blob: dfd77b816c5b6def2499a2fc6232ab4656e1a412 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.common.accumulation;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import org.checkerframework.checker.initialization.qual.UnderInitialization;
import org.checkerframework.common.basetype.BaseTypeChecker;
import org.checkerframework.common.returnsreceiver.ReturnsReceiverChecker;
// TODO: This Javadoc comment should reference the Checker Framework manual, once the Accumulation
// Checker chapter is uncommented in the manual's LaTeX source.
* An accumulation checker is one that accumulates some property: method calls, map keys, etc.
* <p>This class provides a basic accumulation analysis that can be extended to implement an
* accumulation type system. This accumulation analysis represents all facts as Strings.
* <p>This class supports modular alias analyses. To choose the alias analyses that your
* accumulation checker uses, override the {@link #createAliasAnalyses()} method. By default, the
* only alias analysis used is Returns Receiver.
* <p>The primary extension point is the constructor of {@link AccumulationAnnotatedTypeFactory},
* which every subclass should override to provide custom annotations.
public abstract class AccumulationChecker extends BaseTypeChecker {
/** Set of alias analyses that are enabled in this particular accumulation checker. */
private EnumSet<AliasAnalysis> aliasAnalyses;
/** Constructs a new AccumulationChecker. */
protected AccumulationChecker() {
this.aliasAnalyses = createAliasAnalyses();
protected LinkedHashSet<Class<? extends BaseTypeChecker>> getImmediateSubcheckerClasses() {
LinkedHashSet<Class<? extends BaseTypeChecker>> checkers =
if (isEnabled(AliasAnalysis.RETURNS_RECEIVER)) {
return checkers;
* The alias analyses that an accumulation checker can support. To add support for a new alias
* analysis, add a new item to this enum and then implement any functionality of the checker
* behind a call to {@link #isEnabled(AliasAnalysis)}.
public enum AliasAnalysis {
* An alias analysis that detects methods that always return their own receiver (i.e. whose
* return value and receiver are aliases).
* Get the alias analyses that this checker should employ.
* @return the alias analyses
protected EnumSet<AliasAnalysis> createAliasAnalyses(
@UnderInitialization AccumulationChecker this) {
return EnumSet.of(AliasAnalysis.RETURNS_RECEIVER);
* Check whether the given alias analysis is enabled by this particular accumulation checker.
* @param aliasAnalysis the analysis to check
* @return true iff the analysis is enabled
public boolean isEnabled(AliasAnalysis aliasAnalysis) {
return aliasAnalyses.contains(aliasAnalysis);