blob: a406bbc63ce499d9f45e0277e0395d9f66ea7106 [file] [log] [blame]
This is a test of the "checker shorthand" feature.
This test is not Nullness specific.
We have placed this test in this location because it has two preconditions:
1) It must be run after checker.jar is created
2) It must be run via CheckerMain and not via bootclasspath manipulation in the build file
The normal testing methods do not require a fully built checker.jar and we did not want to force this
requirement on them. Furthermore, the JUnit tests do not run through CheckerMain. This cannot be placed in
the jtreg test suite because it does not run through CheckerMain.
This test ensures that:
a) Single checkers can be called using the shorthand notation
see NullnessOnlyExpected.txt
b) Multiple checkers can be called using the shorthand notation
see NullnessRegexExpected.txt
c) That adding a package-name in front of a checker eliminates it as a candidate for shorthand.
see NullnessBadExpected.txt
d) That names that aren't checkers actually lead to the usual error message for missing annotation processors
even when they are of the correct form for a shorthand processor.
see NonsenseExpected.txt