blob: ca25b402a8a8edff6a12fb5f15f799282508d24b [file] [log] [blame]
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.*;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.EnsuresQualifier;
import org.checkerframework.framework.testchecker.util.*;
public class MethodCallFlowExpr {
String p1(int i) {
return "";
String p1b(Long i) {
return "";
String p1(String s) {
return "";
String nonpure() {
return "";
String p2(String s, long l, String s2) {
return "";
<T> String p1c(T i) {
return "";
static String p1d(int i) {
return "";
@EnsuresQualifier(expression = "p1c(\"abc\")", qualifier = Odd.class)
// :: error: (contracts.postcondition)
void e0() {
// don't bother with implementation
@EnsuresQualifier(expression = "p1(1)", qualifier = Odd.class)
// :: error: (contracts.postcondition)
void e1() {
// don't bother with implementation
@EnsuresQualifier(expression = "p1(\"abc\")", qualifier = Odd.class)
// :: error: (contracts.postcondition)
void e2() {
// don't bother with implementation
@EnsuresQualifier(expression = "p2(\"abc\", 2L, p1(1))", qualifier = Odd.class)
// :: error: (contracts.postcondition)
void e4() {
// don't bother with implementation
@EnsuresQualifier(expression = "p1b(2L)", qualifier = Odd.class)
// :: error: (contracts.postcondition)
void e5() {
// don't bother with implementation
@EnsuresQualifier(expression = "p1b(null)", qualifier = Odd.class)
// :: error: (contracts.postcondition)
void e6() {
// don't bother with implementation
@EnsuresQualifier(expression = "p1d(1)", qualifier = Odd.class)
// :: error: (contracts.postcondition)
void e7a() {
// don't bother with implementation
@EnsuresQualifier(expression = "this.p1d(1)", qualifier = Odd.class)
// :: error: (contracts.postcondition)
void e7b() {
// don't bother with implementation
@EnsuresQualifier(expression = "MethodCallFlowExpr.p1d(1)", qualifier = Odd.class)
// :: error: (contracts.postcondition)
void e7c() {
// don't bother with implementation
void t1() {
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l1 = p1(1);
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l2 = p1(2);
@Odd String l3 = p1(1);
void t2() {
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l1 = p1("abc");
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l2 = p1("def");
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l2b = p1(1);
@Odd String l3 = p1("abc");
void t3() {
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l1 = p2("abc", 2L, p1(1));
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l2 = p2("abc", 2L, p1(2));
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l2b = p2("abc", 1L, p1(1));
@Odd String l3 = p2("abc", 2L, p1(1));
void t4() {
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l1 = p1b(2L);
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l2 = p1b(null);
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l2b = p1b(1L);
// FIXME: the following line shouldn't give an error
// (or at least it didn't give an error earlier)
// @Odd String l3 = p1b(2L);
void t5() {
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l1 = p1b(null);
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l2 = p1b(1L);
// FIXME: the following line shouldn't give an error
// (or at least it didn't give an error earlier)
// @Odd String l3 = p1b(null);
void t6() {
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l1 = p1c("abc");
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l2 = p1c("def");
@Odd String l3 = p1c("abc");
void t7() {
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l1 = p1d(1);
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l1b = MethodCallFlowExpr.p1d(1);
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l1c = this.p1d(1);
@Odd String l2 = p1d(1);
@Odd String l2b = MethodCallFlowExpr.p1d(1);
@Odd String l2c = this.p1d(1);
void t8() {
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l1 = p1d(1);
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l1b = MethodCallFlowExpr.p1d(1);
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l1c = this.p1d(1);
@Odd String l2 = p1d(1);
@Odd String l2b = MethodCallFlowExpr.p1d(1);
@Odd String l2c = this.p1d(1);
void t9() {
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l1 = p1d(1);
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l1b = MethodCallFlowExpr.p1d(1);
// :: error: (assignment)
@Odd String l1c = this.p1d(1);
@Odd String l2 = p1d(1);
@Odd String l2b = MethodCallFlowExpr.p1d(1);
@Odd String l2c = this.p1d(1);