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<h1>Checker Framework Tutorial</h1>
<h2><small>Previous <a href="user-input-cmd.html">Validating User
<div id="introduction">
<div class="page-header short" style="border-top: none;">
<h2>Finding a Security Error</h2>
<p>This example uses the Tainting Checker to verify that user input
does not contain SQL statements, thus preventing SQL injection. (If
you have not already done so, download <a href=
"../">the tutorial sourcefiles</a>.)</p>
<div class="well">
<li><a href="#run1">Run the Tainting Checker &mdash; 1 error
<li><a href="#error1">Correct the error</a></li>
<li><a href="#run2">Re-run the Tainting Checker &mdash; a new error is
<li><a href="#error2">Correct the new error</a></li>
<li><a href="#run3">Re-run the Tainting Checker &mdash; no errors</a></li>
<div id="run1">
<h4>1. Run the Tainting Checker &mdash; 1 error found</h4>
<p>Run the buildfile:
<br/> (The Ant buildfile
makes use of the <a href=
Checker Framework support for Ant</a>.)</p>
$ <b>cd personalblog-demo</b>
$ <b>ant</b>
Buildfile: .../personalblog-demo/build.xml
[mkdir] Created dir: .../personalblog-demo/bin
[cf.javac] Compiling 2 source files to .../personalblog-demo/bin
[cf.javac] javac 1.8.0-jsr308-3.12.0
[cf.javac] .../personalblog-demo/src/net/eyde/personalblog/service/ error: incompatible types in argument.
[cf.javac] "where post.category like '%", category,
[cf.javac] ^
[cf.javac] found : @Tainted String
[cf.javac] required: @Untainted String
[cf.javac] 1 error
.../personalblog-demo/build.xml:35: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
Total time: 2 seconds
<p>The checker issues an error for <code>getPostsByCategory()</code>
because the possibly-tainted string <code>category</code> is used in
the query construction. This string could contain SQL statements
that could taint the database. The programmer must ensure that
<code>category</code> does not contain malicious SQL code.</p>
<div id="error1">
<h4>2. Correct the Error</h4>
<p>To correct this error, <b>add <code>@Untainted</code></b> to the
type of the <code>category</code> parameter.</p>
public List&lt;?&gt; getPostsByCategory(<b>@Untainted</b> String category) throws ServiceException {
</pre>This forces clients to pass an <code>@Untainted</code> value, which
was the intention of the designer of the <code>getPostsByCategory</code>
<div id="run2">
<h4>3. Re-run the Tainting Checker &mdash; a new error is found</h4>
<p>Run the Tainting Checker again.</p>
$ <strong>ant</strong>
Buildfile: .../personalblog-demo/build.xml
[delete] Deleting directory .../personalblog-demo/bin
[mkdir] Created dir: .../personalblog-demo/bin
[cf.javac] Compiling 2 source files to .../personalblog-demo/bin
[cf.javac] javac 1.8.0-jsr308-3.12.0
[cf.javac] .../personalblog-demo/src/net/eyde/personalblog/struts/action/ error: incompatible types in argument.
[cf.javac] pblog.getPostsByCategory(reqCategory));
[cf.javac] ^
[cf.javac] found : @Tainted String
[cf.javac] required: @Untainted String
[cf.javac] 1 error
.../personalblog-demo/build.xml:35: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
Total time: 2 seconds
<p>There is an error in <code>ReadAction.executeSub()</code>, which
is a client of <code>getPostsByCategory</code>. The
<code>reqCategory</code> is accepted from the user (from request
object) without validation.</p>
<div id="error2">
<h4>4. Correct the New Error</h4>To correct, <b>use the
<code>validate</code> method</b> as shown below.
String reqCategory = <b>validate(</b>cleanNull(request.getParameter("cat"))<b>)</b>;
<div id="run3">
<h4>5. Re-run the Tainting Checker &mdash; no errors</h4>
<p>There should be no errors.</p>
$ <strong>ant</strong>
Buildfile: .../personalblog-demo/build.xml
[delete] Deleting directory .../personalblog-demo/bin
[mkdir] Created dir: .../personalblog-demo/bin
[cf.javac] Compiling 2 source files to .../personalblog-demo/bin
[cf.javac] javac 1.8.0-jsr308-3.12.0
Total time: 2 seconds
<p>You are done with the personalblog-demo project,
so return to the parent directory</p>
$ <strong>cd ..</strong>
<p>For a complete discussion of how to use the Tainting Checker,
please read the <a href=
Tainting Checker chapter</a> in the Checker Framework manual.</p>
<div id="installation">
<div class="page-header short">
<h2><small>Next, try <a href="encryption-checker-cmd.html">Writing
an Encryption Checker</a> or return to the <a href=
"../index.html">main page</a> of the Tutorial.</small></h2>
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