Expression hcl.Expression
EvalContext *hcl.EvalContext