| #!/bin/bash |
| |
| set -e |
| set -o verbose |
| set -o xtrace |
| export SHELLOPTS |
| |
| SCRIPTDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" |
| # In newer shellcheck than 0.6.0, pass: "-P SCRIPTDIR" (literally) |
| # shellcheck disable=SC1090 |
| source "$SCRIPTDIR"/build.sh |
| |
| PLUME_SCRIPTS="$SCRIPTDIR/.plume-scripts" |
| |
| ## Checker Framework demos |
| "$PLUME_SCRIPTS/git-clone-related" typetools checker-framework.demos |
| ./gradlew :checker:demosTests --console=plain --warning-mode=all --no-daemon |
| |
| status=0 |
| |
| ## Code style and formatting |
| ./gradlew checkBasicStyle checkFormat --console=plain --warning-mode=all --no-daemon |
| if grep -n -r --exclude-dir=build --exclude-dir=examples --exclude-dir=jtreg --exclude-dir=tests --exclude="*.astub" --exclude="*.tex" '^\(import static \|import .*\*;$\)'; then |
| echo "Don't use static import or wildcard import" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| make -C checker/bin |
| make -C checker/bin-devel |
| make -C docs/developer/release |
| |
| ## HTML legality |
| ./gradlew htmlValidate --console=plain --warning-mode=all --no-daemon |
| |
| ## Javadoc documentation |
| # Try twice in case of network lossage. |
| (./gradlew javadoc --console=plain --warning-mode=all --no-daemon || (sleep 60 && ./gradlew javadoc --console=plain --warning-mode=all --no-daemon)) || status=1 |
| ./gradlew javadocPrivate --console=plain --warning-mode=all --no-daemon || status=1 |
| # For refactorings that touch a lot of code that you don't understand, create |
| # top-level file SKIP-REQUIRE-JAVADOC. Delete it after the pull request is merged. |
| if [ ! -f SKIP-REQUIRE-JAVADOC ]; then |
| (./gradlew requireJavadoc --console=plain --warning-mode=all --no-daemon > /tmp/warnings-rjp.txt 2>&1) || true |
| "$PLUME_SCRIPTS"/ci-lint-diff /tmp/warnings-rjp.txt || status=1 |
| (./gradlew javadocDoclintAll --console=plain --warning-mode=all --no-daemon > /tmp/warnings-jda.txt 2>&1) || true |
| "$PLUME_SCRIPTS"/ci-lint-diff /tmp/warnings-jda.txt || status=1 |
| fi |
| if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then exit $status; fi |
| |
| |
| ## User documentation |
| ./gradlew manual |
| git diff --exit-code docs/manual/contributors.tex || \ |
| (set +x && set +v && |
| echo "docs/manual/contributors.tex is not up to date." && |
| echo "If the above suggestion is appropriate, run: make -C docs/manual contributors.tex" && |
| echo "If the suggestion contains a username rather than a human name, then do all the following:" && |
| echo " * Update your git configuration by running: git config --global user.name \"YOURFULLNAME\"" && |
| echo " * Add your name to your GitHub account profile at https://github.com/settings/profile" && |
| echo " * Make a pull request to add your GitHub ID to" && |
| echo " https://github.com/plume-lib/plume-scripts/blob/master/git-authors.sed" && |
| echo " and remake contributors.tex after that pull request is merged." && |
| false) |