blob: 4e03dcf2a62505946f322e71184e640f37bda5d5 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.checker.calledmethods.builder;
import com.sun.source.tree.NewClassTree;
import java.beans.Introspector;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import org.checkerframework.checker.calledmethods.CalledMethodsAnnotatedTypeFactory;
import org.checkerframework.checker.calledmethods.qual.CalledMethods;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror.AnnotatedExecutableType;
import org.checkerframework.framework.util.AnnotatedTypes;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.AnnotationUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.BugInCF;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.ElementUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TreeUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TypesUtils;
import org.plumelib.util.ArraysPlume;
* AutoValue support for the Called Methods Checker. This class adds {@code @}{@link CalledMethods}
* annotations to the code generated by AutoValue.
public class AutoValueSupport implements BuilderFrameworkSupport {
/** The type factory. */
private CalledMethodsAnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory;
* Create a new AutoValueSupport.
* @param atypeFactory the typechecker's type factory
public AutoValueSupport(CalledMethodsAnnotatedTypeFactory atypeFactory) {
this.atypeFactory = atypeFactory;
* This method modifies the type of a copy constructor generated by AutoValue to match the type of
* the AutoValue toBuilder method, and has no effect if {@code tree} is a call to any other
* constructor.
* @param tree AST for a constructor call
* @param type type of the call expression
public void handleConstructor(NewClassTree tree, AnnotatedTypeMirror type) {
ExecutableElement element = TreeUtils.elementFromUse(tree);
TypeMirror superclass = ((TypeElement) element.getEnclosingElement()).getSuperclass();
if (superclass.getKind() != TypeKind.NONE
&& ElementUtils.hasAnnotation(
TypesUtils.getTypeElement(superclass), getAutoValuePackageName() + ".AutoValue.Builder")
&& element.getParameters().size() > 0) {
(TypeElement) TypesUtils.getTypeElement(superclass).getEnclosingElement());
public boolean isBuilderBuildMethod(ExecutableElement candidateBuildElement) {
TypeElement builderElement = (TypeElement) candidateBuildElement.getEnclosingElement();
if (ElementUtils.hasAnnotation(
builderElement, getAutoValuePackageName() + ".AutoValue.Builder")) {
Element classContainingBuilderElement = builderElement.getEnclosingElement();
if (!ElementUtils.hasAnnotation(
classContainingBuilderElement, getAutoValuePackageName() + ".AutoValue")) {
throw new BugInCF(
"class "
+ classContainingBuilderElement.getSimpleName()
+ " is missing @AutoValue annotation");
// it is a build method if it returns the type with the @AutoValue annotation
if (TypesUtils.getTypeElement(candidateBuildElement.getReturnType())
.equals(classContainingBuilderElement)) {
return true;
return false;
public void handleBuilderBuildMethod(AnnotatedExecutableType builderBuildType) {
ExecutableElement element = builderBuildType.getElement();
TypeElement builderElement = (TypeElement) element.getEnclosingElement();
TypeElement autoValueClassElement = (TypeElement) builderElement.getEnclosingElement();
AnnotationMirror newCalledMethodsAnno =
createCalledMethodsForAutoValueClass(builderElement, autoValueClassElement);
// Only add the new @CalledMethods annotation if there is not already a @CalledMethods
// annotation present.
AnnotationMirror explicitCalledMethodsAnno =
if (explicitCalledMethodsAnno == null) {
public boolean isToBuilderMethod(ExecutableElement candidateToBuilderElement) {
if (!"toBuilder".equals(candidateToBuilderElement.getSimpleName().toString())) {
return false;
TypeElement candidateClassContainingToBuilder =
(TypeElement) candidateToBuilderElement.getEnclosingElement();
boolean isAbstractAV =
&& candidateToBuilderElement.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.ABSTRACT);
TypeMirror superclassOfClassContainingToBuilder =
boolean superIsAV = false;
if (superclassOfClassContainingToBuilder.getKind() != TypeKind.NONE) {
superIsAV =
return superIsAV || isAbstractAV;
public void handleToBuilderMethod(AnnotatedExecutableType toBuilderType) {
AnnotatedTypeMirror returnType = toBuilderType.getReturnType();
ExecutableElement toBuilderElement = toBuilderType.getElement();
TypeElement classContainingToBuilder = (TypeElement) toBuilderElement.getEnclosingElement();
// Because of the way that the check in #isToBuilderMethod works, if the code reaches this
// point and this condition is false, the other condition MUST be true (otherwise,
// isToBuilderMethod would have returned false).
if (isAutoValueGenerated(classContainingToBuilder)
&& toBuilderElement.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.ABSTRACT)) {
handleToBuilderType(returnType, returnType.getUnderlyingType(), classContainingToBuilder);
} else {
TypeElement superElement =
handleToBuilderType(returnType, returnType.getUnderlyingType(), superElement);
* Was the given element generated by AutoValue?
* @param element the element to check
* @return true if the element was generated by AutoValue
private boolean isAutoValueGenerated(Element element) {
return ElementUtils.hasAnnotation(element, getAutoValuePackageName() + ".AutoValue");
* Add, to {@code type}, a CalledMethods annotation with all required methods called. The type can
* be the return type of toBuilder or of the corresponding generated "copy" constructor.
* @param type type to update
* @param builderType type of abstract @AutoValue.Builder class
* @param classElement AutoValue class corresponding to {@code type}
private void handleToBuilderType(
AnnotatedTypeMirror type, TypeMirror builderType, TypeElement classElement) {
TypeElement builderElement = TypesUtils.getTypeElement(builderType);
AnnotationMirror calledMethodsAnno =
createCalledMethodsForAutoValueClass(builderElement, classElement);
* Create an @CalledMethods annotation for the given AutoValue class and builder. The returned
* annotation contains all the required setters.
* @param builderElement the element for the Builder class
* @param classElement the element for the AutoValue class (i.e. the class that is built by the
* builder)
* @return an @CalledMethods annotation representing that all the required setters have been
* called
private AnnotationMirror createCalledMethodsForAutoValueClass(
TypeElement builderElement, TypeElement classElement) {
Set<String> avBuilderSetterNames = getAutoValueBuilderSetterMethodNames(builderElement);
List<String> requiredProperties =
getAutoValueRequiredProperties(classElement, avBuilderSetterNames);
return createCalledMethodsForAutoValueProperties(requiredProperties, avBuilderSetterNames);
* Creates a @CalledMethods annotation for the given property names, converting the names to the
* corresponding setter method name in the Builder.
* @param propertyNames the property names
* @param avBuilderSetterNames names of all setters in the builder class
* @return a @CalledMethods annotation that indicates all the given properties have been set
private AnnotationMirror createCalledMethodsForAutoValueProperties(
final List<String> propertyNames, Set<String> avBuilderSetterNames) {
List<String> calledMethodNames =
.map(prop -> autoValuePropToBuilderSetterName(prop, avBuilderSetterNames))
return atypeFactory.createAccumulatorAnnotation(calledMethodNames);
* Converts the name of a property (i.e., a field) into the name of its setter.
* @param prop the property (i.e., field) name
* @param builderSetterNames names of all methods in the builder class
* @return the name of the setter for prop
private static String autoValuePropToBuilderSetterName(
String prop, Set<String> builderSetterNames) {
String[] possiblePropNames;
if (prop.startsWith("get") && prop.length() > 3 && Character.isUpperCase(prop.charAt(3))) {
possiblePropNames = new String[] {prop, Introspector.decapitalize(prop.substring(3))};
} else if (prop.startsWith("is")
&& prop.length() > 2
&& Character.isUpperCase(prop.charAt(2))) {
possiblePropNames = new String[] {prop, Introspector.decapitalize(prop.substring(2))};
} else {
possiblePropNames = new String[] {prop};
for (String propName : possiblePropNames) {
// The setter may be the property name itself, or prefixed by 'set'.
if (builderSetterNames.contains(propName)) {
return propName;
String setterName = "set" + BuilderFrameworkSupportUtils.capitalize(propName);
if (builderSetterNames.contains(setterName)) {
return setterName;
// Could not find a corresponding setter. This is likely because an AutoValue Extension is in
// use. See . For now we
// return null, but once that bug is fixed, this should be changed to an assertion failure.
return null;
* Computes the required properties of an @AutoValue class.
* @param autoValueClassElement the @AutoValue class
* @param avBuilderSetterNames names of all setters in the corresponding AutoValue builder class
* @return a list of required property names
private List<String> getAutoValueRequiredProperties(
final TypeElement autoValueClassElement, Set<String> avBuilderSetterNames) {
return getAllAbstractMethods(autoValueClassElement).stream()
.filter(member -> isAutoValueRequiredProperty(member, avBuilderSetterNames))
.map(e -> e.getSimpleName().toString())
* Does member represent a required property of an AutoValue class?
* @param member a member of an AutoValue class or superclass
* @param avBuilderSetterNames names of all setters in corresponding AutoValue builder class
* @return true if {@code member} is required
private boolean isAutoValueRequiredProperty(Element member, Set<String> avBuilderSetterNames) {
String name = member.getSimpleName().toString();
// Ignore java.lang.Object overrides, constructors, and toBuilder methods in AutoValue classes.
// Strictly speaking, this code should check return types, etc. to handle strange
// overloads and other corner cases. They seem unlikely enough that we are skipping for now.
if (ArraysPlume.indexOf(
new String[] {"equals", "hashCode", "toString", "<init>", "toBuilder"}, name)
!= -1) {
return false;
TypeMirror returnType = ((ExecutableElement) member).getReturnType();
if (returnType.getKind() == TypeKind.VOID) {
return false;
// shouldn't have a nullable return
boolean hasNullable =
.anyMatch(anm -> AnnotationUtils.annotationName(anm).endsWith(".Nullable"));
if (hasNullable) {
return false;
// if return type of foo() is a Guava Immutable type, not required if there is a
// builder method fooBuilder()
if (BuilderFrameworkSupportUtils.isGuavaImmutableType(returnType)
&& avBuilderSetterNames.contains(name + "Builder")) {
return false;
// if it's an Optional, the Builder will automatically initialize it
if (isOptional(returnType)) {
return false;
// it's required!
return true;
* Returns whether AutoValue considers a type to be "optional". Optional types do not need to be
* set before build is called on a builder. Adapted from AutoValue source code.
* @param type some type
* @return true if type is an Optional type
static boolean isOptional(TypeMirror type) {
if (type.getKind() != TypeKind.DECLARED) {
return false;
DeclaredType declaredType = (DeclaredType) type;
TypeElement typeElement = (TypeElement) declaredType.asElement();
// This list of classes that AutoValue considers "optional" comes from AutoValue's source code.
String[] optionalClassNames =
new String[] {
return typeElement.getTypeParameters().size() == declaredType.getTypeArguments().size()
&& ArraysPlume.indexOf(optionalClassNames, typeElement.getQualifiedName().toString()) != -1;
* Returns names of all setter methods.
* @see #isAutoValueBuilderSetter
* @param builderElement the element representing an AutoValue builder
* @return the names of setter methods for the AutoValue builder
private Set<String> getAutoValueBuilderSetterMethodNames(TypeElement builderElement) {
return getAllAbstractMethods(builderElement).stream()
.filter(e -> isAutoValueBuilderSetter(e, builderElement))
.map(e -> e.getSimpleName().toString())
* Return true if the given method is a setter for an AutoValue builder; that is, its return type
* is the builder itself or a Guava Immutable type.
* @param method a method of a builder or one of its supertypes
* @param builderElement element for the AutoValue builder
* @return true if {@code method} is a setter for the builder
private boolean isAutoValueBuilderSetter(ExecutableElement method, TypeElement builderElement) {
TypeMirror retType = method.getReturnType();
if (retType.getKind() == TypeKind.TYPEVAR) {
// instantiate the type variable for the Builder class
retType =
// either the return type should be the builder itself, or it should be a Guava immutable type
return BuilderFrameworkSupportUtils.isGuavaImmutableType(retType)
|| builderElement.equals(TypesUtils.getTypeElement(retType));
* Get all the abstract methods for a class. This includes inherited abstract methods that are not
* overridden by the class or a superclass. There is no guarantee that this method will work as
* intended on code that implements an interface (which AutoValue classes are not supposed to do:
* @param classElement the class
* @return list of all abstract methods
public List<ExecutableElement> getAllAbstractMethods(TypeElement classElement) {
List<TypeElement> supertypes =
ElementUtils.getAllSupertypes(classElement, atypeFactory.getProcessingEnv());
List<ExecutableElement> abstractMethods = new ArrayList<>();
Set<ExecutableElement> overriddenMethods = new HashSet<>();
for (Element t : supertypes) {
for (Element member : t.getEnclosedElements()) {
if (member.getKind() != ElementKind.METHOD) {
Set<Modifier> modifiers = member.getModifiers();
if (modifiers.contains(Modifier.STATIC)) {
if (modifiers.contains(Modifier.ABSTRACT)) {
// Make sure it's not overridden. This only works because ElementUtils#closure
// returns results in a particular order.
if (!overriddenMethods.contains(member)) {
abstractMethods.add((ExecutableElement) member);
} else {
// Exclude any methods that this overrides.
atypeFactory.getElementUtils(), atypeFactory, (ExecutableElement) member)
return abstractMethods;
* Get the qualified name of the package containing AutoValue annotations. This method constructs
* the String dynamically, to ensure it does not get rewritten due to relocation of the {@code
* ""} package during the build process.
* @return {@code ""}
private String getAutoValuePackageName() {
String com = "com";
return com + "." + "";