blob: 574199edd5f7da6c20abc434789d67f97ae4ea10 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.checker.index.lowerbound;
import com.sun.source.tree.MemberSelectTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodInvocationTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree;
import java.util.List;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.IndexAbstractTransfer;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.IndexRefinementInfo;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.GTENegativeOne;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.LowerBoundUnknown;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.NonNegative;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.upperbound.OffsetEquation;
import org.checkerframework.common.value.ValueCheckerUtils;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.RegularTransferResult;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.TransferInput;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.TransferResult;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.UnderlyingAST;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.BinaryOperationNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.BitwiseAndNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.IntegerDivisionNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.IntegerRemainderNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.Node;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.NumericalAdditionNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.NumericalMultiplicationNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.NumericalSubtractionNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.SignedRightShiftNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.UnsignedRightShiftNode;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.expression.JavaExpression;
import org.checkerframework.framework.flow.CFAnalysis;
import org.checkerframework.framework.flow.CFStore;
import org.checkerframework.framework.flow.CFValue;
import org.checkerframework.framework.type.AnnotatedTypeFactory;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.AnnotationUtils;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.TreeUtils;
* Implements dataflow refinement rules based on tests: <, >, ==, and their derivatives.
* <p>Also implements the logic for binary operations: +, -, *, /, and %.
* <p>&gt;, &lt;, &ge;, &le;, ==, and != nodes are represented as combinations of &gt; and &ge;
* (e.g. == is &ge; in both directions in the then branch), and implement refinements based on these
* decompositions.
* <pre>
* Refinement/transfer rules for conditionals:
* There are two "primitives":
* x &gt; y, which implies things about x based on y's type:
* y has type: implies x has type:
* gte-1 nn
* nn pos
* pos pos
* and x &ge; y:
* y has type: implies x has type:
* gte-1 gte-1
* nn nn
* pos pos
* These two "building blocks" can be combined to make all
* other conditional expressions:
* x &gt; y x &gt; y y &ge; x
* x &ge; y x &ge; y y &gt; x
* x &lt; y y &gt; x x &ge; y
* x &le; y y &ge; x x &gt; y
* Or, more formally:
* x &gt; y x_refined = GLB(x_orig, promote(y)) y_refined = GLB(y_orig, x)
* x &ge; y x_refined = GLB(x_orig, y) y_refined = GLB(y_orig, promote(x))
* x &lt; y y_refined = GLB(y_orig, promote(x)) x_refined = GLB(x_orig, y)
* x &le; y y_refined = GLB(y_orig, x) x_refined = GLB(x_orig, promote(y))
* where GLB is the greatest lower bound and promote is the increment
* function on types (or, equivalently, the function specified by the "x
* &gt; y" information above).
* There's also ==, which is a special case. Only the THEN
* branch is refined:
* x == y x &ge; y &amp;&amp; y &ge; x nothing known
* or, more formally:
* x == y x_refined = GLB(x_orig, y_orig) nothing known
* y_refined = GLB(x_orig, y_orig)
* finally, not equal:
* x != y nothing known x &ge; y &amp;&amp; y &ge; x
* more formally:
* x != y nothing known x_refined = GLB(x_orig, y_orig)
* y_refined = GLB(x_orig, y_orig)
* </pre>
* Dividing these rules up by cases, this class implements:
* <ul>
* <li>1. The rule described above for &gt;
* <li>2. The rule described above for &ge;
* <li>3. The rule described above for &lt;
* <li>4. The rule described above for &le;
* <li>5. The rule described above for ==
* <li>6. The rule described above for !=
* <li>7. A special refinement for != when the value being compared to is a compile-time constant
* with a value exactly equal to -1 or 0 (i.e. {@code x != -1} and x is GTEN1 implies x is
* non-negative). Maybe two rules?
* <li>8. When a compile-time constant -2 is added to a positive, the result is GTEN1
* <li>9. When a compile-time constant 2 is added to a GTEN1, the result is positive
* <li>10. When a positive is added to a positive, the result is positive
* <li>11. When a non-negative is added to any other type, the result is that other type
* <li>12. When a GTEN1 is added to a positive, the result is non-negative
* <li>13. When the left side of a subtraction expression is &gt; the right side according to the
* LessThanChecker, the result of the subtraction expression is positive
* <li>14. When the left side of a subtraction expression is &ge; the right side according to the
* LessThanChecker, the result of the subtraction expression is non-negative
* <li>15. special handling for when the left side is the length of an array or String that's
* stored as a field, and the right side is a compile time constant. Do we need this?
* <li>16. Multiplying any value by a compile time constant of 1 preserves its type
* <li>17. Multiplying two positives produces a positive
* <li>18. Multiplying a positive and a non-negative produces a non-negative
* <li>19. Multiplying two non-negatives produces a non-negative
* <li>20. When the result of Math.random is multiplied by an array length, the result is
* NonNegative.
* <li>21. literal 0 divided by anything is non-negative
* <li>22. anything divided by literal zero is bottom
* <li>23. literal 1 divided by a positive or non-negative is non-negative
* <li>24. literal 1 divided by anything else is GTEN1
* <li>25. anything divided by literal 1 is itself
* <li>26. a positive or non-negative divided by a positive or non-negative is non-negative
* <li>27. anything modded by literal 1 or -1 is non-negative
* <li>28. a positive or non-negative modded by anything is non-negative
* <li>29. a GTEN1 modded by anything is GTEN1
* <li>30. anything right-shifted by a non-negative is non-negative
* <li>31. anything bitwise-anded by a non-negative is non-negative
* <li>32. If a and b are non-negative and {@code a <= b} and {@code a != b}, then b is pos.
* <li>33. A char is always non-negative
* </ul>
public class LowerBoundTransfer extends IndexAbstractTransfer {
/** The canonical {@link GTENegativeOne} annotation. */
public final AnnotationMirror GTEN1;
/** The canonical {@link NonNegative} annotation. */
public final AnnotationMirror NN;
/** The canonical {@link Positive} annotation. */
public final AnnotationMirror POS;
/** The canonical {@link LowerBoundUnknown} annotation. */
public final AnnotationMirror UNKNOWN;
// The ATF (Annotated Type Factory).
private LowerBoundAnnotatedTypeFactory aTypeFactory;
public LowerBoundTransfer(CFAnalysis analysis) {
aTypeFactory = (LowerBoundAnnotatedTypeFactory) analysis.getTypeFactory();
// Initialize qualifiers.
GTEN1 = aTypeFactory.GTEN1;
NN = aTypeFactory.NN;
POS = aTypeFactory.POS;
* Refines GTEN1 to NN if it is not equal to -1, and NN to Pos if it is not equal to 0. Implements
* case 7.
* @param mLiteral a potential literal
* @param otherNode the node on the other side of the ==/!=
* @param otherAnno the annotation of the other side of the ==/!=
private void notEqualToValue(
Node mLiteral, Node otherNode, AnnotationMirror otherAnno, CFStore store) {
Long integerLiteral =
mLiteral.getTree(), aTypeFactory.getValueAnnotatedTypeFactory());
if (integerLiteral == null) {
long intLiteral = integerLiteral.longValue();
if (intLiteral == 0) {
if (aTypeFactory.areSameByClass(otherAnno, NonNegative.class)) {
List<Node> internals = splitAssignments(otherNode);
for (Node internal : internals) {
JavaExpression je = JavaExpression.fromNode(internal);
store.insertValue(je, POS);
} else if (intLiteral == -1) {
if (aTypeFactory.areSameByClass(otherAnno, GTENegativeOne.class)) {
List<Node> internals = splitAssignments(otherNode);
for (Node internal : internals) {
JavaExpression je = JavaExpression.fromNode(internal);
store.insertValue(je, NN);
* Implements the transfer rules for both equal nodes and not-equals nodes (i.e. cases 5, 6, 32).
protected TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> strengthenAnnotationOfEqualTo(
TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> result,
Node firstNode,
Node secondNode,
CFValue firstValue,
CFValue secondValue,
boolean notEqualTo) {
result =
result, firstNode, secondNode, firstValue, secondValue, notEqualTo);
IndexRefinementInfo rfi = new IndexRefinementInfo(result, analysis, secondNode, firstNode);
if (rfi.leftAnno == null || rfi.rightAnno == null) {
return result;
// There is also special processing to look for literals on one side of the equals and a GTEN1
// or NN on the other, so that those types can be promoted in the branch where their values are
// not equal to certain literals.
CFStore notEqualsStore = notEqualTo ? rfi.thenStore : rfi.elseStore;
notEqualToValue(rfi.left, rfi.right, rfi.rightAnno, notEqualsStore);
notEqualToValue(rfi.right, rfi.left, rfi.leftAnno, notEqualsStore);
notEqualsLessThan(rfi.left, rfi.leftAnno, rfi.right, rfi.rightAnno, notEqualsStore);
notEqualsLessThan(rfi.right, rfi.rightAnno, rfi.left, rfi.leftAnno, notEqualsStore);
return rfi.newResult;
/** Implements case 32. */
private void notEqualsLessThan(
Node leftNode,
AnnotationMirror leftAnno,
Node otherNode,
AnnotationMirror otherAnno,
CFStore store) {
if (!isNonNegative(leftAnno) || !isNonNegative(otherAnno)) {
JavaExpression otherJe = JavaExpression.fromNode(otherNode);
if (aTypeFactory
.isLessThanOrEqual(leftNode.getTree(), otherJe.toString())) {
store.insertValue(otherJe, POS);
* The implementation of the algorithm for refining a &gt; test. Changes the type of left (the
* greater one) to one closer to bottom than the type of right. Can't call the promote function
* from the ATF directly because a new expression isn't introduced here - the modifications have
* to be made to an existing one.
* <p>This implements parts of cases 1, 2, 3, and 4 using the decomposition strategy described in
* the Javadoc of this class.
protected void refineGT(
Node left,
AnnotationMirror leftAnno,
Node right,
AnnotationMirror rightAnno,
CFStore store,
TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> in) {
if (rightAnno == null || leftAnno == null) {
JavaExpression leftJe = JavaExpression.fromNode(left);
if (AnnotationUtils.areSame(rightAnno, GTEN1)) {
store.insertValue(leftJe, NN);
if (AnnotationUtils.areSame(rightAnno, NN)) {
store.insertValue(leftJe, POS);
if (AnnotationUtils.areSame(rightAnno, POS)) {
store.insertValue(leftJe, POS);
* Refines left to exactly the level of right, since in the worst case they're equal. Modifies an
* existing type in the store, but has to be careful not to overwrite a more precise existing
* type.
* <p>This implements parts of cases 1, 2, 3, and 4 using the decomposition strategy described in
* this class's Javadoc.
protected void refineGTE(
Node left,
AnnotationMirror leftAnno,
Node right,
AnnotationMirror rightAnno,
CFStore store,
TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> in) {
if (rightAnno == null || leftAnno == null) {
JavaExpression leftJe = JavaExpression.fromNode(left);
AnnotationMirror newLBType =
aTypeFactory.getQualifierHierarchy().greatestLowerBound(rightAnno, leftAnno);
store.insertValue(leftJe, newLBType);
* Returns an annotation mirror representing the result of subtracting one from {@code oldAnm}.
private AnnotationMirror anmAfterSubtractingOne(AnnotationMirror oldAnm) {
if (isPositive(oldAnm)) {
return NN;
} else if (isNonNegative(oldAnm)) {
return GTEN1;
} else {
return UNKNOWN;
/** Returns an annotation mirror representing the result of adding one to {@code oldAnm}. */
private AnnotationMirror anmAfterAddingOne(AnnotationMirror oldAnm) {
if (isNonNegative(oldAnm)) {
return POS;
} else if (isGTEN1(oldAnm)) {
return NN;
} else {
return UNKNOWN;
* Helper method for getAnnotationForPlus. Handles addition of constants (cases 8 and 9).
* @param val the integer value of the constant
* @param nonLiteralType the type of the side of the expression that isn't a constant
private AnnotationMirror getAnnotationForLiteralPlus(int val, AnnotationMirror nonLiteralType) {
if (val == -2) {
if (isPositive(nonLiteralType)) {
return GTEN1;
} else if (val == -1) {
return anmAfterSubtractingOne(nonLiteralType);
} else if (val == 0) {
return nonLiteralType;
} else if (val == 1) {
return anmAfterAddingOne(nonLiteralType);
} else if (val >= 2) {
if (isGTEN1(nonLiteralType)) {
// 2 + a positive, or a non-negative, or a non-negative-1 is a positive
return POS;
return UNKNOWN;
* getAnnotationForPlus handles the following cases (cases 10-12 above):
* <pre>
* 8. lit -2 + pos &rarr; gte-1
* lit -1 + * &rarr; call demote
* lit 0 + * &rarr; *
* lit 1 + * &rarr; call promote
* 9. lit &ge; 2 + {gte-1, nn, or pos} &rarr; pos
* let all other lits, including sets, fall through:
* 10. pos + pos &rarr; pos
* 11. nn + * &rarr; *
* 12. pos + gte-1 &rarr; nn
* * + * &rarr; lbu
* </pre>
private AnnotationMirror getAnnotationForPlus(
BinaryOperationNode binaryOpNode, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> p) {
Node leftExprNode = binaryOpNode.getLeftOperand();
Node rightExprNode = binaryOpNode.getRightOperand();
AnnotationMirror leftAnno = getLowerBoundAnnotation(leftExprNode, p);
// Check if the right side's value is known at compile time.
Long valRight =
rightExprNode.getTree(), aTypeFactory.getValueAnnotatedTypeFactory());
if (valRight != null) {
return getAnnotationForLiteralPlus(valRight.intValue(), leftAnno);
AnnotationMirror rightAnno = getLowerBoundAnnotation(rightExprNode, p);
// Check if the left side's value is known at compile time.
Long valLeft =
leftExprNode.getTree(), aTypeFactory.getValueAnnotatedTypeFactory());
if (valLeft != null) {
return getAnnotationForLiteralPlus(valLeft.intValue(), rightAnno);
/* This section is handling the generic cases:
* pos + pos -> pos
* nn + * -> *
* pos + gte-1 -> nn
if (aTypeFactory.areSameByClass(leftAnno, Positive.class)
&& aTypeFactory.areSameByClass(rightAnno, Positive.class)) {
return POS;
if (aTypeFactory.areSameByClass(leftAnno, NonNegative.class)) {
return rightAnno;
if (aTypeFactory.areSameByClass(rightAnno, NonNegative.class)) {
return leftAnno;
if ((isPositive(leftAnno) && isGTEN1(rightAnno))
|| (isGTEN1(leftAnno) && isPositive(rightAnno))) {
return NN;
return UNKNOWN;
* getAnnotationForMinus handles the following cases:
* <pre>
* * - lit &rarr; call plus(*, -1 * the value of the lit)
* * - * &rarr; lbu
* 13. if the LessThan type checker can establish that the left side of the expression is &gt; the right side,
* returns POS.
* 14. if the LessThan type checker can establish that the left side of the expression is &ge; the right side,
* returns NN.
* 15. special handling for when the left side is the length of an array or String that's stored as a field,
* and the right side is a compile time constant. Do we need this?
* </pre>
private AnnotationMirror getAnnotationForMinus(
BinaryOperationNode minusNode, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> p) {
// Check if the right side's value is known at compile time.
Long valRight =
minusNode.getRightOperand().getTree(), aTypeFactory.getValueAnnotatedTypeFactory());
if (valRight != null) {
AnnotationMirror leftAnno = getLowerBoundAnnotation(minusNode.getLeftOperand(), p);
// Instead of a separate method for subtraction, add the negative of a constant.
AnnotationMirror result = getAnnotationForLiteralPlus(-1 * valRight.intValue(), leftAnno);
Tree leftExpr = minusNode.getLeftOperand().getTree();
Integer minLen = null;
// Check if the left side is a field access of an array's length, or invocation of
// String.length. If so, try to look up the MinLen of the array, and potentially keep this
// either NN or POS instead of GTEN1 or LBU.
if (leftExpr.getKind() == Tree.Kind.MEMBER_SELECT) {
MemberSelectTree mstree = (MemberSelectTree) leftExpr;
minLen = aTypeFactory.getMinLenFromMemberSelectTree(mstree);
} else if (leftExpr.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD_INVOCATION) {
MethodInvocationTree mitree = (MethodInvocationTree) leftExpr;
minLen = aTypeFactory.getMinLenFromMethodInvocationTree(mitree);
if (minLen != null) {
result = aTypeFactory.anmFromVal(minLen - valRight);
return result;
OffsetEquation leftExpression =
OffsetEquation.createOffsetFromNode(minusNode.getLeftOperand(), aTypeFactory, '+');
if (leftExpression != null) {
if (aTypeFactory
.isLessThan(minusNode.getRightOperand().getTree(), leftExpression.toString())) {
return POS;
if (aTypeFactory
.isLessThanOrEqual(minusNode.getRightOperand().getTree(), leftExpression.toString())) {
return NN;
// The checker can't reason about arbitrary (i.e. non-literal)
// things that are being subtracted, so it gives up.
return UNKNOWN;
* Helper function for getAnnotationForMultiply. Handles compile-time known constants.
* @param val the integer value of the constant
* @param nonLiteralType the type of the side of the expression that isn't a constant
private AnnotationMirror getAnnotationForLiteralMultiply(
int val, AnnotationMirror nonLiteralType) {
if (val == 0) {
return NN;
} else if (val == 1) {
return nonLiteralType;
} else if (val > 1) {
if (isNonNegative(nonLiteralType)) {
return nonLiteralType;
return UNKNOWN;
* getAnnotationForMultiply handles the following cases:
* <pre>
* * * lit 0 &rarr; nn (=0)
* 16. * * lit 1 &rarr; *
* 17. pos * pos &rarr; pos
* 18. pos * nn &rarr; nn
* 19. nn * nn &rarr; nn
* * * * &rarr; lbu
* </pre>
* Also handles a special case involving Math.random (case 20).
private AnnotationMirror getAnnotationForMultiply(
NumericalMultiplicationNode node, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> p) {
// Special handling for multiplying an array length by a Math.random().
AnnotationMirror randomSpecialCaseResult = aTypeFactory.checkForMathRandomSpecialCase(node);
if (randomSpecialCaseResult != null) {
return randomSpecialCaseResult;
AnnotationMirror leftAnno = getLowerBoundAnnotation(node.getLeftOperand(), p);
// Check if the right side's value is known at compile time.
Long valRight =
node.getRightOperand().getTree(), aTypeFactory.getValueAnnotatedTypeFactory());
if (valRight != null) {
return getAnnotationForLiteralMultiply(valRight.intValue(), leftAnno);
AnnotationMirror rightAnno = getLowerBoundAnnotation(node.getRightOperand(), p);
// Check if the left side's value is known at compile time.
Long valLeft =
node.getLeftOperand().getTree(), aTypeFactory.getValueAnnotatedTypeFactory());
if (valLeft != null) {
return getAnnotationForLiteralMultiply(valLeft.intValue(), rightAnno);
/* This section handles generic annotations:
* pos * pos -> pos
* nn * pos -> nn (elided, since positives are also non-negative)
* nn * nn -> nn
if (isPositive(leftAnno) && isPositive(rightAnno)) {
return POS;
if (isNonNegative(leftAnno) && isNonNegative(rightAnno)) {
return NN;
return UNKNOWN;
/** When the value on the left is known at compile time. */
private AnnotationMirror addAnnotationForLiteralDivideLeft(int val, AnnotationMirror rightAnno) {
if (val == 0) {
return NN;
} else if (val == 1) {
if (isNonNegative(rightAnno)) {
return NN;
} else {
// (1 / x) can't be outside the range [-1, 1] when x is an integer.
return GTEN1;
return UNKNOWN;
/** When the value on the right is known at compile time. */
private AnnotationMirror addAnnotationForLiteralDivideRight(int val, AnnotationMirror leftAnno) {
if (val == 0) {
// Reaching this indicates a divide by zero error. If the value is zero, then this is
// division by zero. Division by zero is treated as bottom so that users aren't warned
// about dead code that's dividing by zero. This code assumes that non-dead code won't
// include literal divide by zeros...
return aTypeFactory.BOTTOM;
} else if (val == 1) {
return leftAnno;
} else if (val >= 2) {
if (isNonNegative(leftAnno)) {
return NN;
return UNKNOWN;
* getAnnotationForDivide handles the following cases (21-26).
* <pre>
* lit 0 / * &rarr; nn (=0)
* * / lit 0 &rarr; pos
* lit 1 / {pos, nn} &rarr; nn
* lit 1 / * &rarr; gten1
* * / lit 1 &rarr; *
* {pos, nn} / lit &gt;1 &rarr; nn
* pos / {pos, nn} &rarr; nn (can round to zero)
* * / {pos, nn} &rarr; *
* * / * &rarr; lbu
* </pre>
private AnnotationMirror getAnnotationForDivide(
IntegerDivisionNode node, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> p) {
AnnotationMirror leftAnno = getLowerBoundAnnotation(node.getLeftOperand(), p);
// Check if the right side's value is known at compile time.
Long valRight =
node.getRightOperand().getTree(), aTypeFactory.getValueAnnotatedTypeFactory());
if (valRight != null) {
return addAnnotationForLiteralDivideRight(valRight.intValue(), leftAnno);
AnnotationMirror rightAnno = getLowerBoundAnnotation(node.getRightOperand(), p);
// Check if the left side's value is known at compile time.
Long valLeft =
node.getLeftOperand().getTree(), aTypeFactory.getValueAnnotatedTypeFactory());
if (valLeft != null) {
return addAnnotationForLiteralDivideLeft(valLeft.intValue(), leftAnno);
/* This section handles generic annotations:
* pos / {pos, nn} -> nn (can round to zero)
* * / {pos, nn} -> *
if (isPositive(leftAnno) && isNonNegative(rightAnno)) {
return NN;
if (isNonNegative(rightAnno)) {
return leftAnno;
// Everything else is unknown.
return UNKNOWN;
/** A remainder with 1 or -1 as the divisor always results in zero. */
private AnnotationMirror addAnnotationForLiteralRemainder(int val) {
if (val == 1 || val == -1) {
return NN;
return UNKNOWN;
/** Adds a default NonNegative annotation to every character. Implements case 33. */
protected void addInformationFromPreconditions(
CFStore info,
AnnotatedTypeFactory factory,
UnderlyingAST.CFGMethod method,
MethodTree methodTree,
ExecutableElement methodElement) {
super.addInformationFromPreconditions(info, factory, method, methodTree, methodElement);
List<? extends VariableTree> paramTrees = methodTree.getParameters();
for (VariableTree variableTree : paramTrees) {
if (TreeUtils.typeOf(variableTree).getKind() == TypeKind.CHAR) {
JavaExpression je = JavaExpression.fromVariableTree(variableTree);
info.insertValuePermitNondeterministic(je, aTypeFactory.NN);
* getAnnotationForRemainder handles these cases:
* <pre>
* 27. * % 1/-1 &rarr; nn
* 28. pos/nn % * &rarr; nn
* 29. gten1 % * &rarr; gten1
* * % * &rarr; lbu
* </pre>
public AnnotationMirror getAnnotationForRemainder(
IntegerRemainderNode node, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> p) {
AnnotationMirror leftAnno = getLowerBoundAnnotation(node.getLeftOperand(), p);
// Check if the right side's value is known at compile time.
Long valRight =
node.getRightOperand().getTree(), aTypeFactory.getValueAnnotatedTypeFactory());
if (valRight != null) {
return addAnnotationForLiteralRemainder(valRight.intValue());
/* This section handles generic annotations:
pos/nn % * -> nn
gten1 % * -> gten1
if (isNonNegative(leftAnno)) {
return NN;
if (isGTEN1(leftAnno)) {
return GTEN1;
// Everything else is unknown.
return UNKNOWN;
/** Handles shifts (case 30). * &gt;&gt; NonNegative &rarr; NonNegative */
private AnnotationMirror getAnnotationForRightShift(
BinaryOperationNode node, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> p) {
AnnotationMirror leftAnno = getLowerBoundAnnotation(node.getLeftOperand(), p);
AnnotationMirror rightAnno = getLowerBoundAnnotation(node.getRightOperand(), p);
if (isNonNegative(leftAnno)) {
if (isNonNegative(rightAnno)) {
return NN;
return UNKNOWN;
* Handles masking (case 31). Particularly, handles the following cases: * &amp; NonNegative
* &rarr; NonNegative
private AnnotationMirror getAnnotationForAnd(
BitwiseAndNode node, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> p) {
AnnotationMirror rightAnno = getLowerBoundAnnotation(node.getRightOperand(), p);
if (isNonNegative(rightAnno)) {
return NN;
AnnotationMirror leftAnno = getLowerBoundAnnotation(node.getLeftOperand(), p);
if (isNonNegative(leftAnno)) {
return NN;
return UNKNOWN;
* Returns true if the argument is the @Positive type annotation.
* @param anm the annotation to test
* @return true if the the argument is the @Positive type annotation
private boolean isPositive(AnnotationMirror anm) {
return aTypeFactory.areSameByClass(anm, Positive.class);
* Returns true if the argument is the @NonNegative type annotation (or a stronger one).
* @param anm the annotation to test
* @return true if the the argument is the @NonNegative type annotation
private boolean isNonNegative(AnnotationMirror anm) {
return aTypeFactory.areSameByClass(anm, NonNegative.class) || isPositive(anm);
* Returns true if the argument is the @GTENegativeOne type annotation (or a stronger one).
* @param anm the annotation to test
* @return true if the the argument is the @GTENegativeOne type annotation
private boolean isGTEN1(AnnotationMirror anm) {
return aTypeFactory.areSameByClass(anm, GTENegativeOne.class) || isNonNegative(anm);
private AnnotationMirror getLowerBoundAnnotation(
Node subNode, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> p) {
CFValue value = p.getValueOfSubNode(subNode);
return getLowerBoundAnnotation(value);
private AnnotationMirror getLowerBoundAnnotation(CFValue cfValue) {
return aTypeFactory
.findAnnotationInHierarchy(cfValue.getAnnotations(), aTypeFactory.UNKNOWN);
public TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> visitNumericalAddition(
NumericalAdditionNode n, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> p) {
TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> result = super.visitNumericalAddition(n, p);
AnnotationMirror newAnno = getAnnotationForPlus(n, p);
return createNewResult(result, newAnno);
public TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> visitNumericalSubtraction(
NumericalSubtractionNode n, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> p) {
TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> result = super.visitNumericalSubtraction(n, p);
AnnotationMirror newAnno = getAnnotationForMinus(n, p);
return createNewResult(result, newAnno);
public TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> visitNumericalMultiplication(
NumericalMultiplicationNode n, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> p) {
TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> result = super.visitNumericalMultiplication(n, p);
AnnotationMirror newAnno = getAnnotationForMultiply(n, p);
return createNewResult(result, newAnno);
public TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> visitIntegerDivision(
IntegerDivisionNode n, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> p) {
TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> result = super.visitIntegerDivision(n, p);
AnnotationMirror newAnno = getAnnotationForDivide(n, p);
return createNewResult(result, newAnno);
public TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> visitIntegerRemainder(
IntegerRemainderNode n, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> p) {
TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> transferResult = super.visitIntegerRemainder(n, p);
AnnotationMirror resultAnno = getAnnotationForRemainder(n, p);
return createNewResult(transferResult, resultAnno);
public TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> visitSignedRightShift(
SignedRightShiftNode n, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> p) {
TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> transferResult = super.visitSignedRightShift(n, p);
AnnotationMirror resultAnno = getAnnotationForRightShift(n, p);
return createNewResult(transferResult, resultAnno);
public TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> visitUnsignedRightShift(
UnsignedRightShiftNode n, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> p) {
TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> transferResult = super.visitUnsignedRightShift(n, p);
AnnotationMirror resultAnno = getAnnotationForRightShift(n, p);
return createNewResult(transferResult, resultAnno);
public TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> visitBitwiseAnd(
BitwiseAndNode n, TransferInput<CFValue, CFStore> p) {
TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> transferResult = super.visitBitwiseAnd(n, p);
AnnotationMirror resultAnno = getAnnotationForAnd(n, p);
return createNewResult(transferResult, resultAnno);
* Create a new transfer result based on the original result and the new annotation.
* @param result the original result
* @param resultAnno the new annotation
* @return the new transfer result
private TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> createNewResult(
TransferResult<CFValue, CFStore> result, AnnotationMirror resultAnno) {
CFValue newResultValue =
resultAnno, result.getResultValue().getUnderlyingType());
return new RegularTransferResult<>(newResultValue, result.getRegularStore());