blob: 6257e3445b0a43361e1ed134bbe2003199c29ce9 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.common.value;
import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.NewArrayTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import org.checkerframework.checker.regex.qual.Regex;
import org.checkerframework.common.basetype.BaseAnnotatedTypeFactory;
import org.checkerframework.common.basetype.BaseTypeChecker;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.ArrayLen;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.ArrayLenRange;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.BoolVal;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.BottomVal;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.DoubleVal;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.EnumVal;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.IntRange;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.IntRangeFromGTENegativeOne;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.IntRangeFromNonNegative;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.IntRangeFromPositive;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.IntVal;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.MatchesRegex;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.MinLen;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.MinLenFieldInvariant;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.PolyValue;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.StringVal;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.UnknownVal;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.util.Range;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.expression.ArrayAccess;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.expression.ArrayCreation;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.expression.JavaExpression;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.expression.ValueLiteral;
import org.checkerframework.framework.flow.CFAbstractAnalysis;
import org.checkerframework.framework.flow.CFStore;
import org.checkerframework.framework.flow.CFTransfer;
import org.checkerframework.framework.flow.CFValue;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeMirror;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.DefaultTypeHierarchy;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.QualifierHierarchy;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.StructuralEqualityComparer;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.TypeHierarchy;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.treeannotator.ListTreeAnnotator;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.treeannotator.LiteralTreeAnnotator;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.treeannotator.PropagationTreeAnnotator;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.treeannotator.TreeAnnotator;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.typeannotator.ListTypeAnnotator;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.typeannotator.TypeAnnotator;
import org.checkerframework.framework.util.FieldInvariants;
import org.checkerframework.framework.util.JavaExpressionParseUtil.JavaExpressionParseException;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.AnnotationBuilder;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.AnnotationUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.BugInCF;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.ElementUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TreeUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TypeKindUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TypesUtils;
import org.plumelib.util.CollectionsPlume;
/** AnnotatedTypeFactory for the Value type system. */
public class ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory extends BaseAnnotatedTypeFactory {
/** Fully-qualified class name of {@link UnknownVal}. */
public static final String UNKNOWN_NAME = "org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.UnknownVal";
/** Fully-qualified class name of {@link BottomVal}. */
public static final String BOTTOMVAL_NAME = "org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.BottomVal";
/** Fully-qualified class name of {@link PolyValue}. */
public static final String POLY_NAME = "org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.PolyValue";
/** Fully-qualified class name of {@link ArrayLen}. */
public static final String ARRAYLEN_NAME = "org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.ArrayLen";
/** Fully-qualified class name of {@link BoolVal}. */
public static final String BOOLVAL_NAME = "org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.BoolVal";
/** Fully-qualified class name of {@link DoubleVal}. */
public static final String DOUBLEVAL_NAME = "org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.DoubleVal";
/** Fully-qualified class name of {@link IntVal}. */
public static final String INTVAL_NAME = "org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.IntVal";
/** Fully-qualified class name of {@link StringVal}. */
public static final String STRINGVAL_NAME = "org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.StringVal";
/** Fully-qualified class name of {@link ArrayLenRange}. */
public static final String ARRAYLENRANGE_NAME =
/** Fully-qualified class name of {@link IntRange}. */
public static final String INTRANGE_NAME = "org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.IntRange";
/** Fully-qualified class name of {@link IntRangeFromGTENegativeOne}. */
public static final String INTRANGE_FROMGTENEGONE_NAME =
/** Fully-qualified class name of {@link IntRangeFromNonNegative}. */
public static final String INTRANGE_FROMNONNEG_NAME =
/** Fully-qualified class name of {@link IntRangeFromPositive}. */
public static final String INTRANGE_FROMPOS_NAME =
/** Fully-qualified class name of {@link MinLen}. */
public static final String MINLEN_NAME = "org.checkerframework.common.value.qual.MinLen";
/** Fully-qualified class name of {@link MatchesRegex}. */
public static final String MATCHES_REGEX_NAME =
/** The maximum number of values allowed in an annotation's array. */
protected static final int MAX_VALUES = 10;
/** The top type for this hierarchy. */
protected final AnnotationMirror UNKNOWNVAL =
AnnotationBuilder.fromClass(elements, UnknownVal.class);
/** The bottom type for this hierarchy. */
protected final AnnotationMirror BOTTOMVAL =
AnnotationBuilder.fromClass(elements, BottomVal.class);
/** The canonical @{@link PolyValue} annotation. */
public final AnnotationMirror POLY = AnnotationBuilder.fromClass(elements, PolyValue.class);
/** The canonical @{@link BoolVal}(true) annotation. */
public final AnnotationMirror BOOLEAN_TRUE =
/** The canonical @{@link BoolVal}(false) annotation. */
public final AnnotationMirror BOOLEAN_FALSE =
/** The value() element/field of an @ArrayLen annotation. */
protected final ExecutableElement arrayLenValueElement =
TreeUtils.getMethod(ArrayLen.class, "value", 0, processingEnv);
/** The from() element/field of an @ArrayLenRange annotation. */
protected final ExecutableElement arrayLenRangeFromElement =
TreeUtils.getMethod(ArrayLenRange.class, "from", 0, processingEnv);
/** The to() element/field of an @ArrayLenRange annotation. */
protected final ExecutableElement arrayLenRangeToElement =
TreeUtils.getMethod(ArrayLenRange.class, "to", 0, processingEnv);
/** The value() element/field of a @BoolVal annotation. */
protected final ExecutableElement boolValValueElement =
TreeUtils.getMethod(BoolVal.class, "value", 0, processingEnv);
/** The value() element/field of a @DoubleVal annotation. */
protected final ExecutableElement doubleValValueElement =
TreeUtils.getMethod(DoubleVal.class, "value", 0, processingEnv);
/** The from() element/field of an @IntRange annotation. */
protected final ExecutableElement intRangeFromElement =
TreeUtils.getMethod(IntRange.class, "from", 0, processingEnv);
/** The to() element/field of an @IntRange annotation. */
protected final ExecutableElement intRangeToElement =
TreeUtils.getMethod(IntRange.class, "to", 0, processingEnv);
/** The value() element/field of a @IntVal annotation. */
protected final ExecutableElement intValValueElement =
TreeUtils.getMethod(IntVal.class, "value", 0, processingEnv);
/** The value() element/field of a @MatchesRegex annotation. */
public final ExecutableElement matchesRegexValueElement =
TreeUtils.getMethod(MatchesRegex.class, "value", 0, processingEnv);
/** The value() element/field of a @MinLen annotation. */
protected final ExecutableElement minLenValueElement =
TreeUtils.getMethod(MinLen.class, "value", 0, processingEnv);
/** The field() element/field of a @MinLenFieldInvariant annotation. */
protected final ExecutableElement minLenFieldInvariantFieldElement =
TreeUtils.getMethod(MinLenFieldInvariant.class, "field", 0, processingEnv);
/** The minLen() element/field of a @MinLenFieldInvariant annotation. */
protected final ExecutableElement minLenFieldInvariantMinLenElement =
TreeUtils.getMethod(MinLenFieldInvariant.class, "minLen", 0, processingEnv);
/** The value() element/field of a @StringVal annotation. */
public final ExecutableElement stringValValueElement =
TreeUtils.getMethod(StringVal.class, "value", 0, processingEnv);
/** Should this type factory report warnings? */
private final boolean reportEvalWarnings;
/** Helper class that evaluates statically executable methods, constructors, and fields. */
// TODO: only used in ValueTreeAnnotator. Should it move there?
protected final ReflectiveEvaluator evaluator;
/** Helper class that holds references to special methods. */
private final ValueMethodIdentifier methods;
@SuppressWarnings("StaticAssignmentInConstructor") // static Range.ignoreOverflow is gross
public ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory(BaseTypeChecker checker) {
reportEvalWarnings = checker.hasOption(ValueChecker.REPORT_EVAL_WARNS);
Range.ignoreOverflow = checker.hasOption(ValueChecker.IGNORE_RANGE_OVERFLOW);
evaluator = new ReflectiveEvaluator(checker, this, reportEvalWarnings);
addAliasedTypeAnnotation("", IntRange.class, true);
// The actual ArrayLenRange is created by
// {@link ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory#canonicalAnnotation(AnnotationMirror)};
// this line just registers the alias. The BottomVal is never used.
addAliasedTypeAnnotation(MinLen.class, BOTTOMVAL);
// @Positive is aliased here because @Positive provides useful
// information about @MinLen annotations.
// @NonNegative and @GTENegativeOne are aliased similarly so
// that it's possible to overwrite a function annotated to return
// @NonNegative with, for instance, a function that returns an @IntVal(0).
"org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive", createIntRangeFromPositive());
"org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.NonNegative", createIntRangeFromNonNegative());
// Must also alias any alias of three annotations above:
"org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.LengthOf", createIntRangeFromNonNegative());
"org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.IndexFor", createIntRangeFromNonNegative());
"org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.IndexOrHigh", createIntRangeFromNonNegative());
"org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.IndexOrLow", createIntRangeFromGTENegativeOne());
// PolyLength is syntactic sugar for both @PolySameLen and @PolyValue
addAliasedTypeAnnotation("org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.PolyLength", POLY);
// EnumVal is treated as StringVal internally by the checker.
addAliasedTypeAnnotation(EnumVal.class, StringVal.class, true);
methods = new ValueMethodIdentifier(processingEnv);
if (this.getClass() == ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory.class) {
/** Gets a helper object that holds references to methods with special handling. */
ValueMethodIdentifier getMethodIdentifier() {
return methods;
public AnnotationMirror canonicalAnnotation(AnnotationMirror anno) {
if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByName(anno, MINLEN_NAME)) {
int from = getMinLenValue(anno);
return createArrayLenRangeAnnotation(from, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
return super.canonicalAnnotation(anno);
protected Set<Class<? extends Annotation>> createSupportedTypeQualifiers() {
// Because the Value Checker includes its own alias annotations,
// the qualifiers have to be explicitly defined.
return new LinkedHashSet<>(
public CFTransfer createFlowTransferFunction(
CFAbstractAnalysis<CFValue, CFStore, CFTransfer> analysis) {
return new ValueTransfer(analysis);
protected QualifierHierarchy createQualifierHierarchy() {
return new ValueQualifierHierarchy(this, this.getSupportedTypeQualifiers());
protected TypeHierarchy createTypeHierarchy() {
// This is a lot of code to replace annotations so that annotations that are equivalent
// qualifiers are the same annotation.
return new DefaultTypeHierarchy(
checker.getBooleanOption("ignoreRawTypeArguments", true),
checker.hasOption("invariantArrays")) {
public StructuralEqualityComparer createEqualityComparer() {
return new StructuralEqualityComparer(areEqualVisitHistory) {
protected boolean arePrimeAnnosEqual(
AnnotatedTypeMirror type1, AnnotatedTypeMirror type2) {
return super.arePrimeAnnosEqual(type1, type2);
protected TypeAnnotator createTypeAnnotator() {
return new ListTypeAnnotator(new ValueTypeAnnotator(this), super.createTypeAnnotator());
public FieldInvariants getFieldInvariants(TypeElement element) {
AnnotationMirror fieldInvarAnno = getDeclAnnotation(element, MinLenFieldInvariant.class);
if (fieldInvarAnno == null) {
return null;
List<String> fields =
fieldInvarAnno, minLenFieldInvariantFieldElement, String.class);
List<Integer> minlens =
fieldInvarAnno, minLenFieldInvariantMinLenElement, Integer.class);
List<AnnotationMirror> qualifiers =
(Integer minlen) -> createArrayLenRangeAnnotation(minlen, Integer.MAX_VALUE), minlens);
FieldInvariants superInvariants = super.getFieldInvariants(element);
return new FieldInvariants(superInvariants, fields, qualifiers);
protected Set<Class<? extends Annotation>> getFieldInvariantDeclarationAnnotations() {
// include FieldInvariant so that @MinLenBottom can be used.
Set<Class<? extends Annotation>> set =
new HashSet<>(super.getFieldInvariantDeclarationAnnotations());
return set;
* Creates array length annotations for the result of the Enum.values() method, which is the
* number of possible values of the enum.
public ParameterizedExecutableType methodFromUse(
ExpressionTree tree, ExecutableElement methodElt, AnnotatedTypeMirror receiverType) {
ParameterizedExecutableType superPair = super.methodFromUse(tree, methodElt, receiverType);
if (ElementUtils.matchesElement(methodElt, "values")
&& methodElt.getEnclosingElement().getKind() == ElementKind.ENUM
&& ElementUtils.isStatic(methodElt)) {
int count = 0;
List<? extends Element> l = methodElt.getEnclosingElement().getEnclosedElements();
for (Element el : l) {
if (el.getKind() == ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT) {
AnnotationMirror am = createArrayLenAnnotation(Collections.singletonList(count));
return superPair;
* Finds the appropriate value for the {@code from} value of an annotated type mirror containing
* an {@code IntRange} annotation.
* @param atm an annotated type mirror that contains an {@code IntRange} annotation
* @return either the from value from the passed int range annotation, or the minimum value of the
* domain of the underlying type (i.e. Integer.MIN_VALUE if the underlying type is int)
public long getFromValueFromIntRange(AnnotatedTypeMirror atm) {
TypeMirror type = atm.getUnderlyingType();
long defaultValue = TypeKindUtils.minValue(toPrimitiveIntegralTypeKind(type));
AnnotationMirror intRangeAnno = atm.getAnnotation(IntRange.class);
return getIntRangeFromValue(intRangeAnno, defaultValue);
* Finds the appropriate value for the {@code to} value of an annotated type mirror containing an
* {@code IntRange} annotation.
* @param atm an annotated type mirror that contains an {@code IntRange} annotation
* @return either the to value from the passed int range annotation, or the maximum value of the
* domain of the underlying type (i.e. Integer.MAX_VALUE if the underlying type is int)
public long getToValueFromIntRange(AnnotatedTypeMirror atm) {
TypeMirror type = atm.getUnderlyingType();
long defaultValue = TypeKindUtils.maxValue(toPrimitiveIntegralTypeKind(type));
AnnotationMirror intRangeAnno = atm.getAnnotation(IntRange.class);
return getIntRangeToValue(intRangeAnno, defaultValue);
* Gets the from() element/field out of an IntRange annotation. The from() element/field must
* exist. Clients should call {@link #getFromValueFromIntRange} if it might not exist.
* @param intRangeAnno an IntRange annotation
* @return its from() element/field
protected long getIntRangeFromValue(AnnotationMirror intRangeAnno) {
return AnnotationUtils.getElementValueLong(intRangeAnno, intRangeFromElement, Long.MIN_VALUE);
* Gets the from() element/field out of an IntRange annotation. The from() element/field must
* exist. Clients should call {@link #getFromValueFromIntRange} if it might not exist.
* @param intRangeAnno an IntRange annotation
* @param defaultValue the value to return if there is no from() element/field
* @return its from() element/field
protected long getIntRangeFromValue(AnnotationMirror intRangeAnno, long defaultValue) {
return AnnotationUtils.getElementValueLong(intRangeAnno, intRangeFromElement, defaultValue);
* Gets the to() element/field out of an IntRange annotation. The to() element/field must exist.
* Clients should call {@link #getToValueFromIntRange} if it might not exist.
* @param intRangeAnno an IntRange annotation
* @param defaultValue the value to retur if there is no to() element/field
* @return its to() element/field
protected long getIntRangeToValue(AnnotationMirror intRangeAnno, long defaultValue) {
return AnnotationUtils.getElementValueLong(intRangeAnno, intRangeToElement, defaultValue);
* Gets the to() element/field out of an IntRange annotation. The to() element/field must exist.
* Clients should call {@link #getToValueFromIntRange} if it might not exist.
* @param intRangeAnno an IntRange annotation
* @return its to() element/field
protected long getIntRangeToValue(AnnotationMirror intRangeAnno) {
return AnnotationUtils.getElementValueLong(intRangeAnno, intRangeToElement, Long.MAX_VALUE);
* Gets the from() element/field out of an ArrayLenRange annotation.
* @param anno an ArrayLenRange annotation
* @return its from() element/field
protected int getArrayLenRangeFromValue(AnnotationMirror anno) {
return AnnotationUtils.getElementValueInt(anno, arrayLenRangeFromElement, 0);
* Gets the to() element/field out of an ArrayLenRange annotation.
* @param anno an ArrayLenRange annotation
* @return its to() element/field
protected int getArrayLenRangeToValue(AnnotationMirror anno) {
return AnnotationUtils.getElementValueInt(anno, arrayLenRangeToElement, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* Gets the value() element/field out of a MinLen annotation.
* @param anno a MinLen annotation
* @return its value() element/field
protected int getMinLenValueValue(AnnotationMirror anno) {
return AnnotationUtils.getElementValueInt(anno, minLenValueElement, 0);
* Determine the primitive integral TypeKind for the given integral type.
* @param type the type to convert, must be an integral type, boxed or primitive
* @return one of INT, SHORT, BYTE, CHAR, or LONG
private static TypeKind toPrimitiveIntegralTypeKind(TypeMirror type) {
TypeKind typeKind = TypeKindUtils.primitiveOrBoxedToTypeKind(type);
if (typeKind != null && TypeKindUtils.isIntegral(typeKind)) {
return typeKind;
throw new BugInCF(type.toString() + " expected to be an integral type.");
* Gets the values stored in either an ArrayLen annotation (ints) or an IntVal/DoubleVal/etc.
* annotation (longs), and casts the result to a long.
* @param anno annotation mirror from which to get values
* @return the values in {@code anno} casted to longs
/* package-private*/ List<Long> getArrayLenOrIntValue(AnnotationMirror anno) {
if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByName(anno, ARRAYLEN_NAME)) {
return CollectionsPlume.mapList(Integer::longValue, getArrayLength(anno));
} else {
return getIntValues(anno);
protected TreeAnnotator createTreeAnnotator() {
// Don't call super.createTreeAnnotator because it includes the PropagationTreeAnnotator.
// Only use the PropagationTreeAnnotator for typing new arrays. The Value Checker
// computes types differently for all other trees normally typed by the
// PropagationTreeAnnotator.
TreeAnnotator arrayCreation =
new TreeAnnotator(this) {
PropagationTreeAnnotator propagationTreeAnnotator =
new PropagationTreeAnnotator(atypeFactory);
public Void visitNewArray(NewArrayTree node, AnnotatedTypeMirror mirror) {
return propagationTreeAnnotator.visitNewArray(node, mirror);
return new ListTreeAnnotator(
new ValueTreeAnnotator(this),
new LiteralTreeAnnotator(this).addStandardLiteralQualifiers(),
* Converts {@link IntRangeFromPositive}, {@link IntRangeFromNonNegative}, or {@link
* IntRangeFromGTENegativeOne} to {@link IntRange}. Any other annotation is just return.
* @param anm any annotation mirror
* @return the int range annotation is that equivalent to {@code anm}, or {@code anm} if one
* doesn't exist
/* package-private */ AnnotationMirror convertSpecialIntRangeToStandardIntRange(
AnnotationMirror anm) {
if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByName(anm, INTRANGE_FROMPOS_NAME)) {
return createIntRangeAnnotation(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByName(anm, INTRANGE_FROMNONNEG_NAME)) {
return createIntRangeAnnotation(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByName(anm, INTRANGE_FROMGTENEGONE_NAME)) {
return createIntRangeAnnotation(-1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
return anm;
* If {@code anno} is equivalent to UnknownVal, return UnknownVal; otherwise, return {@code anno}.
* @param anno any annotation mirror
* @return UnknownVal if {@code anno} is equivalent to it; otherwise, return {@code anno}
/* package-private */ AnnotationMirror convertToUnknown(AnnotationMirror anno) {
if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByName(anno, ARRAYLENRANGE_NAME)) {
Range range = getRange(anno);
if (range.from == 0 && >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
} else if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByName(anno, INTRANGE_NAME)) {
Range range = getRange(anno);
if (range.isLongEverything()) {
return anno;
* Returns the estimate for the length of a string or array with whose annotated type is {@code
* type}.
* @param type annotated typed
* @return the estimate for the length of a string or array with whose annotated type is {@code
* type}.
/* package-private */ AnnotationMirror createArrayLengthResultAnnotation(
AnnotatedTypeMirror type) {
AnnotationMirror arrayAnno = type.getAnnotationInHierarchy(UNKNOWNVAL);
switch (AnnotationUtils.annotationName(arrayAnno)) {
// array.length, where array : @ArrayLen(x)
List<Integer> lengths = getArrayLength(arrayAnno);
return createNumberAnnotationMirror(new ArrayList<>(lengths));
// array.length, where array : @ArrayLenRange(x)
Range range = getRange(arrayAnno);
return createIntRangeAnnotation(range);
List<String> strings = getStringValues(arrayAnno);
List<Integer> lengthsS = ValueCheckerUtils.getLengthsForStringValues(strings);
return createNumberAnnotationMirror(new ArrayList<>(lengthsS));
return createIntRangeAnnotation(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* Returns a constant value annotation with the {@code value}. The class of the annotation
* reflects the {@code resultType} given.
* @param resultType used to select which kind of value annotation is returned
* @param value value to use
* @return a constant value annotation with the {@code value}
/* package-private */ AnnotationMirror createResultingAnnotation(
TypeMirror resultType, Object value) {
return createResultingAnnotation(resultType, Collections.singletonList(value));
* Returns a constant value annotation with the {@code values}. The class of the annotation
* reflects the {@code resultType} given.
* @param resultType used to select which kind of value annotation is returned
* @param values must be a homogeneous list: every element of it has the same class
* @return a constant value annotation with the {@code values}
/* package-private */ AnnotationMirror createResultingAnnotation(
TypeMirror resultType, List<?> values) {
if (values == null) {
// For some reason null is included in the list of values,
// so remove it so that it does not cause a NPE elsewhere.
if (values.isEmpty()) {
if (TypesUtils.isString(resultType)) {
List<String> stringVals = CollectionsPlume.mapList((Object o) -> (String) o, values);
return createStringAnnotation(stringVals);
} else if (TypesUtils.getClassFromType(resultType) == char[].class) {
List<String> stringVals =
(Object o) -> {
if (o instanceof char[]) {
return new String((char[]) o);
} else {
return o.toString();
return createStringAnnotation(stringVals);
TypeKind primitiveKind;
if (TypesUtils.isPrimitive(resultType)) {
primitiveKind = resultType.getKind();
} else if (TypesUtils.isBoxedPrimitive(resultType)) {
primitiveKind = types.unboxedType(resultType).getKind();
} else {
switch (primitiveKind) {
List<Boolean> boolVals = CollectionsPlume.mapList((Object o) -> (Boolean) o, values);
return createBooleanAnnotation(boolVals);
case DOUBLE:
case FLOAT:
case INT:
case LONG:
case SHORT:
case BYTE:
List<Number> numberVals = new ArrayList<>(values.size());
List<Character> characterVals = new ArrayList<>(values.size());
for (Object o : values) {
if (o instanceof Character) {
characterVals.add((Character) o);
} else {
numberVals.add((Number) o);
if (numberVals.isEmpty()) {
return createCharAnnotation(characterVals);
return createNumberAnnotationMirror(new ArrayList<>(numberVals));
case CHAR:
List<Character> charVals = new ArrayList<>(values.size());
for (Object o : values) {
if (o instanceof Number) {
charVals.add((char) ((Number) o).intValue());
} else {
charVals.add((char) o);
return createCharAnnotation(charVals);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unexpected kind:" + resultType);
* Returns a {@link IntVal} or {@link IntRange} annotation using the values. If {@code values} is
* null, then UnknownVal is returned; if {@code values} is empty, then bottom is returned. If the
* number of {@code values} is greater than MAX_VALUES, return an {@link IntRange}. In other
* cases, the values are sorted and duplicates are removed before an {@link IntVal} is created.
* @param values list of longs; duplicates are allowed and the values may be in any order
* @return an annotation depends on the values
public AnnotationMirror createIntValAnnotation(List<Long> values) {
if (values == null) {
if (values.isEmpty()) {
values = CollectionsPlume.withoutDuplicates(values);
if (values.size() > MAX_VALUES) {
long valMin = Collections.min(values);
long valMax = Collections.max(values);
return createIntRangeAnnotation(valMin, valMax);
} else {
AnnotationBuilder builder = new AnnotationBuilder(processingEnv, IntVal.class);
builder.setValue("value", values);
* Convert an {@code @IntRange} annotation to an {@code @IntVal} annotation, or to UNKNOWNVAL if
* the input is too wide to be represented as an {@code @IntVal}.
* @param intRangeAnno an {@code @IntRange} annotation
* @return an {@code @IntVal} annotation corresponding to the argument
public AnnotationMirror convertIntRangeToIntVal(AnnotationMirror intRangeAnno) {
Range range = getRange(intRangeAnno);
List<Long> values = ValueCheckerUtils.getValuesFromRange(range, Long.class);
return createIntValAnnotation(values);
* Returns a {@link DoubleVal} annotation using the values. If {@code values} is null, then
* UnknownVal is returned; if {@code values} is empty, then bottom is returned. The values are
* sorted and duplicates are removed before the annotation is created.
* @param values list of doubles; duplicates are allowed and the values may be in any order
* @return a {@link DoubleVal} annotation using the values
public AnnotationMirror createDoubleValAnnotation(List<Double> values) {
if (values == null) {
if (values.isEmpty()) {
values = CollectionsPlume.withoutDuplicates(values);
if (values.size() > MAX_VALUES) {
} else {
AnnotationBuilder builder = new AnnotationBuilder(processingEnv, DoubleVal.class);
builder.setValue("value", values);
/** Convert an {@code @IntVal} annotation to a {@code @DoubleVal} annotation. */
/* package-private */ AnnotationMirror convertIntValToDoubleVal(AnnotationMirror intValAnno) {
List<Long> intValues = getIntValues(intValAnno);
return createDoubleValAnnotation(convertLongListToDoubleList(intValues));
* Convert a {@code List<Long>} to a {@code List<Double>}.
* @param intValues a list of long integers
* @return a list of double floating-point values
/* package-private */ List<Double> convertLongListToDoubleList(List<Long> intValues) {
return CollectionsPlume.mapList(Long::doubleValue, intValues);
* Returns a {@link StringVal} annotation using the values. If {@code values} is null, then
* UnknownVal is returned; if {@code values} is empty, then bottom is returned. The values are
* sorted and duplicates are removed before the annotation is created. If values is larger than
* the max number of values allowed (10 by default), then an {@link ArrayLen} or an {@link
* ArrayLenRange} annotation is returned.
* @param values list of strings; duplicates are allowed and the values may be in any order
* @return a {@link StringVal} annotation using the values
public AnnotationMirror createStringAnnotation(List<String> values) {
if (values == null) {
if (values.isEmpty()) {
values = CollectionsPlume.withoutDuplicates(values);
if (values.size() > MAX_VALUES) {
// Too many strings are replaced by their lengths
List<Integer> lengths = ValueCheckerUtils.getLengthsForStringValues(values);
return createArrayLenAnnotation(lengths);
} else {
AnnotationBuilder builder = new AnnotationBuilder(processingEnv, StringVal.class);
builder.setValue("value", values);
* Returns a {@link ArrayLen} annotation using the values. If {@code values} is null, then
* UnknownVal is returned; if {@code values} is empty, then bottom is returned. The values are
* sorted and duplicates are removed before the annotation is created. If values is larger than
* the max number of values allowed (10 by default), then an {@link ArrayLenRange} annotation is
* returned.
* @param values list of integers; duplicates are allowed and the values may be in any order
* @return a {@link ArrayLen} annotation using the values
public AnnotationMirror createArrayLenAnnotation(List<Integer> values) {
if (values == null) {
if (values.isEmpty()) {
values = CollectionsPlume.withoutDuplicates(values);
if (values.isEmpty() || Collections.min(values) < 0) {
} else if (values.size() > MAX_VALUES) {
return createArrayLenRangeAnnotation(Collections.min(values), Collections.max(values));
} else {
AnnotationBuilder builder = new AnnotationBuilder(processingEnv, ArrayLen.class);
builder.setValue("value", values);
* Returns a {@link BoolVal} annotation using the values. If {@code values} is null, then
* UnknownVal is returned; if {@code values} is empty, then bottom is returned. The values are
* sorted and duplicates are removed before the annotation is created.
* @param values list of booleans; duplicates are allowed and the values may be in any order
* @return a {@link BoolVal} annotation using the values
public AnnotationMirror createBooleanAnnotation(List<Boolean> values) {
if (values == null) {
if (values.isEmpty()) {
values = CollectionsPlume.withoutDuplicates(values);
if (values.size() > MAX_VALUES) {
} else {
// TODO: This seems wasteful. Why not create the 3 interesting AnnotationMirrors (with
// arguments {true}, {false}, and {true, false}, respectively) in advance and return one
// of them? (Maybe an advantage of this implementation is that it is identical to
// some other implementations and therefore might be less error-prone.)
AnnotationBuilder builder = new AnnotationBuilder(processingEnv, BoolVal.class);
builder.setValue("value", values);
* Returns a {@link IntVal} annotation using the values. If {@code values} is null, then
* UnknownVal is returned; if {@code values} is empty, then bottom is returned. The values are
* sorted and duplicates are removed before the annotation is created.
* @param values list of characters; duplicates are allowed and the values may be in any order
* @return a {@link IntVal} annotation using the values
public AnnotationMirror createCharAnnotation(List<Character> values) {
if (values == null) {
if (values.isEmpty()) {
values = CollectionsPlume.withoutDuplicates(values);
if (values.size() > MAX_VALUES) {
} else {
List<Long> longValues = CollectionsPlume.mapList((Character value) -> (long) value, values);
return createIntValAnnotation(longValues);
* Returns a {@link DoubleVal} annotation using the values. If {@code values} is null, then
* UnknownVal is returned; if {@code values} is empty, then bottom is returned. The values are
* sorted and duplicates are removed before the annotation is created.
* @param values list of doubleacters; duplicates are allowed and the values may be in any order
* @return a {@link IntVal} annotation using the values
public AnnotationMirror createDoubleAnnotation(List<Double> values) {
if (values == null) {
if (values.isEmpty()) {
values = CollectionsPlume.withoutDuplicates(values);
if (values.size() > MAX_VALUES) {
} else {
return createDoubleValAnnotation(values);
* Returns an annotation that represents the given set of values.
* @param values a homogeneous list: every element of it has the same class
* @return an annotation that represents the given set of values
public AnnotationMirror createNumberAnnotationMirror(List<Number> values) {
if (values == null) {
} else if (values.isEmpty()) {
Number first = values.get(0);
if (first instanceof Integer
|| first instanceof Short
|| first instanceof Long
|| first instanceof Byte) {
List<Long> intValues = CollectionsPlume.mapList(Number::longValue, values);
return createIntValAnnotation(intValues);
} else if (first instanceof Double || first instanceof Float) {
List<Double> intValues = CollectionsPlume.mapList(Number::doubleValue, values);
return createDoubleValAnnotation(intValues);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory: unexpected class: " + first.getClass());
* Create an {@code @IntRange} annotation from the two (inclusive) bounds. Does not return
/* package-private */ AnnotationMirror createIntRangeAnnotation(long from, long to) {
assert from <= to;
AnnotationBuilder builder = new AnnotationBuilder(processingEnv, IntRange.class);
builder.setValue("from", from);
builder.setValue("to", to);
* Create an {@code @IntRange} or {@code @IntVal} annotation from the range. May return BOTTOMVAL
public AnnotationMirror createIntRangeAnnotation(Range range) {
if (range.isNothing()) {
} else if (range.isLongEverything()) {
} else if (range.isWiderThan(MAX_VALUES)) {
return createIntRangeAnnotation(range.from,;
} else {
List<Long> newValues = ValueCheckerUtils.getValuesFromRange(range, Long.class);
return createIntValAnnotation(newValues);
* Creates the special {@link IntRangeFromPositive} annotation, which is only used as an alias for
* the Index Checker's {@link org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive} annotation. It is
* treated everywhere as an IntRange annotation, but is not checked when it appears as the left
* hand side of an assignment (because the Lower Bound Checker will check it).
private AnnotationMirror createIntRangeFromPositive() {
AnnotationBuilder builder = new AnnotationBuilder(processingEnv, IntRangeFromPositive.class);
* Creates the special {@link IntRangeFromNonNegative} annotation, which is only used as an alias
* for the Index Checker's {@link org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.NonNegative} annotation.
* It is treated everywhere as an IntRange annotation, but is not checked when it appears as the
* left hand side of an assignment (because the Lower Bound Checker will check it).
private AnnotationMirror createIntRangeFromNonNegative() {
AnnotationBuilder builder = new AnnotationBuilder(processingEnv, IntRangeFromNonNegative.class);
* Creates the special {@link IntRangeFromGTENegativeOne} annotation, which is only used as an
* alias for the Index Checker's {@link org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.GTENegativeOne}
* annotation. It is treated everywhere as an IntRange annotation, but is not checked when it
* appears as the left hand side of an assignment (because the Lower Bound Checker will check it).
private AnnotationMirror createIntRangeFromGTENegativeOne() {
AnnotationBuilder builder =
new AnnotationBuilder(processingEnv, IntRangeFromGTENegativeOne.class);
* Create an {@code @ArrayLenRange} annotation from the two (inclusive) bounds. Does not return
public AnnotationMirror createArrayLenRangeAnnotation(int from, int to) {
assert from <= to;
AnnotationBuilder builder = new AnnotationBuilder(processingEnv, ArrayLenRange.class);
builder.setValue("from", from);
builder.setValue("to", to);
* Create an {@code @ArrayLenRange} annotation from the range. May return BOTTOMVAL or UNKNOWNVAL.
public AnnotationMirror createArrayLenRangeAnnotation(Range range) {
if (range.isNothing()) {
} else if (range.isLongEverything() || !range.isWithinInteger()) {
} else {
return createArrayLenRangeAnnotation(
Long.valueOf(range.from).intValue(), Long.valueOf(;
* Creates an {@code MatchesRegex} annotation for the given regular expressions.
* @param regexes a list of Java regular expressions
* @return a MatchesRegex annotation with those values
public AnnotationMirror createMatchesRegexAnnotation(@Nullable List<@Regex String> regexes) {
if (regexes == null) {
if (regexes.isEmpty()) {
AnnotationBuilder builder = new AnnotationBuilder(processingEnv, MatchesRegex.class);
builder.setValue("value", regexes.toArray(new String[0]));
* Converts an {@code @StringVal} annotation to an {@code @ArrayLenRange} annotation.
* @param stringValAnno a StringVal annotation
* @return an ArrayLenRange annotation representing the possible lengths of the values of the
* given StringVal annotation
/* package-private */ AnnotationMirror convertStringValToArrayLenRange(
AnnotationMirror stringValAnno) {
List<String> values = getStringValues(stringValAnno);
List<Integer> lengths = ValueCheckerUtils.getLengthsForStringValues(values);
return createArrayLenRangeAnnotation(Collections.min(lengths), Collections.max(lengths));
* Converts an {@code @StringVal} annotation to an {@code @ArrayLen} annotation. If the
* {@code @StringVal} annotation contains string values of more than MAX_VALUES distinct lengths,
* {@code @ArrayLenRange} annotation is returned instead.
/* package-private */ AnnotationMirror convertStringValToArrayLen(
AnnotationMirror stringValAnno) {
List<String> values = getStringValues(stringValAnno);
return createArrayLenAnnotation(ValueCheckerUtils.getLengthsForStringValues(values));
* Converts an {@code StringVal} annotation to an {@code MatchesRegex} annotation that matches
* exactly the string values listed in the {@code StringVal}.
* @param stringValAnno a StringVal annotation
* @return an equivalent MatchesReges annotation
/* package-private */ AnnotationMirror convertStringValToMatchesRegex(
AnnotationMirror stringValAnno) {
List<String> values = getStringValues(stringValAnno);
List<@Regex String> valuesAsRegexes = CollectionsPlume.mapList(Pattern::quote, values);
return createMatchesRegexAnnotation(valuesAsRegexes);
* Converts an {@code @ArrayLen} annotation to an {@code @ArrayLenRange} annotation.
* @param arrayLenAnno an ArrayLen annotation
* @return an ArrayLenRange annotation representing the bounds of the given ArrayLen annotation
public AnnotationMirror convertArrayLenToArrayLenRange(AnnotationMirror arrayLenAnno) {
List<Integer> values = getArrayLength(arrayLenAnno);
return createArrayLenRangeAnnotation(Collections.min(values), Collections.max(values));
/** Converts an {@code @IntVal} annotation to an {@code @IntRange} annotation. */
public AnnotationMirror convertIntValToIntRange(AnnotationMirror intValAnno) {
List<Long> intValues = getIntValues(intValAnno);
return createIntRangeAnnotation(Collections.min(intValues), Collections.max(intValues));
* Returns a {@link Range} bounded by the values specified in the given {@code @Range} annotation.
* Also returns an appropriate range if an {@code @IntVal} annotation is passed. Returns {@code
* null} if the annotation is null or if the annotation is not an {@code IntRange}, {@code
* IntRangeFromPositive}, {@code IntVal}, or {@code ArrayLenRange}.
* @param rangeAnno a {@code @Range} annotation
* @return the {@link Range} that the annotation represents
public Range getRange(AnnotationMirror rangeAnno) {
if (rangeAnno == null) {
return null;
switch (AnnotationUtils.annotationName(rangeAnno)) {
return Range.create(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
return Range.create(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
return Range.create(-1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
return ValueCheckerUtils.getRangeFromValues(getIntValues(rangeAnno));
// Assume rangeAnno is well-formed, i.e., 'from' is less than or equal to 'to'.
return Range.create(getIntRangeFromValue(rangeAnno), getIntRangeToValue(rangeAnno));
return Range.create(
getArrayLenRangeFromValue(rangeAnno), getArrayLenRangeToValue(rangeAnno));
return null;
* Returns the set of possible values as a sorted list with no duplicate values. Returns the empty
* list if no values are possible (for dead code). Returns null if any value is possible -- that
* is, if no estimate can be made -- and this includes when there is no constant-value annotation
* so the argument is null.
* <p>The method returns a list of {@code Long} but is named {@code getIntValues} because it
* supports the {@code @IntVal} annotation.
* @param intAnno an {@code @IntVal} annotation, or null
* @return the possible values, deduplicated and sorted
public List<Long> getIntValues(AnnotationMirror intAnno) {
if (intAnno == null) {
return null;
List<Long> list = AnnotationUtils.getElementValueArray(intAnno, intValValueElement, Long.class);
list = CollectionsPlume.withoutDuplicates(list);
return list;
* Returns the set of possible values as a sorted list with no duplicate values. Returns the empty
* list if no values are possible (for dead code). Returns null if any value is possible -- that
* is, if no estimate can be made -- and this includes when there is no constant-value annotation
* so the argument is null.
* @param doubleAnno a {@code @DoubleVal} annotation, or null
* @return the possible values, deduplicated and sorted
public List<Double> getDoubleValues(AnnotationMirror doubleAnno) {
if (doubleAnno == null) {
return null;
List<Double> list =
AnnotationUtils.getElementValueArray(doubleAnno, doubleValValueElement, Double.class);
list = CollectionsPlume.withoutDuplicates(list);
return list;
* Returns the set of possible array lengths as a sorted list with no duplicate values. Returns
* the empty list if no values are possible (for dead code). Returns null if any value is possible
* -- that is, if no estimate can be made -- and this includes when there is no constant-value
* annotation so the argument is null.
* @param arrayAnno an {@code @ArrayLen} annotation, or null
* @return the possible array lengths, deduplicated and sorted
public List<Integer> getArrayLength(AnnotationMirror arrayAnno) {
if (arrayAnno == null) {
return null;
List<Integer> list =
AnnotationUtils.getElementValueArray(arrayAnno, arrayLenValueElement, Integer.class);
list = CollectionsPlume.withoutDuplicates(list);
return list;
* Returns the set of possible values as a sorted list with no duplicate values. Returns the empty
* list if no values are possible (for dead code). Returns null if any value is possible -- that
* is, if no estimate can be made -- and this includes when there is no constant-value annotation
* so the argument is null.
* @param intAnno an {@code @IntVal} annotation, or null
* @return the values represented by the given {@code @IntVal} annotation
public List<Character> getCharValues(AnnotationMirror intAnno) {
if (intAnno == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List<Long> intValues =
AnnotationUtils.getElementValueArray(intAnno, intValValueElement, Long.class);
List<Character> charValues =
CollectionsPlume.mapList((Long i) -> (char) i.intValue(), intValues);
// TODO: Should this be an unmodifiable list?
return new ArrayList<>(charValues);
* Returns the single possible boolean value, or null if there is not exactly one possible value.
* @see #getBooleanValues
* @param boolAnno a {@code @BoolVal} annotation, or null
* @return the single possible boolean value, on null if that is not the case
public Boolean getBooleanValue(AnnotationMirror boolAnno) {
if (boolAnno == null) {
return null;
List<Boolean> boolValues =
AnnotationUtils.getElementValueArray(boolAnno, boolValValueElement, Boolean.class);
Set<Boolean> boolSet = new TreeSet<>(boolValues);
if (boolSet.size() == 1) {
return boolSet.iterator().next();
return null;
* Returns the set of possible boolean values as a sorted list with no duplicate values. Returns
* the empty list if no values are possible (for dead code). Returns null if any value is possible
* -- that is, if no estimate can be made -- and this includes when there is no constant-value
* annotation so the argument is null.
* @param boolAnno a {@code @BoolVal} annotation, or null
* @return a singleton or empty list of possible boolean values, or null
public @Nullable List<Boolean> getBooleanValues(AnnotationMirror boolAnno) {
if (boolAnno == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List<Boolean> boolValues =
AnnotationUtils.getElementValueArray(boolAnno, boolValValueElement, Boolean.class);
if (boolValues.size() < 2) {
return boolValues;
// Remove duplicates.
Set<Boolean> boolSet = new TreeSet<>(boolValues);
if (boolSet.size() > 1) {
// boolSet={true,false};
return null;
return new ArrayList<>(boolSet);
* Returns the set of possible values as a sorted list with no duplicate values. Returns the empty
* list if no values are possible (for dead code). Returns null if any value is possible -- that
* is, if no estimate can be made -- and this includes when there is no constant-value annotation
* so the argument is null.
* @param stringAnno a {@code @StringVal} annotation, or null
* @return the possible values, deduplicated and sorted
public List<String> getStringValues(AnnotationMirror stringAnno) {
if (stringAnno == null) {
return null;
List<String> list =
AnnotationUtils.getElementValueArray(stringAnno, stringValValueElement, String.class);
list = CollectionsPlume.withoutDuplicates(list);
return list;
* Returns the set of possible values as a sorted list with no duplicate values. Returns the empty
* list if no values are possible (for dead code). Returns null if any value is possible -- that
* is, if no estimate can be made -- and this includes when there is no constant-value annotation
* so the argument is null.
* @param matchesRegexAnno a {@code @MatchesRegex} annotation, or null
* @return the possible values, deduplicated and sorted
public List<String> getMatchesRegexValues(AnnotationMirror matchesRegexAnno) {
if (matchesRegexAnno == null) {
return null;
List<String> list =
matchesRegexAnno, matchesRegexValueElement, String.class);
list = CollectionsPlume.withoutDuplicates(list);
return list;
public boolean isIntRange(Set<AnnotationMirror> anmSet) {
for (AnnotationMirror anm : anmSet) {
if (isIntRange(anm)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if {@code anno} is an {@link IntRange}, {@link IntRangeFromPositive}, {@link
* IntRangeFromNonNegative}, or {@link IntRangeFromGTENegativeOne}.
* @param anno annotation mirror
* @return true if {@code anno} is an {@link IntRange}, {@link IntRangeFromPositive}, {@link
* IntRangeFromNonNegative}, or {@link IntRangeFromGTENegativeOne}
public boolean isIntRange(AnnotationMirror anno) {
String name = AnnotationUtils.annotationName(anno);
return name.equals(INTRANGE_NAME)
public int getMinLenValue(AnnotatedTypeMirror atm) {
return getMinLenValue(atm.getAnnotationInHierarchy(UNKNOWNVAL));
* Used to find the maximum length of an array. Returns null if there is no minimum length known,
* or if the passed annotation is null.
public Integer getMaxLenValue(AnnotationMirror annotation) {
if (annotation == null) {
return null;
switch (AnnotationUtils.annotationName(annotation)) {
return Long.valueOf(getRange(annotation).to).intValue();
return Collections.max(getArrayLength(annotation));
return Collections.max(
return null;
* Finds a minimum length of an array specified by the provided annotation. Returns null if there
* is no minimum length known, or if the passed annotation is null.
* <p>Note that this routine handles actual {@link MinLen} annotations, because it is called by
* {@link ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory#canonicalAnnotation(AnnotationMirror)}, which transforms
* {@link MinLen} annotations into {@link ArrayLenRange} annotations.
private Integer getSpecifiedMinLenValue(AnnotationMirror annotation) {
if (annotation == null) {
return null;
switch (AnnotationUtils.annotationName(annotation)) {
return getMinLenValueValue(annotation);
return Long.valueOf(getRange(annotation).from).intValue();
return Collections.min(getArrayLength(annotation));
return Collections.min(
return null;
* Used to find the minimum length of an array, which is useful for array bounds checking. Returns
* 0 if there is no minimum length known, or if the passed annotation is null.
* <p>Note that this routine handles actual {@link MinLen} annotations, because it is called by
* {@link ValueAnnotatedTypeFactory#canonicalAnnotation(AnnotationMirror)}, which transforms
* {@link MinLen} annotations into {@link ArrayLenRange} annotations.
public int getMinLenValue(AnnotationMirror annotation) {
Integer minLen = getSpecifiedMinLenValue(annotation);
if (minLen == null || minLen < 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return minLen;
* Returns the minimum length of an array.
* @param annotations the annotations on the array expression
* @return the minimum length of an array
public int getMinLenValue(Set<AnnotationMirror> annotations) {
int result = 0;
for (AnnotationMirror annotation : annotations) {
Integer minLen = getSpecifiedMinLenValue(annotation);
if (minLen != null) {
result = Integer.min(result, minLen);
if (result < 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return result;
* Returns the smallest possible value that an integral annotation might take on. The passed
* {@code AnnotatedTypeMirror} should contain either an {@code @IntRange} annotation or an
* {@code @IntVal} annotation. Returns null if it does not.
* @param atm annotated type
* @return the smallest possible integral for which the {@code atm} could be the type
public Long getMinimumIntegralValue(AnnotatedTypeMirror atm) {
AnnotationMirror anm = atm.getAnnotationInHierarchy(UNKNOWNVAL);
if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByName(anm, INTVAL_NAME)) {
List<Long> possibleValues = getIntValues(anm);
return Collections.min(possibleValues);
} else if (isIntRange(anm)) {
Range range = getRange(anm);
return range.from;
return null;
* Returns the minimum length of an array expression or 0 if the min length is unknown.
* @param sequenceExpression Java expression
* @param tree expression tree or variable declaration
* @param currentPath path to local scope
* @return min length of sequenceExpression or 0
public int getMinLenFromString(String sequenceExpression, Tree tree, TreePath currentPath) {
AnnotationMirror lengthAnno;
JavaExpression expressionObj;
try {
expressionObj = parseJavaExpressionString(sequenceExpression, currentPath);
} catch (JavaExpressionParseException e) {
// ignore parse errors and return 0.
return 0;
if (expressionObj instanceof ValueLiteral) {
ValueLiteral sequenceLiteral = (ValueLiteral) expressionObj;
Object sequenceLiteralValue = sequenceLiteral.getValue();
if (sequenceLiteralValue instanceof String) {
return ((String) sequenceLiteralValue).length();
} else if (expressionObj instanceof ArrayCreation) {
ArrayCreation arrayCreation = (ArrayCreation) expressionObj;
// This is only expected to support array creations in varargs methods
return arrayCreation.getInitializers().size();
} else if (expressionObj instanceof ArrayAccess) {
List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annoList = expressionObj.getType().getAnnotationMirrors();
for (AnnotationMirror anno : annoList) {
String ANNO_NAME = AnnotationUtils.annotationName(anno);
if (ANNO_NAME.equals(MINLEN_NAME)) {
return getMinLenValue(canonicalAnnotation(anno));
return getMinLenValue(anno);
lengthAnno = getAnnotationFromJavaExpression(expressionObj, tree, ArrayLenRange.class);
if (lengthAnno == null) {
lengthAnno = getAnnotationFromJavaExpression(expressionObj, tree, ArrayLen.class);
if (lengthAnno == null) {
lengthAnno = getAnnotationFromJavaExpression(expressionObj, tree, StringVal.class);
if (lengthAnno == null) {
// Could not find a more precise type, so return 0;
return 0;
return getMinLenValue(lengthAnno);
* Returns the annotation type mirror for the type of {@code expressionTree} with default
* annotations applied.
public AnnotatedTypeMirror getDummyAssignedTo(ExpressionTree expressionTree) {
TypeMirror type = TreeUtils.typeOf(expressionTree);
if (type.getKind() != TypeKind.VOID) {
AnnotatedTypeMirror atm = type(expressionTree);
return atm;
return null;