blob: 8e1fb0f022aab6c6285991ed354756ec795699aa [file] [log] [blame]
// A basic test that subtyping between accumulation annotations works as expected. Note that GJF
// botches the formatting in this file, so the comments for error messages are in weird places.
import org.checkerframework.framework.testchecker.testaccumulation.qual.*;
public class Subtyping {
void top(@TestAccumulation() Object o1) {
@TestAccumulation() Object o2 = o1;
// :: error: assignment
Object o3 = o1;
// :: error: assignment
Object o4 = o1;
@TestAccumulation({"foo", "bar"})
// :: error: assignment
Object o5 = o1;
// :: error: assignment
@TestAccumulationBottom Object o6 = o1;
void foo(@TestAccumulation("foo") Object o1) {
@TestAccumulation() Object o2 = o1;
@TestAccumulation("foo") Object o3 = o1;
// :: error: assignment
Object o4 = o1;
@TestAccumulation({"foo", "bar"})
// :: error: assignment
Object o5 = o1;
// :: error: assignment
@TestAccumulationBottom Object o6 = o1;
void bar(@TestAccumulation("bar") Object o1) {
@TestAccumulation() Object o2 = o1;
// :: error: assignment
Object o3 = o1;
@TestAccumulation("bar") Object o4 = o1;
@TestAccumulation({"foo", "bar"})
// :: error: assignment
Object o5 = o1;
// :: error: assignment
@TestAccumulationBottom Object o6 = o1;
void foobar(@TestAccumulation({"foo", "bar"}) Object o1) {
@TestAccumulation() Object o2 = o1;
@TestAccumulation("foo") Object o3 = o1;
@TestAccumulation("bar") Object o4 = o1;
@TestAccumulation({"foo", "bar"}) Object o5 = o1;
// :: error: assignment
@TestAccumulationBottom Object o6 = o1;
void barfoo(@TestAccumulation({"bar", "foo"}) Object o1) {
@TestAccumulation() Object o2 = o1;
@TestAccumulation("foo") Object o3 = o1;
@TestAccumulation("bar") Object o4 = o1;
@TestAccumulation({"foo", "bar"}) Object o5 = o1;
// :: error: assignment
@TestAccumulationBottom Object o6 = o1;
void bot(@TestAccumulationBottom Object o1) {
@TestAccumulation() Object o2 = o1;
@TestAccumulation("foo") Object o3 = o1;
@TestAccumulation("bar") Object o4 = o1;
@TestAccumulation({"foo", "bar"}) Object o5 = o1;
@TestAccumulationBottom Object o6 = o1;