blob: 1917cb6170dc6d723def7cdeca11390a97ad8c3a [file] [log] [blame]
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.DefaultQualifier;
import org.checkerframework.framework.qual.TypeUseLocation;
import org.checkerframework.framework.testchecker.h1h2checker.quals.*;
// Test defaulting behavior, e.g. that local variables, casts, and instanceof
// propagate the type of the respective sub-expression and that upper bounds
// are separately annotated.
public class Defaulting {
value = H1S1.class,
locations = {TypeUseLocation.LOCAL_VARIABLE})
class TestLocal {
void m(@H1S1 Object p1, @H1S2 Object p2) {
Object l1 = p1;
// :: error: (assignment)
Object l2 = p2;
value = H1Top.class,
locations = {TypeUseLocation.LOCAL_VARIABLE})
value = H1S1.class,
locations = {TypeUseLocation.UPPER_BOUND})
value = H1S2.class,
locations = {TypeUseLocation.OTHERWISE})
// Type of x is <@H1S2 X extends @H1S1 Object>, these annotations are siblings
// and should not be in the same bound
// :: warning: (inconsistent.constructor.type) :: error: (bound) :: error: (super.invocation)
class TestUpperBound<X extends Object> {
void m(X p) {
@H1S1 Object l1 = p;
// :: error: (assignment)
@H1S2 Object l2 = p;
Object l3 = p;
value = H1Top.class,
locations = {TypeUseLocation.LOCAL_VARIABLE})
value = H1S1.class,
locations = {TypeUseLocation.PARAMETER})
value = H1S2.class,
locations = {TypeUseLocation.OTHERWISE})
// :: warning: (inconsistent.constructor.type) :: error: (super.invocation)
class TestParameter {
void m(Object p) {
@H1S1 Object l1 = p;
// :: error: (assignment)
@H1S2 Object l2 = p;
Object l3 = p;
void call() {
// :: warning: (cast.unsafe.constructor.invocation)
m(new @H1S1 Object());
// :: error: (argument) :: warning: (cast.unsafe.constructor.invocation)
m(new @H1S2 Object());
// :: error: (argument)
m(new Object());
value = H1Top.class,
locations = {TypeUseLocation.LOCAL_VARIABLE})
value = H1S1.class,
locations = {TypeUseLocation.PARAMETER})
value = H1S2.class,
locations = {TypeUseLocation.OTHERWISE})
class TestConstructorParameter {
// :: warning: (inconsistent.constructor.type) :: error: (super.invocation)
TestConstructorParameter(Object p) {
@H1S1 Object l1 = p;
// :: error: (assignment)
@H1S2 Object l2 = p;
Object l3 = p;
void call() {
// :: warning: (cast.unsafe.constructor.invocation)
new TestConstructorParameter(new @H1S1 Object());
// :: error: (argument) :: warning: (cast.unsafe.constructor.invocation)
new TestConstructorParameter(new @H1S2 Object());
// :: error: (argument)
new TestConstructorParameter(new Object());
value = H1Top.class,
locations = {TypeUseLocation.LOCAL_VARIABLE})
value = H1S1.class,
locations = {TypeUseLocation.RETURN})
value = H1S2.class,
locations = {TypeUseLocation.OTHERWISE})
// :: warning: (inconsistent.constructor.type) :: error: (super.invocation)
class TestReturns {
Object res() {
// :: warning: (cast.unsafe.constructor.invocation)
return new @H1S1 Object();
void m() {
@H1S1 Object l1 = res();
// :: error: (assignment)
@H1S2 Object l2 = res();
Object l3 = res();
Object res2() {
// :: error: (return) :: warning: (cast.unsafe.constructor.invocation)
return new @H1S2 Object();
Object res3() {
// :: error: (return)
return new Object();
value = H1Top.class,
locations = {TypeUseLocation.LOCAL_VARIABLE})
value = H1S1.class,
locations = {TypeUseLocation.RECEIVER})
public class ReceiverDefaulting {
public ReceiverDefaulting() {}
public void m() {}
value = H1Top.class,
locations = {TypeUseLocation.LOCAL_VARIABLE})
class TestReceiver {
void call() {
// :: warning: (cast.unsafe.constructor.invocation)
@H1S1 ReceiverDefaulting r2 = new @H1S1 ReceiverDefaulting();
// :: warning: (cast.unsafe.constructor.invocation)
@H1S2 ReceiverDefaulting r3 = new @H1S2 ReceiverDefaulting();
ReceiverDefaulting r = new ReceiverDefaulting();
// :: error: (method.invocation)
// :: error: (method.invocation)