blob: 8dc176733efc4211da77672e9cc1c14471794571 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.visualize;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringJoiner;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.AbstractValue;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.Analysis;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.Analysis.Direction;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.Store;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.TransferFunction;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.analysis.TransferInput;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.ControlFlowGraph;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.block.Block;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.block.ConditionalBlock;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.block.ExceptionBlock;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.block.SingleSuccessorBlock;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.block.SpecialBlock;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.node.Node;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.BugInCF;
import org.plumelib.util.StringsPlume;
import org.plumelib.util.UniqueId;
* This abstract class makes implementing a {@link CFGVisualizer} easier. Some of the methods in
* {@link CFGVisualizer} are already implemented in this abstract class, but can be overridden if
* necessary.
* @param <V> the abstract value type to be tracked by the analysis
* @param <S> the store type used in the analysis
* @param <T> the transfer function type that is used to approximate runtime behavior
* @see DOTCFGVisualizer
* @see StringCFGVisualizer
public abstract class AbstractCFGVisualizer<
V extends AbstractValue<V>, S extends Store<S>, T extends TransferFunction<V, S>>
implements CFGVisualizer<V, S, T> {
* If {@code true}, {@link CFGVisualizer} returns more detailed information.
* <p>Initialized in {@link #init(Map)}.
protected boolean verbose;
/** The line separator. */
protected final String lineSeparator = System.lineSeparator();
/** The indentation for elements of the store. */
protected final String storeEntryIndent = " ";
public void init(Map<String, Object> args) {
this.verbose = toBoolean(args.get("verbose"));
* Convert the value to boolean, by parsing a string or casting any other value. null converts to
* false.
* @param o an object to convert to boolean
* @return {@code o} converted to boolean
private static boolean toBoolean(@Nullable Object o) {
if (o == null) {
return false;
if (o instanceof String) {
return Boolean.parseBoolean((String) o);
return (boolean) o;
* Visualize a control flow graph.
* @param cfg the current control flow graph
* @param entry the entry block of the control flow graph
* @param analysis the current analysis
* @return the representation of the control flow graph
protected String visualizeGraph(
ControlFlowGraph cfg, Block entry, @Nullable Analysis<V, S, T> analysis) {
return visualizeGraphHeader()
+ visualizeGraphWithoutHeaderAndFooter(cfg, entry, analysis)
+ visualizeGraphFooter();
* Helper method to visualize a control flow graph, without outputting a header or footer.
* @param cfg the control flow graph
* @param entry the entry block of the control flow graph
* @param analysis the current analysis
* @return the String representation of the control flow graph
protected String visualizeGraphWithoutHeaderAndFooter(
ControlFlowGraph cfg, Block entry, @Nullable Analysis<V, S, T> analysis) {
Set<Block> visited = new LinkedHashSet<>();
StringBuilder sbGraph = new StringBuilder();
Queue<Block> workList = new ArrayDeque<>();
Block cur = entry;
while (cur != null) {
handleSuccessorsHelper(cur, visited, workList, sbGraph);
cur = workList.poll();
sbGraph.append(visualizeNodes(visited, cfg, analysis));
return sbGraph.toString();
* Outputs, to sbGraph, a visualization of a block's edges, but not the block itself. (The block
* itself is output elsewhere.) Also adds the successors of the block to the work list and the
* visited blocks list.
* @param cur the current block
* @param visited the set of blocks that have already been visited or are in the work list; side
* effected by this method
* @param workList the queue of blocks to be processed; side effected by this method
* @param sbGraph the {@link StringBuilder} to store the graph; side effected by this method
protected void handleSuccessorsHelper(
Block cur, Set<Block> visited, Queue<Block> workList, StringBuilder sbGraph) {
if (cur.getType() == Block.BlockType.CONDITIONAL_BLOCK) {
ConditionalBlock ccur = ((ConditionalBlock) cur);
Block thenSuccessor = ccur.getThenSuccessor();
visualizeEdge(ccur.getUid(), thenSuccessor.getUid(), ccur.getThenFlowRule().toString()));
addBlock(thenSuccessor, visited, workList);
Block elseSuccessor = ccur.getElseSuccessor();
visualizeEdge(ccur.getUid(), elseSuccessor.getUid(), ccur.getElseFlowRule().toString()));
addBlock(elseSuccessor, visited, workList);
} else {
SingleSuccessorBlock sscur = (SingleSuccessorBlock) cur;
Block succ = sscur.getSuccessor();
if (succ != null) {
sbGraph.append(visualizeEdge(cur.getUid(), succ.getUid(), sscur.getFlowRule().name()));
addBlock(succ, visited, workList);
if (cur.getType() == Block.BlockType.EXCEPTION_BLOCK) {
ExceptionBlock ecur = (ExceptionBlock) cur;
for (Map.Entry<TypeMirror, Set<Block>> e : ecur.getExceptionalSuccessors().entrySet()) {
TypeMirror cause = e.getKey();
String exception = cause.toString();
if (exception.startsWith("java.lang.")) {
exception = exception.replace("java.lang.", "");
for (Block b : e.getValue()) {
sbGraph.append(visualizeEdge(cur.getUid(), b.getUid(), exception));
addBlock(b, visited, workList);
* Checks whether a block exists in the visited blocks list, and, if not, adds it to the visited
* blocks list and the work list.
* @param b the block to check
* @param visited the set of blocks that have already been visited or are in the work list
* @param workList the queue of blocks to be processed
protected void addBlock(Block b, Set<Block> visited, Queue<Block> workList) {
if (visited.add(b)) {
* Helper method to visualize a block.
* <p>NOTE: The output ends with a separator, only if an "after" store is visualized. The client
* {@link #visualizeBlock} should correct this if needed.
* @param bb the block
* @param analysis the current analysis
* @param separator the line separator. Examples: "\\l" for left justification in {@link
* DOTCFGVisualizer} (this is really a terminator, not a separator), "\n" to add a new line in
* {@link StringCFGVisualizer}
* @return the String representation of the block
protected String visualizeBlockHelper(
Block bb, @Nullable Analysis<V, S, T> analysis, String separator) {
StringBuilder sbBlock = new StringBuilder();
String contents = loopOverBlockContents(bb, analysis, separator);
if (!contents.isEmpty()) {
if (sbBlock.length() == 0) {
// Nothing got appended; use default text for empty block
if (bb.getType() == Block.BlockType.SPECIAL_BLOCK) {
sbBlock.append(visualizeSpecialBlock((SpecialBlock) bb));
} else if (bb.getType() == Block.BlockType.CONDITIONAL_BLOCK) {
sbBlock.append(visualizeConditionalBlock((ConditionalBlock) bb));
} else {
sbBlock.append("<empty block>");
// Visualize transfer input if necessary.
if (analysis != null) {
sbBlock.insert(0, visualizeBlockTransferInputBefore(bb, analysis) + separator);
if (verbose) {
Node lastNode = bb.getLastNode();
if (lastNode != null) {
if (!sbBlock.toString().endsWith(separator)) {
sbBlock.append(visualizeBlockTransferInputAfter(bb, analysis) + separator);
return sbBlock.toString();
* Iterates over the block content and visualizes all the nodes in it.
* @param bb the block
* @param analysis the current analysis
* @param separator the separator between the nodes of the block
* @return the String representation of the contents of the block
protected String loopOverBlockContents(
Block bb, @Nullable Analysis<V, S, T> analysis, String separator) {
List<Node> contents = addBlockContent(bb);
StringJoiner sjBlockContents = new StringJoiner(separator);
for (Node t : contents) {
sjBlockContents.add(visualizeBlockNode(t, analysis));
return sjBlockContents.toString();
* Returns the contents of the block.
* @param bb the block
* @return the contents of the block, as a list of nodes
protected List<Node> addBlockContent(Block bb) {
return bb.getNodes();
* Format the given object as a String suitable for the output format, i.e. with format-specific
* characters escaped.
* @param obj an object
* @return the formatted String from the given object
protected abstract String format(Object obj);
public String visualizeBlockNode(Node t, @Nullable Analysis<V, S, T> analysis) {
StringBuilder sbBlockNode = new StringBuilder();
sbBlockNode.append(format(t)).append(" [ ").append(getNodeSimpleName(t)).append(" ]");
if (analysis != null) {
V value = analysis.getValue(t);
if (value != null) {
sbBlockNode.append(" > ").append(format(value));
return sbBlockNode.toString();
/** Whether to visualize before or after a block. */
protected enum VisualizeWhere {
/** Visualize before the block. */
/** Visualize after the block. */
* Visualize the transfer input before or after the given block.
* @param where either BEFORE or AFTER
* @param bb a block
* @param analysis the current analysis
* @param separator the line separator. Examples: "\\l" for left justification in {@link
* DOTCFGVisualizer} (which is actually a line TERMINATOR, not a separator!), "\n" to add a
* new line in {@link StringCFGVisualizer}
* @return the visualization of the transfer input before or after the given block
protected String visualizeBlockTransferInputHelper(
VisualizeWhere where, Block bb, Analysis<V, S, T> analysis, String separator) {
if (analysis == null) {
throw new BugInCF(
"analysis must be non-null when visualizing the transfer input of a block.");
Direction analysisDirection = analysis.getDirection();
S regularStore;
S thenStore = null;
S elseStore = null;
boolean isTwoStores = false;
UniqueId storesFrom;
if (analysisDirection == Direction.FORWARD && where == VisualizeWhere.AFTER) {
regularStore = analysis.getResult().getStoreAfter(bb);
storesFrom = analysis.getResult();
} else if (analysisDirection == Direction.BACKWARD && where == VisualizeWhere.BEFORE) {
regularStore = analysis.getResult().getStoreBefore(bb);
storesFrom = analysis.getResult();
} else {
TransferInput<V, S> input = analysis.getInput(bb);
assert input != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): invariant";
storesFrom = input;
isTwoStores = input.containsTwoStores();
regularStore = input.getRegularStore();
thenStore = input.getThenStore();
elseStore = input.getElseStore();
StringBuilder sbStore = new StringBuilder();
if (verbose) {
sbStore.append(storesFrom.getClassAndUid() + separator);
sbStore.append(where == VisualizeWhere.BEFORE ? "Before: " : "After: ");
if (!isTwoStores) {
} else {
assert thenStore != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): invariant";
assert elseStore != null : "@AssumeAssertion(nullness): invariant";
if (where == VisualizeWhere.BEFORE) {
sbStore.append(separator + "~~~~~~~~~");
} else {
sbStore.insert(0, "~~~~~~~~~" + separator);
return sbStore.toString();
* Visualize a special block.
* @param sbb the special block
* @return the String representation of the special block
protected String visualizeSpecialBlockHelper(SpecialBlock sbb) {
switch (sbb.getSpecialType()) {
case ENTRY:
return "<entry>";
case EXIT:
return "<exit>";
return "<exceptional-exit>";
throw new BugInCF("Unrecognized special block type: " + sbb.getType());
* Generate the order of processing blocks. Because a block may appears more than once in {@link
* ControlFlowGraph#getDepthFirstOrderedBlocks()}, the orders of each block are stored in a
* separate array list.
* @param cfg the current control flow graph
* @return an IdentityHashMap that maps from blocks to their orders
protected IdentityHashMap<Block, List<Integer>> getProcessOrder(ControlFlowGraph cfg) {
IdentityHashMap<Block, List<Integer>> depthFirstOrder = new IdentityHashMap<>();
int count = 1;
for (Block b : cfg.getDepthFirstOrderedBlocks()) {
depthFirstOrder.computeIfAbsent(b, k -> new ArrayList<>());
@SuppressWarnings("nullness:assignment") // computeIfAbsent's function doesn't return null
@NonNull List<Integer> blockIds = depthFirstOrder.get(b);
return depthFirstOrder;
public String visualizeStore(S store) {
return store.visualize(this);
* Generate the String representation of the nodes of a control flow graph.
* @param blocks the set of all the blocks in a control flow graph
* @param cfg the control flow graph
* @param analysis the current analysis
* @return the String representation of the nodes
protected abstract String visualizeNodes(
Set<Block> blocks, ControlFlowGraph cfg, @Nullable Analysis<V, S, T> analysis);
* Generate the String representation of an edge.
* @param sId a representation of the current block, such as its ID
* @param eId a representation of the successor block, such as its ID
* @param flowRule the content of the edge
* @return the String representation of the edge
protected abstract String visualizeEdge(Object sId, Object eId, String flowRule);
* Return the header of the generated graph.
* @return the String representation of the header of the control flow graph
protected abstract String visualizeGraphHeader();
* Return the footer of the generated graph.
* @return the String representation of the footer of the control flow graph
protected abstract String visualizeGraphFooter();
* Given a list of process orders (integers), returns a string representation.
* <p>Examples: "Process order: 23", "Process order: 23,25".
* @param order a list of process orders
* @return a String representation of the given process orders
protected String getProcessOrderSimpleString(List<Integer> order) {
return "Process order: " + StringsPlume.join(",", order);
* Get the simple name of a node.
* @param t a node
* @return the node's simple name, without "Node"
protected String getNodeSimpleName(Node t) {
String name = t.getClass().getSimpleName();
return name.replace("Node", "");