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<title>Checker Framework developer manual</title>
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<h1 id="Checker_Framework_developer_manual">Checker Framework developer manual</h1>
If you wish to use the Checker Framework, see its user manual
(<a href="">HTML</a>,
<a href="">PDF</a>).
This document contains information for Checker Framework developers,
including people who wish to edit its source code or make pull requests.
<!-- start toc. do not edit; run html-update-toc instead -->
<li><a href="#Directory_structure">Directory structure</a>
<li><a href="#Related_repositories">Related repositories</a></li>
<li><a href="#Build_tasks">Build tasks</a></li>
<li><a href="#tests">Testing the Checker Framework</a>
<li><a href="#testing-optimizations">Testing optimizations</a></li>
<li><a href="#Code_style">Code style</a></li>
<li><a href="#IDE_configuration">IDE configuration</a></li>
<li><a href="#pull-requests">Pull requests</a>
<li><a href="#pull-requests-branches">Branches</a></li>
<li><a href="#pull-requests-maintainers">Pull request and commit notes for maintainers</a></li>
<li><a href="#github-configuration">GitHub configuration</a></li>
<li><a href="#ci">Continuous Integration</a>
<li><a href="#ci-failure">What to do if a Continuous Integration build fails</a></li>
<li><a href="#Documenting_refactoring_ideas">Documenting refactoring ideas</a></li>
<li><a href="#annotated-library-version-numbers">Version numbers for annotated libraries</a></li>
<li><a href="#Making_a_Checker_Framework_release">Making a Checker Framework release</a></li>
<!-- end toc -->
<h2 id="Directory_structure">Directory structure</h2>
The <a href="">checker-framework
repository</a> contains several related projects:
<dd>the framework that enables building pluggable type checkers</dd>
<dd>the type checkers provided with the Checker Framework</dd>
<dd>utilities for integrating with javac</dd>
<dd>a dataflow framework that is used by the Checker Framework, <a href="">Error Prone</a>, <a href="">NullAway</a>, and other tools</dd>
The repository also contains the following directories:
<dd>documentation: manual, tutorial, examples, developer docs</dd>
<h3 id="Related_repositories">Related repositories</h3>
The <a href=""><code>checker-framework</code></a> project
depends on
the <a href=""><code>typetools/jdk</code></a> project,
the <a href=""><code>annotation-tools</code></a> project,
and the <a href=""><code>stubparser</code></a> project.
When making changes to one of these projects, you may also need to make changes to one or more of the others.
If you make related changes in the <code>checker-framework</code> and <code>jdk</code>
repositories, use the <em>same
branch name</em> for each. The continuous integration framework will find
and use that branch when running tests.
For example, when continuous integration runs for branch <em>B</em> of fork <em>F</em> of <code>checker-framework</code>, it will use branch <em>B</em> of fork <em>F</em> of the other repositories (if they exist).
The same is true for the other projects.
If a change spans multiple projects, make pull requests for all of them. Each pull request description's should link to all the others.
Furthermore, whenever you make a pull request from
a <code>checker-framework</code> branch A into branch B, if B has a
corresponding <code>jdk</code>
branch, then A also needs one (even if identical to B's version).
<h2 id="Build_tasks">Build tasks</h2>
Full instructions for building the Checker Framework from sources appear in
the <a href="">Checker
Framework manual</a>. This section describes the build system (the Gradle build tasks).
Don't run the <code>gradle</code> command, which would use whatever version
of Gradle is installed on your computer. Instead, use
the <code>gradlew</code> script in the <code>checker-framework</code>
directory, also known as
the <a href="">Gradle
Frequently-used tasks:
<li> <code>assemble</code>: builds all jars.
<li> <code>build</code>: <code>assemble</code>, plus runs all JUnit tests.
<li> <code>allTests</code>: runs all tests.
<li> <code>reformat</code>: reformats Java files.
<li> <code>NameOfJUnitTest</code>: runs the JUnit test with that name; for example, <code>NullnessTest</code>.
<li> <code>task</code>: lists tasks; use <code>--all</code> to see all tasks.
If you run a task from the main directory, then it will run that task in all
subprojects with a task by that name. So, if you run <code>./gradlew
allTests</code> that runs all tests everywhere. But <code>(cd
framework &amp;&amp; ../gradlew allTests)</code> only runs tests in
the <code>framework</code> project.
Alternatively, running <code>:framework:allTests</code> from the
main directory or any subproject runs the <code>allTests</code> task only in the <code>framework</code> project.
<h2 id="tests">Testing the Checker Framework</h2>
For writing new test cases, see file <a href=""><code>checker/tests/README</code></a>.
<h3 id="testing-optimizations">Testing optimizations</h3>
To test an optimization that should speed up type-checking, see
the <code></code> stage of the <code>daikon_jdk8</code> job
of the Azure Pipelines CI job. Compare the run time of this stage (or of
the entire <code>daikon_jdk8</code> job) between the master branch and a
branch with your improvements.
You can also compare run times of the Checker Framework test suite.
<h2 id="Code_style">Code style</h2>
Code in this project follows the
<a href="">Google Java Style
Guide</a> (except 4 spaces are used for indentation),
<a href="">Michael
Ernst's coding style guidelines</a>, and <a href="">Oracle's
Java code conventions</a>.
From the command line, you can format your code by running <code>./gradlew reformat</code>.
can <a href="">configure
your IDE</a> (Eclipse or IntelliJ) to use the formatting (don't forget the
non-standard <code>-a</code> flag).
We don't use <code>@author</code> Javadoc tags in code files.
Doing so clutters the code, and is misleading once that individual
is no longer maintaining the code.
Authorship (and who has made changes recently) can be obtained from the
version control system, such as by running <code>git annotate <em>filename</em></code>.
Every class, method, and field (even private ones) must have a
descriptive Javadoc comment.
<h2 id="IDE_configuration">IDE configuration</h2>
First clone and build all projects from their sources, from the command line,
using the instructions
at <a href=""></a>.
After that succeeds, import the projects into your IDE as Gradle projects.
If your IDE cannot find <code>com.sun.source.*</code> packages, try changing the project JDK to JDK 11.
<h2 id="pull-requests">Pull requests</h2>
Each pull request should address a single concern, rather than (say)
addressing multiple concerns such as fixing a bug, adding a feature, <em>and</em>
changing formatting. Focusing each pull request on a single concern makes
the commit easier to understand and review. It also makes the commit
history (after the pull request is merged) easier to understand and (if
necessary) revert.
The pull request title should clearly explain the change. It will be used
as the commit message for your change. If the pull request fixes an issue
in the issue tracker, its title should end with "; fixes #NNN" where NNN is
the fixed issue.
Your pull request (whether it is a bug fix or a new feature) should
include tests that fail before your change and pass afterward.
If you make a user-visible change, update the manual (or add a new section)
and add a brief description at the top of the changelog
(file <code>docs/</code>).
To reduce iterations of code review, please follow
the <a href="#code-style">coding conventions</a>.
Also enable <a href="#ci">continuous integration</a> on your fork of the Checker
Framework and ensure that it passes before you open a pull request.
A pull request marked as "draft" means it should not be reviewed. To use a
"draft" pull request for discussions, make it in a fork. If it were in
the <code>typetools</code> GitHub organization, it would use CI resources
and thus slow down CI feedback for other pull requests.
see <a href="">Michael
Ernst's advice about creating GitHub pull requests</a>.
<h3 id="pull-requests-branches">Branches</h3>
It is good style to create a branch (in your fork of the Checker
Framework GitHub repository) for each independent change.
Do not make changes to your <code>master</code> branch.
If you have write access to the <code>typetools</code> repository, don't
work in a branch of it, because such a branch competes for CI resources
with all pull requests.
Azure Pipelines has a bug: whenever two CI jobs would run code with the same
commit hash, it re-uses a previous execution result. This is a bug because the
CI job's behavior may depend on the branch name and other factors that are
independent of the commit hash. This means that you may see spurious successes
or failures when your branch of (say) the <code>jdk</code> repository has the
identical commit hash to some other branch that Azure Pipelines previous ran a
job for.
<h3 id="pull-requests-maintainers">Pull request and commit notes for maintainers</h3>
It is acceptable to commit small, noncontroversial changes directly to
master. (This policy differs from some projects, which require an issue
tracker issue and a pull request for every change, however minor.)
As with pull requests, each commit should address a single concern.
For any change where you want feedback, or where others might have
useful comments or might disagree, please submit a pull request. Be
conservative in your judgment; others might consider something
controversial that you do not.
Try to review pull requests promptly, to avoid stalling others while
waiting for your feedback. If you have been waiting for more than a week
after the pull request was assigned with no feedback, then ping the
assignee, wait at least another business day, and then go ahead and push
your changes. It's great if reviewers can give feedback, but if they are
too busy to do so, you should recognize that and move on.
<h2 id="github-configuration">GitHub configuration</h2>
When you installed Git, you should have set your name and email address. If you have not yet done so, do it now:
git config --global "<em>FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME</em>"
git config --global "<em>USERNAME</em>@<em>SOMEDOMAIN.COM</em>"
Before you make any commits (even to your own fork),
update your GitHub account profile so it contains your complete name.
This is necessary to include you in
the <a href="">list of
You will want your own GitHub fork of any project you plan to modify. We
recommend that, for each fork, you configure GitHub
to <a href="">delete
branches after they are merged</a>.
<h2 id="ci">Continuous Integration</h2>
The Checker Framework has continuous integration jobs that run in Azure
Pipelines, CircleCI, and/or Travis CI on each push to GitHub.
We recommend Azure Pipelines.
To enable Azure Pipelines continuous integration for your fork:
(This is a summary of the <a href="">Azure
Pipelines getting started directions</a>.)
<li>Browse to <a href=""></a>.
(You might need to create a (free) account.)</li>
<li>Click "Create a project to get started" and enter an appropriate name</li>
<li>Click "public".</li>
<li>Click "create project"</li>
<li>At the left, click the blue rocket labeled "pipelines"</li>
<li>Click "new pipeline"</li>
<li>Click "GitHub"
(You might need to authorize the app on GitHub.)</li>
<li>Click "Select a repository"</li>
<li>Choose <em>MYUSERID</em>/checker-framework</li>
<li>Choose the default radio button, "only selected repositories". <b>Do not</b> choose "all repositories".</li>
<li>Choose "Existing Azure Pipelines YAML file"</li>
<li>Select "/azure-pipelines.yml" in the dropdown menu</li>
<li>Approve and install.</li>
<li>Click "run".</li>
To enable Travis CI continuous integration for your fork:
<li>Browse to <a href=""></a></li>
<li>Click the downarrow for the dropdown, near your face in the upper right corner</li>
<li>Click settings</li>
<li>Find "checker-framework" in the list, and click the slider to enable it.</li>
<h3 id="ci-failure">What to do if a Continuous Integration build fails</h3>
Sometimes, CI tests for your pull request may fail even though your local build passed.
This is usually because the CI service performed more tests than you ran locally.
First, examine the CI service's logs, which contain diagnostic output from the
failing command. You can determine which command was run from the logs, or
from the CI configuration file (such as <code>azure-pipelines.yml</code>).
<h2 id="Documenting_refactoring_ideas">Documenting refactoring ideas</h2>
Don't open issues for code improvement ideas (such as potential refactorings).
If it can be described concisely and is unlikely to be rediscovered by other
people, write a TODO comment in the code. The code comment is more likely to be
noticed by someone
working with the code, and it is equally easy to search for. Furthermore,
it doesn't clutter the issue tracker. Clutter in the issue tracker reduces
morale, makes it harder to search, and makes the project appear
lower-quality than it actually is.
<h2 id="annotated-library-version-numbers">Version numbers for annotated libraries</h2>
We maintain annotated versions of some third-party libraries. The source
code appears in a fork in
the <a href="">GitHub <code>typetools</code>
organization</a>. Binaries are hosted
at <a href="">Maven Central
in the <code>org.checkerframework.annotatedlib</code> group</a>.
Annotated libraries should be based on a released version of the upstream
library, not an arbitrary commit in the upstream library's version control
system. The library's version number is the same as the upstream version
When making a new version of an annotated library, between upstream
releases, add ".0.1" to the end of the version number. For example, if we
already uploaded version 6.2 to Maven Central, the next version we upload
would be This accommodates the possibility that the upstream
maintainers release 6.2.1. Our further releases increment the last number,
for example to
<h2 id="Making_a_Checker_Framework_release">Making a Checker Framework release</h2>
See a separate document about the
<a href="release/README-release-process.html">Checker Framework release process</a>.
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