blob: 406718159c4383749e503d28a3c90910dbea6957 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
package initwd
import (
// LoadConfigForTests is a convenience wrapper around configload.NewLoaderForTests,
// ModuleInstaller.InstallModules and configload.Loader.LoadConfig that allows
// a test configuration to be loaded in a single step.
// If module installation fails, t.Fatal (or similar) is called to halt
// execution of the test, under the assumption that installation failures are
// not expected. If installation failures _are_ expected then use
// NewLoaderForTests and work with the loader object directly. If module
// installation succeeds but generates warnings, these warnings are discarded.
// If installation succeeds but errors are detected during loading then a
// possibly-incomplete config is returned along with error diagnostics. The
// test run is not aborted in this case, so that the caller can make assertions
// against the returned diagnostics.
// As with NewLoaderForTests, a cleanup function is returned which must be
// called before the test completes in order to remove the temporary
// modules directory.
func LoadConfigForTests(t *testing.T, rootDir string) (*configs.Config, *configload.Loader, func(), tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
loader, cleanup := configload.NewLoaderForTests(t)
inst := NewModuleInstaller(loader.ModulesDir(), registry.NewClient(nil, nil))
_, moreDiags := inst.InstallModules(context.Background(), rootDir, true, ModuleInstallHooksImpl{})
diags = diags.Append(moreDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return nil, nil, func() {}, diags
// Since module installer has modified the module manifest on disk, we need
// to refresh the cache of it in the loader.
if err := loader.RefreshModules(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to refresh modules after installation: %s", err)
config, hclDiags := loader.LoadConfig(rootDir)
diags = diags.Append(hclDiags)
return config, loader, cleanup, diags
// MustLoadConfigForTests is a variant of LoadConfigForTests which calls
// t.Fatal (or similar) if there are any errors during loading, and thus
// does not return diagnostics at all.
// This is useful for concisely writing tests that don't expect errors at
// all. For tests that expect errors and need to assert against them, use
// LoadConfigForTests instead.
func MustLoadConfigForTests(t *testing.T, rootDir string) (*configs.Config, *configload.Loader, func()) {
config, loader, cleanup, diags := LoadConfigForTests(t, rootDir)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return config, loader, cleanup