blob: 56ce83a938fdb1ae9cfe51151187854a1217483b [file] [log] [blame]
// Test case for Issue 681:
import org.checkerframework.framework.testchecker.h1h2checker.quals.H1S2;
// TODO: Issue is fixed, but test needs to be re-written in
// a way that actually checks the behavior.
* This class shows that non-explicitly written annotations on
* Inner types are not inserted correctly.
* The TestAnnotatedTypeFactory adds @H1S2 to the type of any variable
* whose name contains "addH1S2".
* <pre>
* javacheck -cp tests/build/ -processor h1h2checker.H1H2Checker tests/h1h2checker/
* javap -verbose Issue681\$Inner.class
* <pre>
* Outputs:
* ...
* <pre>
* Issue681$Inner addH1S2;
* descriptor: LIssue681$Inner;
* flags:
* RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations:
* 0: #10(): FIELD
* 1: #11(): FIELD
* Issue681$Inner explicitH1S2;
* descriptor: LIssue681$Inner;
* flags:
* RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations:
* 0: #11(): FIELD, location=[INNER_TYPE]
* 1: #10(): FIELD
* 2: #11(): FIELD
* </pre>
public class Issue681 {
class Inner {
@H1S2 Inner explicitH1S2;
Issue681.@H1S2 Inner explicitNestedH1S2;
@H1S2 Issue681.Inner explicitOneOuterH1S2;
Inner addH1S2;
@H1S2 Inner method(@H1S2 Inner paramExplicit, Inner nonAnno) {
return paramExplicit;