blob: edd0af199252ac5520b2319b936c674a177ec5fa [file] [log] [blame]
.PHONY: all
# Delomboking seems to mess up line numbers. The actual error is on line 13, but the error appears on line 12.
# So check for both the error message and make sure it is for the right assignment.
all: clean
- ../../../gradlew build > Out.txt 2>&1
(grep -qF " error: [argument] incompatible argument for parameter y of y." Out.txt \
&& grep -qF " error: [assignment] incompatible types in assignment." Out.txt \
&& grep -qF "y = null; // error" Out.txt) \
|| (echo "===== start of Out.txt =====" && cat Out.txt && echo "===== end of Out.txt =====" && false)
../../../gradlew clean
rm -f Out.txt